Other > Winter 2011/2012
Changes for some perks..
HtH Evade is needed to change that it counts only main hand, not second too.
It's mean to be for HtH fighters only (75% unarmed, second takes 150% unarmed)
And HtH guys only keep 1 weapon with them on main hand and second hand hold healing item.. well mostly.
--- Quote from: Solar on December 14, 2011, 02:00:10 pm ---They should be for medics, not combat builds with some FA.
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For medic, a "don't shoot on the medic!" perk who raise AC when standing still with paramedic bag in hand? :P
--- Quote ---I can't remember what the new HP equation will be, if it still means odd En is useless then it should change, rather than keep LG on evens
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Oh, well, ofc if uneven EN become useful... But atm I think it's still useless, the Hp gain is still EN/2 (only the +2 each level have been removed).
--- Quote from: Solar on December 14, 2011, 02:00:10 pm ---Higher FA is its own reward anyway, not sure if the requirements need to come down. They should be for medics, not combat builds with some FA.
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The wut? I can tell there's no such thing as medic unless in proxy form or as crafter alt. Fighting comes always first unless it's a sneaker. After putting enough points in main gunskill remaining points are first allocated in doc and then in FA. If superstims are plenty, fa won't even be needed.
Moving fa and carryweight related perks to support would surely increase their popularity. I can assure nobody in his right mind will choose fa perks over lifegiver or action boy.
EDIT: actually it would be cool to have a medic class the same way there's merc leader and slaver classes that are used occasionally. The thing is this class should be a damn health powerhouse but with the current perks he just won't be any better than a guy who has 50 superstims and just keeps pumping them in everybody who's hurt.
Of course, by medic I mean someone who invests properly into the skill to be able to go all the way up the perk tree for it. (Instead of being a dodger etc)
Not some limp wristed char who only has FA.
greece crisis:
Field medic? It is usless. Well if some one is knocked down he will be dead is 5s. There allready increased hp to 290hp and dead man walking special perk, so it is additional +60hp before you die. And surf please leave lsw and mini/av alone. Make m60 stationary defend weapon but leave rest. Boost assault rifle lvl3 - it is v expensive weapon but totally usles, it could be like laser rifle 42-45range and with some perk, or req str 4- because it is composite weapon so it is lighter
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