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Author Topic: Need Help With a Build  (Read 1596 times)

Need Help With a Build
« on: January 03, 2012, 04:52:07 am »

Second topic, lol. Yep, still new.

Anyways, I keep seeing the hints of a wipe occuring, which I assume means
"Everything is reset back to 0. Everyone is level 1 again, noone owns anything, yadda dee yadda ya, make a new character!"

Well, i've come to relize my current character... was a "Try out" character, and I want to create a more serious one.

Hard to explain what I'm looking for... basically... Big Gun crafting/using guy. (Basically cause I've always been "That Tank Guy". While my brother generally does the quicker-silent approach to things in games, i've always just kicked the door down and shot everything with bullets. Lots and lots of bullets. Until it was dead. Or in the event it wasn't, use more bullets until it was dead. And if that didn't work, well then I was stumped.... and I wanted to, you know. Make these weapons for other people and such.)

Someone to use in battle, someone that can craft guns for a faction when I join one.
Originally, my stats for my try-out was
With Fast Shot and, Bloody Mess as Perks (I know. Bloody mess. USELESS... "try-out this MMO" character again.) And Big Guns, Barter, Outdoorsman tagged.

I reworked it and got
Fast Shot/Fast Metabolism - Big Guns, Repair, Science tagged.

I haven't dabbled with drugs so I have no clue what it could boost to.
Any ideas on a good build for what I'm seeking?

Last topic~
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 04:54:26 am by Grimno »
Re: Need Help With a Build
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2012, 07:03:37 am »

So i heard, that at BG characters LK can be completely neglected, since the target meets a bulletstorm anyway. As for CHarisma, it can be left at 2 and boosted up to acceptable level with beer. ST 7 worked pretty well for crafting and BG handling for me, so i spent mainly in AG for the perspective of two Bonus Rate of Fire perks (two minigun volleys per round or rocket launchers in two changeable slots) and EN for hitpoints (8), the rest i spent at IN.
I wouldn't use Jet anymore just for AP, because of drawbacks.
As for a crafter, i leveled SG up to 100, just so i don't drop the easier-to-get leveling weapon every time at hunting, a car also replaced my Outdoor skill - the low skill is handy for quick leveling, since you get a encounter every goddamn two meters. (mostly around my hunting residence tent)
Wasteland is a tricky business.
Re: Need Help With a Build
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2012, 09:23:06 am »

Well see I wanted to raise luck, cause on my current character, with a luck of 3, i've had 2 guns explode in my hands already...


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Re: Need Help With a Build
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2012, 01:53:00 pm »

I reworked it and got
Fast Shot/Fast Metabolism - Big Guns, Repair, Science tagged.

I haven't dabbled with drugs so I have no clue what it could boost to.
Any ideas on a good build for what I'm seeking?

Last topic~

7 endurance is a waste. - Endurance should always be an even number. For tanks it should be max.

3 charisma is a waste. - Use mentats or trade with traders who trades with cha 1 chars.

4 luck is a waste. - For BG I highly recommend 6 to allow for BG perks such as BRD and Toughness.

Fast shot is a waste. It only works with weapons that can target body parts.

Fast metabolism is a waste. It wont heal you when you need it.

The Repair and Science tags is a waste. - Make a dedicated crafter and a dedicated PvP char.

Insisting on making a hybrid char? Most gangs will ask you to make a dedicated PvP char upon joining. Still insisting?

Without drugs, try
St - 7
Pe - 5
En - 10
Ch - 1
In - 5
Ag - 7
Lu - 6

Tag BG, Repair and science. Use small frame. Allows for toughness and brd. Also take 2 lifegivers for 250 hp. Smoke some cigs to get 38 sightrange, which is fine for your rockets. Drink a nuka to get 9 AP.

However, this build would die when facing a dedicated PvP ape.

With drugs, it gets more interesting, try buffouts for an extra 2 St, psycho for 1 more St and Damage Resistance (DR). Jet for more AP, but with a loss to Pe and and DR. Maybe throw in a Weapon Handling perk and you could start with a St as low as 2.
"Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil."
- Niccolo Machiavelli -


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Re: Need Help With a Build
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2012, 06:48:58 pm »

was you want a build for next wipe right?
if so no luck is needed is toughness and brod now.

bger only useing only nuka (for next wipe) and is not really a power build just a good bger to start with.

7,6,10,1(find 1 ch trader or use mentants or your bro),6,9,1

lvl 3 quick recovery
lvl 6 toughness
lvl 9 bonus ranged damage (make sure you have atleast 150 bg so you take it.
lvl 12 life giver
lvl 15 life giver
lvl 18 bonus ranged damage+ (have 175 bg so you can take)
lvl 21 more ranged damage (have 200 bg to take)
lvl 24 even more tough

hp 247
bg - 222
fa - 120
doc -  50
od - 120
damage res -15 percent
damage thres  - 5

does not need drugs to fire but nuka gives 10 ap!id=219 (--- link to build try out new planner yourself( might need to use google chrome to open it)

Roaming the waste again.
Re: Need Help With a Build
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2012, 08:45:45 pm »

Thanks for the advice.
Will map out a new character based on it.

Was still thinking of using a Hybrid character since I work best with those, but as I was staring at the creation screen to just map one out, relized it wouldn't be so simple.

Will probably just use a pure BG PVP character.

Besides small frame, what other perk at start should I pick, as well as the tag skills?
BG would be one of course, suggestions on the other two? Figured FA would be one~
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 09:02:10 pm by Grimno »


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Re: Need Help With a Build
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2012, 09:54:38 pm »

Thanks for the advice.
Will map out a new character based on it.

Your welcome, and yeah, planning new chars is half the fun sometimes!
Also, my suggestions is for this session only, I cant really say whats gonna work, and not work, after wipe.

Besides small frame, what other perk at start should I pick, as well as the tag skills?
BG would be one of course, suggestions on the other two? Figured FA would be one~

Small Frame and Good Natured is a common combo. It boosts both FA and DOC with a penalty to BG. Tag both DOC and FA and the bonus from Good Natured is well worth it. (-10 to BG and +15 to both DOC and FA. You get 20 free SP).

NOTE: DOC and FA wont work in a TB battle, but most of the gang battles happens in RT (as in TC).

DOC is a very handy counter to those pesky cripplers. FA could be replaced with OD, since superstims will be needed anyhow in fights. But then the bonus from Good Natured is only +5.

Now you just gotta figure out wheter to make a drug build or not.

As for a dedicated crafterbuild, you didnt ask about it, but Ill throw out some ideas for you anyways. Take 10 int and skilled, and you can have BG2 and ARM2 crafter by level 4. (You still need to get to level 5 before crafting HQ alloys). Such a char can be levelled pretty fast, maybe by just doing quests.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 10:03:53 pm by Spotty »
"Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil."
- Niccolo Machiavelli -
Re: Need Help With a Build
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2012, 12:39:40 am »

Sounds good.

Probably won't do crafter for now, and i'll do FA and DOC after the wipe and such, make something etc,etc.

Kinda ironic too, Crazy 88's were the group I was looking at at first when it came to "Who looks like a good group to try and join..." XD
Who knows~
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