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Author Topic: Exping speed  (Read 2104 times)

Exping speed
« on: February 17, 2010, 03:18:40 pm »

I think that exping system needs to be put in order a bit ;).

Either make exp gained for all activities diminish equally, the same way as for killing critters now (it could work like a "swift learner" perk with a minus value, given each level) or make experience required to advance a level progress faster (kinda like in F: Tactics, where you had to gain >100k exp. points to advance from level 24 to 25 - I don't remember the exact values).

When it's done, the level capacity wouldn't be needed anymore - most players would stay at level 10-15, since further advancing would require too much time. As for hardcore players, well, just let them grind if they like ;), they play an important role in the games universe as well.

That's what I think  :P.
Re: Exping speed
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2010, 03:36:14 pm »

Well, all i have to say is that you think wrong.
I give a fuck.


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Re: Exping speed
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2010, 03:46:26 pm »

would be pretty dumb to reduce the exp gained now, sorry, but i'll have to agree to 50% with quentin...
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Re: Exping speed
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2010, 03:53:51 pm »

Need to make more XP from quests. And, of couse, more level cap, so you can't do them all at 1st level for power level up.

Or just more quests... but i think it's in progress.
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Re: Exping speed
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2010, 04:20:47 pm »

That is retarded, there is nothing "hardcore" about getting to 21 and it's already a bitch.
Re: Exping speed
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2010, 05:52:56 pm »

Before the wipe, reaching the levelcap was a matter of hours. After that, either you went PvP or the game stopped at that point, offering nothing above. Now it's a matter of days and then you start making another alt. I think that advancing a character should be long enough a process for a max level to stop being considered as an objective. If achieveing a maximum character developement took 1 year of intense playing, would you be even trying to get to it? I wouldn't. I would enjoy the game as it is from a low level perspective and every little step forward in a skill/stat progress would be motivating.

Of course, it would be hard to lenghten the character leveling with a levelcap being inevitably set on 21. That's why along with diminishing exp I suggested increasing a maximum level - to make perspectives for a lone player greater, but harder to achieve.

Giving to players everything that the game has to offer right here and right now is not the way to go. Sometimes it's better to make the candy take longer to get, in order to make it taste better afterwards.

That's how I see it.
Re: Exping speed
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2010, 05:59:38 pm »

Before the wipe, reaching the levelcap was a matter of hours. After that, either you went PvP or the game stopped at that point, offering nothing above. Now it's a matter of days and then you start making another alt. I think that advancing a character should be long enough a process for a max level to stop being considered as an objective. If achieveing a maximum character developement took 1 year of intense playing, would you be even trying to get to it? I wouldn't. I would enjoy the game as it is from a low level perspective and every little step forward in a skill/stat progress would be motivating.

Of course, it would be hard to lenghten the character leveling with a levelcap being inevitably set on 21. That's why along with diminishing exp I suggested increasing a maximum level - to make perspectives for a lone player greater, but harder to achieve.

Giving to players everything that the game has to offer right here and right now is not the way to go. Sometimes it's better to make the candy take longer to get, in order to make it taste better afterwards.

That's how I see it.

Fully agreed to make leveling after 12-15 level a bit... slower. So you need to focus on playing very much to get max level. I have alot alts, most for testing, and level up, when you know this game, very very very easy, especially when you get "inheritance" from previous characters.
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Re: Exping speed
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2010, 06:09:08 pm »

yes, inheritance, quite so, 5k small energy cells is quite an inheritance
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Re: Exping speed
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2010, 06:23:53 pm »

yes, inheritance, quite so, 5k small energy cells is quite an inheritance

Hmm, i was talking about weapon, ammo, tent and caps for 3 level prof (i never play pure fighers). Also, if you're not loner, your friends will power level up you on centaurs/deathclaws/floaters/muties, so...
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Re: Exping speed
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2010, 07:38:01 pm »

It will only increase distance between "grindes" and "normal players" - first ones will achieve max level sooner or later, others will have no chance to do so without playing 24/7.
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Re: Exping speed
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2010, 07:38:55 pm »

yeah, if you can survive the muties... tried and failed, always get targeted by their weapons, with 60 hp i'm pretty screwed if they shoot at me...
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Re: Exping speed
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2010, 09:10:52 pm »

First of all, your ideas on what a "normal" player is are totally skewed. It's very long getting from 15 to 21 if you aren't a crafter and most characters are useless until they hit 15 so low level playing sucks pretty hard. There is nothing to gain by extending the amount of time it takes to level because there isn't anything else to do atm. Games like wow stretch everything out ridiculously because they want to suck your bank account dry and to give time for really stupid people to grasp the game before hitting max level. Since fonline is a pretty simple game once you know how everything works this is pointless.


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Re: Exping speed
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2010, 12:31:22 pm »

Exactly. The mmorpg should be a loooooong game to play, but there must be put sth 'in between', so it won't get boring as sh...

I would be totally for extending te time to reach max lvl IF AND ONLY IF there would be a ready 'entertainement' in between - a handful of diverse quests for a total begginers (1-3lvl), a handful of diverse quests for 'not-total begginers' (3-6lvl) etc. plus diversified and long chain of crafting/gathering resources, more games like boxing. Generally - much, much more possibilities to do.

What's the point in making reaching level 6 (from lvl5) a 30 hours of playing, if after about 5 hours of playing on lvl 5 there is nothing much left to do (except grinding or making random pointless fun like RP) and after reaching lvl6 there is still nothing NEW to do? Then what? 35 hours to get lvl 7 and still nothing new?

No, not yet. Later maybe, but not now

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Re: Exping speed
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2010, 12:58:10 pm »

Generally I think 21 level is a low limit so reaching it should take much time.


1. 21 level limit is fair. Endurance, life giver, toughness, drugs already, heavy weaponry and armory can already make great machine of death unbeatable for "typical" PvE build to role play.

2. Crafting experience is unbalanced. AK-112 what takes 110 minutes of cool down gives you 210 experience points. I know it's only an upgrade, but instead of making it you can gain more experience producing 500 pieces of 10mm ammo. Constructing advanced weapons in safe environment gives you more experience than hunting death claws in caves or floaters in a desert. For me it's much easier to level crafter than fighter.

3. The very last levels as 19, 20, 21 have too low experience requirements, especially people take point that after reaching level 21 they have nothing to do. So they create other character.


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Re: Exping speed
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2010, 01:05:17 pm »

well, there is always the rp and pvp option available after hitting the max lvl, thats parctically what i plan to do (rp & a bit of pvp) when my energy gunner has managed to reach a desirable level.
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