Other > Closed suggestions
Making the black metal guy run
Mr Feltzer:
Black Guy cant run............ @_@ What world is this
I don't understand why this isn't in game yet :o
--- Quote from: Jotisz on October 07, 2012, 03:07:59 pm ---Bumping this thread up from its grave. The following link contains the Black metal guy with almost all animations except K and L set aka Minigun, Laser and Flamer (fun thing they were done too I just lost them and gotta remake like the J set which I was able to finish)
Download from here:
I hope this guy can make it to fonline would be nice to see the black dude with better equipments maybe even as some none melee mercenary :)
--- End quote ---
Jotisz please do something with your inbox because it's full :(
Btw quite impressive work on the black metal dude, I'm looking forward to see the missing minigun and laser sets :)
Black metal guy with minigun, so fucking baddass, I hope this will be playable sooner than "soon".
I think it will come only as an NPC although I know someone has made the combat armor version, but since there are already 3 male type of characters if I have time to make then I will do a female critter (there is a punk girl that I think is almost or close to finish).
Ofcourse mini and laser will be made.
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