Other > Closed suggestions
Making the black metal guy run
First thanks for the welcoming of the idea:)
To answer the question on 3D vs 2D. (hm its gonna be long and a bit of topic...)
2D has a certain charm the new characters that were made with the copy paste method (bald and long haired dude the famous NPC armor mod and other ones), they look fitting since they use elements from the existing critter repertoar.
Creating them sometimes easy sometimes hard it depends on what we want to create a recoloring could be easy after we get the matching colors we need also a copy paste could be easy too if all animation sets are present in both the original and the newly made critter, in cases when there are missing frms the work can get harder its no longer copy paste but lot of fine tuning and checking.
This makes mass production of new critters hard especially since for that we need a psd or xcf file with all parts of the critters we want to mix this would lead to 1000+ file with layers and photoshop scripts, also with this method recreating a missing animation that has no reference could take a lot of time see NPC armor mode Vic he can wear all armor now but you can see some places that there were tricks used I did some minor things on him so I know of some tricks like the fliping of views using the reverse of some weapon pulling animation for putting them away however they ended up good I think Josan made a lot of work on them and it shows.
Making the muties and ghouls run would need to be done by redrawing all of those criters in runing poses for such things copy paste can't work its possible just hard for something like this a 3D model would be the answer since if you get a camera setup done you can create a character make animation for it add any other critter later that is similar and the only thing you need is to do is compere it to the others if it fits then its done later you decide lets change the color of the outfit no need to go through the frms its just a texture change. The good thing in 3D that it makes adding new contents easy.
And it can be rendered and made into an frm later so if you succeed in making it to fit in with the 2d sprites you can even try to add it to the original game. For the succes of the 3D I can say to check the little girl critter it was done in 3D, or look up the Olympus 2207 total conversion which introduce new critters that are made from rendered 3d characters they have some real gory death anims.
And if we get to anims a little spamming for the 3d development if you check the character animation topic in the thread you can see some bursting action with blood and muzle flash actions. I have a feeling that these will look just as the 2D sprites in the end.
Bumping this thread up from its grave. The following link contains the Black metal guy with almost all animations except K and L set aka Minigun, Laser and Flamer (fun thing they were done too I just lost them and gotta remake like the J set which I was able to finish)
Download from here:
I hope this guy can make it to fonline would be nice to see the black dude with better equipments maybe even as some none melee mercenary :)
Didn't noticed that it wasn't implemented yet.
You have my support, Jotisz, especially, you provided the solution ages ago!
I am a little confused about this.
Last cession, there was a big price difference between the black guy and the other fighters, thanks to his unability to run.
It allowed poor players to buy a melee character that was very efficient (far better than ghouls or knives girl) in pve, and farm his first stuff.
Now, all mercenaries are cheaper, and very poor player can afford every kind of melee mercenaries. So a running black mercenaries won't affect poor players.
But if prices go high, like last cession, when North bandit bought thousand of mercs for their optimized militia, the whole concept of a cheap good mercenary for pve would sink into the waste.
To OT: Jostisz great that you found it and great job you did it. Hope it gets implemented sooner than soon.
--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on October 29, 2011, 06:36:56 pm ---Finally.
my army of erm... Blac- ... god i hate having to be politically correct, "african americans" will finally rule the wastes, instead of constantly banging ncr caravans to death or committing homicide within NCR walls. ;D
--- End quote ---
Dont know what is the problem. So his skin color is black, others are white or yellow, ..., or they have tattoos all over. Who the hell cares about such thing? The only thing he is different is the color, so why not use it for describing? If he didnt have an ear, you would say, its the one with only one ear.
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