Survival guides / game help
Econimy should be included in that right?
....ok I didnt find it. Mabey im spelling it rong.
So, with the bank,
Hub NCR SF ect, have all been 0.% Intrest.
-Is it at all possible to fix this?
Is this a person to person effect on everyone or just one persons own intrest gain?
At what point does your tent go away, only after 30 days of no visit/log-online?
I need help finding where to buy cars, I am positive the wiki is none spicific as to who to speek with for purches of vehicles.

At what point does a desert egal take head splitting effect?
-small guns - 150 *
= not instent K.O or death apown foe.. ....what is done rong?
how do you avert K.O with .... Combat armer... ? or , what charicter does best ageinst K O. . . . ?
thanks abunch for help.