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Author Topic: The New Californian Republic annexes border states  (Read 22769 times)

Re: The New Californian Republic annexes border states
« Reply #105 on: October 08, 2011, 07:26:45 pm »

You don't have a PipBoy, it's just the interface.
Then in what part of body do I put holodisks to read and store information?


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Re: The New Californian Republic annexes border states
« Reply #106 on: October 08, 2011, 07:40:43 pm »

It's funny to see how some, who believe themselves intelligent and smart, are able to reduce a complex human environment in two boxes:


It's even funnier how you reduce other people's thoughts to something that has nothing to do with what they are saying.
Re: The New Californian Republic annexes border states
« Reply #107 on: October 08, 2011, 07:55:35 pm »

I have to say, this ''event'' was defenitly a horrible idea. Not only did it give an advantage to ONE pre-determined Faction. (TSAR who couldnt loose the town but could still fill with militia, without anyone being able to do anything about it.) Sheriff and TC should absolutly NOT have been disabled for any reason whatsoever.'The needs of the many overcomes the needs of the few' and in this case you gave a few people what they wanted, and screwed the many royally.

Both in-game and on the forums: 1 out of 10 players is happy with the situation. (Prolly a TSAR)
And 9 out of 10 think its bullshit and ruining their fun. (Everyone else)

Like many people pointed out: There were plenty of other towns where you could go make those events without messing the TC.  And the fact that PLAYERS asked you to make THEIR TOWN immune to TC from OTHERS while they still kept the militia!??! How could you ever give them such privilege? You should defenetly have realised that would not be accepted by all the other gangs.

You claim you did it all because you were tired of the 'drama' that went on in redding. Its not any of your buisness what players decide to do with their time. If THEY didnt like it, they would have just went and played somewhere else. Truth of the matter is: ever since all that 'drama' started, Redding as been more active than ever. TC gangs started attacking again, PK roams the mines, redding citizens or supporters armed themselves to fight the invasions.

Ever since the even started however, transit is down to a minimum in Redding, everyone goes in a different town and avoid Redding as much as as veterans avoid NCR. Its simply become a troll town full of pk campers. And the NCR guards actually makes it impossible to defend the town.


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Re: The New Californian Republic annexes border states
« Reply #108 on: October 08, 2011, 08:00:21 pm »

When I got the time, I'm gonna make a new character and do the quests, because I am sure I've read some little part of a dialogue with a NPC who mentions the player character's Pip-Boy.

Must be due to different quest writers then. Probably old Vault City stuff- it was made when there existed no kind of lore-document.

Not that it matters much now anyway.


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Re: The New Californian Republic annexes border states
« Reply #109 on: October 08, 2011, 08:59:46 pm »

The map has been regenerated and the server rebooted. This reverted the map to its state from the day one (a necessary step to fix a TC bug, present in all towns, introduced by the event). This means that all militia npcs are now gone, however the town controllers retained the control.


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Re: The New Californian Republic annexes border states
« Reply #110 on: October 09, 2011, 09:48:03 pm »

Militia was a pretty bad idea to begin with. However this is just a test, maybe, some of the bad features will be removed later!  :)
Re: The New Californian Republic annexes border states
« Reply #111 on: October 10, 2011, 11:45:14 am »

Is it possibly that the game designers, could make a togglable button for activating and deactivating PVP, with a 15 minute cool down? This way everyone will be satisfied.  :)


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Re: The New Californian Republic annexes border states
« Reply #112 on: October 10, 2011, 11:52:29 am »

The abuse is high in this idea.
Re: The New Californian Republic annexes border states
« Reply #113 on: October 10, 2011, 01:26:02 pm »

I think the idea was good, it was only one town, there are loads of other towns that even if TC in Redding was disabled would be open. However, the NCR guards caused a lot more problems then they acually solved. When we had an raider in downtown, if we hit him, then NCR guards jumped us. So the NCR guards created a chaos, unabling us to keep things in order in downtown area.

About this Event? I am encuraged to see that a GM tries to manipulate the dead nature (NPCs) making them doing something in the game other then ban people (Needed yes, just talking about how the "image" is created). I hope too see more of those things (possibly with players beign the guards or attackers?) so the game got something "refreshing" like someone called it. Events inside the game not outside of it is the stuff  ;) So yeah, cant wait for more! :)

No TC box, Town cannot be taken, i think it was fair :) (You know how expensive is this militia right?)
Re: The New Californian Republic annexes border states
« Reply #114 on: October 10, 2011, 04:13:09 pm »


Sgt. Jerkings to Mr. Woordarmgeisht

Some secret guys from Brotherhood of Steel finally get some stuff that can ma...

