would it reveal the radio channel by there name as well? like as Fizzle(0) if i was on channel 0?
If player A & player B have met before...
That sounds vague and difficult to make, unless you stick to a real parameter to check if "you've met" the guy who's on the radio or not. For example, the name could appear if you have tagged that character green or red, or if both of you are in the same faction.
Doesn't sound very vague at all. Although I'm guessing it's something the engine can't handle.
The whole red tag green tag thing wouldn't really work at all and would basically destroy the whole idea.
So you're running past NCR Bazaar and some herpa derp troll who's not talking to you mentions Eternauta and it means you've met me? Also it can be abusable (create a new character and start typing character names). I think green/red tagging makes more sense.