Having much fun lately around san fran,the big problem are big gunner swarmers with 3 shots per turn,200 more hp,and bonus sequence.
What i am asking is:what is the sequence i need to get first turn in such TB encounters,and still not fuck up my build..?
Or else,what is the highest sequence a big gunner can get without fucking his build..?
any tactic hints,considering i m often 1vs 2 players..?
I was thinking to:
1 str plus jet.
9 per plus cigarettes
4 endurance,not giving any fuck about hp
1 ch
6 int
9 agi plus nuka.
10 luck
finesse and good natured maybe,or why not going for one hander and focusing on .223-needler.
With average gun we have 3 armshot with 55% percent crits,or 2 eyes with 223,or one and cover with sniper rifle.
more crit
better crit
weapon handling
more sequence
more sequence.
12 ap.
That s just an hypotesis,criticize please.All xp in small guns,to cover -20% malus from 4 str to wield 223 or sniper rifle.