there are so many assholes on the server. i played for 4-5 hours, i was attacked by other players twice, all the equipment and hard work gone in seconds.what's the point in playing the game, it's only waste of time.
I wasn't so active latelly, so now the life expectancy of bluesuits and miners is much better. 4-5 hours and only 2 deaths it's outrageous, I don't know what the other pk's are doing but they are lame.
The bunker was your own fault getting rapped. Being in Redding again your own fault, but the other stuff that goes on in places like NCR, and so forth, may be the 'game' but it's just a bunch of punks abusing weaker players. They should go to wow where they have to actually work for their kills in pvp, then watch them whine.
I agree, There should be SOME -AND- PUBLIC haven for weaker players, or those just looking for some chatter.
O'rly?"Public" means available for everyone, including trolls, assholios, retards, bored kids, whatever. Not possible to combine "public" and "safe", sir.
But a public safe area would have safe guards in place to protect against these people. You missed the point. a SAFEHAVEN, available to ALL PLAYERS (meaning all levels).