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Author Topic: help with bank system economic stuff  (Read 1279 times)


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help with bank system economic stuff
« on: December 12, 2011, 03:35:56 am »

Survival guides / game help

Econimy should be included in that right?

....ok I didnt find it. Mabey im spelling it rong.

So, with the bank,
Hub NCR SF ect, have all been 0.% Intrest.
-Is it at all possible to fix this?
Is this a person to person effect on everyone or just one persons own intrest gain?

At what point does your tent go away, only after 30 days of no visit/log-online?

I need help finding where to buy cars, I am positive the wiki is none spicific as to who to speek with for purches of vehicles. :(

At what point does a desert egal take head splitting effect?

-small guns - 150 *
= not instent K.O or death apown foe.. ....what is done rong?

how do you avert K.O with .... Combat armer... ? or , what charicter does best ageinst K O.  .  . . ?

thanks abunch for help.


  • just some canadian guy
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Re: help with bank system economic stuff
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2011, 06:15:03 am »

hmmm well your questions are a little messy but i will try but best to understand what you mean.

there is no interest right now because at start of wipe we had it and by the half way mark we all had millions of caps and they where worth next to nothing. you where paying something like 30k each ba from other players and even then you left you where paying too little. no one gets interest when there is interest everyone gets it does not depend on time active in game.

desert eagle sucks in general you wont ever be doing "head splitting effects" it also does not help you have low luck. (side note - dont take 4 luck it either 1,6 or 10) you would also need better criticals to do anything good with desert eagle.

to avoid knock outs and knock downs you need high end and stonewall.
armor atm does not effect criticals, next wipe it will thou.

my advice to you is too make a sniper build if you want to do good damage with small guns. 10 pe and 10 luck are a must for snipers.

Roaming the waste again.
Re: help with bank system economic stuff
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2011, 10:51:21 am »

-small guns - 150 *
= not instent K.O or death apown foe.. ....what is done rong?

The amount of points in a skill doesn't affect its damage, only chance to hit.
An instant-KO critical only has a chance to be done with the perk "Better Criticals", if thats what you meant.
Everything must change.


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Re: help with bank system economic stuff
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2011, 02:57:50 am »


I c.....

thanks for the intell.

much aprecheated.
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