my only worry is how to find a good amount of energy cells (seems that they're pretty hard to get in fonline heh)
another thing is the repair skill need to mantain weapons and the car. Is it really needed (at high percentage)?
About 120-150% Repair should be enough (with Tool in active hand), however I've repaired with 180% and never failed. Welcome to 2238.
To make SEC (Small Energy Cells) create an alt, call him like SECmaker823, tag Energy Wepons, Science and something. You need at least 30% EW and 40% Science to make SEC, but you should be able to do so on first level of SECmaker823.
Excuse me, but ALT for this? Are you kidding? This is MMORPG, there are people here except you, who can make sell you this. If everyone thinks this way, there is no reason to play multiplayer game.I suggest: Make friends, trade with them, you can offer them something, they can give you something...thats whats multiplayer world is about.I know I might be naive but in my opinion, you are ruining multiplayer world with having ALT for everything.
Alt is the fastest, the most comfortable way, not looking for some generous SEC vendor. I only adapted to existing rules, multiplayer or not. Deal with it.