With this words guy from enclave poop 3 times, eatching and scratching ears and head 2 times jumping around left leg by right leg,  and fail on the ground.

Mr. Woordarmgeisht to Mr. Woordarmgeisht with slowly failing evil laugh and evil smile
Oh, my head hurts.

And he fail to chair with last breath in air.

Doc. Orwan Dumbrman to Doc. Orwan Dumbrman

Ah, its definitely this thing i think.

Doc. Orwan Dumbrman constant death from violent evil sarcastic joke and fail to table muttering about hard life at Navarro and regular inspections at office.


info from tape salvaged from good enclave soldier nearby navarro:

Mission to raiders, Enclave, all type of slavers, bounty hunters, and all type of junkies from M%y$E3w<data corrupted>



Get some guns and get rid of Enclave :D

Let the Force be with You.


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Re: The New Californian Republic annexes border states
« Reply #115 on: October 18, 2011, 09:20:27 am »

That actually makes it worse ::) You really don't see a problem with helping one gang against the others? And yeah, "nothing" is much better than breaking something that was working perfectly fine. The moral of this riveting tale is not "GMs shouldn't partake in actual Fallout lore" (whatever that is, I don't recall NCR securing any other towns as early as 2238), it's "GMs should take a while and think about consequences of their actions before they start pissing people off".

I am looking forward to your groundbreaking, awards winning (as you can never hesistate to mention it!), nobel prize RPG. I am sure it will breach prosa as we know it, poems will have to be newly defined etc  just by your awesome skills. No wonder 2238 goes down the shitter! We just need multiple instances of Nice_Boat !  ::)
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 09:22:21 am by Surf »
Re: The New Californian Republic annexes border states
« Reply #116 on: October 18, 2011, 06:32:41 pm »

As I said personally I liked the idea the lamest excuse to deny it was the time frame however as I said
Well we are at 2259 now since a min equal an ig hour, so it wasn't that out of the context...
The current time is even more forward therefore we long have passed the end of Fallout 2 I think anything can be made now since it wouldn't mess with the time line anymore not as if 2259 would have messed anything.
I'm a bit sad it ended in just a reset of towns but well not all can end good. Anyway I hope there will be something similar with better welcoming and with a good non linear story arch where player actions would determine the outcome.
Re: The New Californian Republic annexes border states
« Reply #117 on: October 19, 2011, 12:09:53 pm »

The problem was not the idee, it was just how this project had make, on a town who have multiple conflict between lot of faction, and initiate by one of this faction. The major probleme that was not totatly ncr taking town, just 4 ncr guard for one team....


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Re: The New Californian Republic annexes border states
« Reply #118 on: October 20, 2011, 01:52:13 am »

I am looking forward to your groundbreaking, awards winning (as you can never hesistate to mention it!), nobel prize RPG. I am sure it will breach prosa as we know it, poems will have to be newly defined etc  just by your awesome skills. No wonder 2238 goes down the shitter! We just need multiple instances of Nice_Boat !  ::)
Nice strawman argument there. The problem is I didn't say anything about my skills being better than yours or even your skills being bad, I just said that you dropped the ball big time which could've been easily avoided if in the heat of the moment you paused for a minute to think about the consequences of supporting one player faction against the others/breaking a TC-enabled town, not to mention the poor execution of this idea so many people here have already mentioned. Another problem is that instead of learning from your mistakes you get verbally aggressive on anyone daring to criticize you, but since from what I've heard you're no longer a GM after this latest stunt that's just this one problem solved ::)
« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 02:05:30 am by Nice_Boat »
Re: The New Californian Republic annexes border states
« Reply #119 on: October 20, 2011, 08:59:41 am »

The problem was not the idee, it was just how this project had make, on a town who have multiple conflict between lot of faction, and initiate by one of this faction. The major probleme that was not totatly ncr taking town, just 4 ncr guard for one team....
I know Redding was always a central place with all the big factions trying to take control of it. However as I said previously all the other towns wouldn't have made sense if they were taken by NCR. The problem that TC action broke in Redding wasn't such a big problem after all there are plenty of other cities around and as far as I understand it wasn't meant to be forever well it didn't last much time also, but the ending of it it was... can't say anything of it I expected something else can't grasp what but something more...
Personally what I see wasn't the loss of a TC town but not used up opportunity that could have given some color to the game (the recent news about TC and factions will sure give some nice touch to the game after wipe btw).
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