Other > Closed suggestions

Making the black metal guy run

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--- Quote from: Jotisz on October 07, 2012, 03:07:59 pm ---Bumping this thread up from its grave. The following link contains the Black metal guy with almost all animations except  K and L set aka Minigun, Laser and Flamer (fun thing they were done too I just lost them and gotta remake like the J set which I was able to finish)
--- End quote ---

Very impressive! Thanks a lot Jotisz, I will put the animations in the game.
The most important are spear, prod and running, because they will be useful for the melee merc.
Sadly other sequences won't be very useful in 2238 in the moment but I will add them anyway for the future.

theres absolutely no reason for him to be running unless 42 inch LCD TVs are also added...

Very Cool, good thing you had the solution at hand. Otherwise you'd be told to wait a couple more years for 3d to be finished which is sadly what happens whenever someone even brings up making frames.
"Wait for 3d to come out"
I guess I am ranting so I'll kill this right here. Nice Work dude.

Nice one!

Added, wait for update.


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