Well, I'll try to make this looks simple as I think.
I guess most of the people here played Fallout 2/Fallout and enjoyed it, I mostly enjoyed the part when you have to invade the enclave's base... I've replayed this part many times, always had fun into blasting my way into that base, or even try going stealthy.
Attention - Le Wall of Text ahead.
It would be nice to have some quests, encounters or locations (raids, maybe?) with mobs to blast your way through them. I'm not saying like: "Go there and kill 20 Raiders and I'll give you 500 caps". What I meant is a three floor base, full of dudes with guns and armors, lots of rooms to go exploring and multiple ways to get through the place, the base could have loot in secret areas (locked rooms, wich you get keys talking to neutral npcs inside the base, like prisioners who tried to steal keys but got the wrong one.). Bosses with more ways to defeat instead of blasting his face off, with unique loots, places that you could only get in and out alive with a big team. (Only make they get inside if they go in all together... that would make people who have leadership characters more usefull)
Turrets with viewzones, and consoles, make science guys usefull and hack the turrets so they turn agaisn't enimies, or disable them. Lockpick guys to open locked doors with safer ways through the place, or with hidden loot inside. Trapper guys to remove.. well.. traps, puzzles inside that require timing in greater distances (Make radios usefull!), it's endless possibilites.
What I'm trying to say is, that the game could have more PVE action, instead of random encounters with raiders & dogs beating the crap out of eachother, use locations that are really hard to get thought, that people actually have to think and have teamwork to get in and out, instead of douchebagging your way inside with a m60 in burst mode with 3.000 bullets and 50 stimpacks in full buff mode.
I guess that would make PVE more enjoyable, and would be a nice thing to do when you hit level 21, go inside a super-hard place that requires teamwork with a good team. (That would make the community interact itself inside the game, and also make the radio usefull) Places for low levels too, like rider camps with nice little Riders and something like an option for getting a Shared XP bonus when you finish the location would be nice.
Huge cooldown like,
One Week, three days... for avoiding power-gaming in those places.
I know it is hard to program something like this, I'm a programmer myself and I'm thinking way too high for something like this, but I want to be proved wrong, so please, try to include something like this.
TL;DR: Make PVE more enjoyable and to require diverse skills (Yes, I'm talking about science, trap, lockpick, stealth..), even that pvp is nice, I don't want to be into a Full-PVP game that scary new players to death. (Get it?)
If you're way too lazy to read the entire thread:
What I actually said in the post, in topic version:
- More PVE Places and special encounters less rare
- Puzzles that require teamwork in dugeon-like places
- Make obscure skills usefull in those places, disarm traps, hacking/lockpicking throught doors or turrets
- Bosses with multiple ways to kill it
- Real difficulty on those places
- Precious loot, ahooy!
- Multiple Mini-Quests inside the place with unique rewards
- Shared Bonus XP for those who got out and alive
- Unique enemies or sub-bosses
- Leadership now usefull, dungeonlike places can you get inside as a group if you enter like one.
- Cooldown on dungeons for avoid powergaming.
I lied about the milk
Also, off-topic, does Explorer perk do something, I get it level 11 and I'm kinda.. dissapointed.