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Idea, what do you think about it?

Well designed, with some flaws that need to be corrected
- 6 (54.5%)
Some things need to change, but it's ok.
- 3 (27.3%)
Bad Idea
- 0 (0%)
I've already suggested something like this
- 2 (18.2%)

Total Members Voted: 11

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Author Topic: [Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.  (Read 2757 times)

[Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.
« on: September 25, 2011, 05:42:11 pm »

Well, I'll try to make this looks simple as I think.

I guess most of the people here played Fallout 2/Fallout and enjoyed it, I mostly enjoyed the part when you have to invade the enclave's base... I've replayed this part many times, always had fun into blasting my way into that base, or even try  going stealthy.

Attention - Le Wall of Text ahead.

It would be nice to have some quests, encounters or locations (raids, maybe?) with mobs to blast your way through them. I'm not saying like: "Go there and kill 20 Raiders and I'll give you 500 caps". What I meant is a three floor base, full of dudes with guns and armors, lots of rooms to go exploring and multiple ways to get through the place, the base could have loot in secret areas (locked rooms, wich you get keys talking to neutral npcs inside the base, like prisioners who tried to steal keys but got the wrong one.). Bosses with more ways to defeat instead of blasting his face off, with unique loots, places that you could only get in and out alive with a big team. (Only make they get inside if they go in all together... that would make people who have leadership characters more usefull)

Turrets with viewzones, and consoles, make science guys usefull and hack the turrets so they turn agaisn't enimies, or disable them. Lockpick guys to open locked doors with safer ways through the place, or with hidden loot inside. Trapper guys to remove.. well.. traps, puzzles inside that require timing in greater distances (Make radios usefull!), it's endless possibilites.

What I'm trying to say is, that the game could have more PVE action, instead of random encounters with raiders & dogs beating the crap out of eachother, use locations that are really hard to get thought, that people actually have to think and have teamwork to get in and out, instead of douchebagging your way inside with a m60 in burst mode with 3.000 bullets and 50 stimpacks in full buff mode.

I guess that would make PVE more enjoyable, and would be a nice thing to do when you hit level 21, go inside a super-hard place that requires teamwork with a good team. (That would make the community interact itself inside the game, and also make the radio usefull) Places for low levels too, like rider camps with nice little Riders and something like an option for getting a Shared XP bonus when you finish the location would be nice.

Huge cooldown like,  One Week, three days... for avoiding power-gaming in those places.

I know it is hard to program something like this, I'm a programmer myself and I'm thinking way too high for something like this, but I want to be proved wrong, so please, try to include something like this.

TL;DR: Make PVE more enjoyable and to require diverse skills (Yes, I'm talking about science, trap, lockpick, stealth..), even that pvp is nice, I don't want to be into a Full-PVP game that scary new players to death. (Get it?)

If you're way too lazy to read the entire thread:

I lied about the milk
Also, off-topic, does Explorer perk do something, I get it level 11 and I'm kinda.. dissapointed.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 06:36:43 pm by Wipe »


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Re: [Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2011, 05:48:23 pm »

  • More PVE Places and special encounters less rare
  • Puzzles that require teamwork in dugeon-like places
  • Make obscure skills usefull in those places, disarm traps, hacking/lockpicking throught doors or turrets
  • Bosses with multiple ways to kill it
  • Real difficulty on those places
  • Precious loot, ahooy!
  • Multiple Mini-Quests inside the place with unique rewards
  • Shared Bonus XP for those who got out and alive
  • Unique enemies or sub-bosses
  • Leadership now usefull, dungeonlike places can you get inside as a group if you enter like one.
  • Cooldown on dungeons for avoid powergaming.

All of these points require certain time and investment in them. It is not as easy as just to write that.


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Re: [Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2011, 05:50:14 pm »

Before of anyone tell you. If you are a programmer download the tools:
Do it for yourself (SUFFER) Devs always say that "there is a fair probability of include it in-game" but if the map and quest is as you described devs must be retarded if not add it.

Yes is a very good idea

EDIT: Damn!!! Surf was faster than me, still i think you should create some maps with NPCs and dialogs.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 05:52:36 pm by Reiniat »
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies
Re: [Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2011, 06:01:28 pm »

Oh, wow, got my feedback early than I expected.
I could even try to get to use the tools myself, or even gather my friends and make a team to work with me in the spare time that I have (That is very tiny, have to study and prepare myself for the exams on the college, and also I'm the only one that play FOnline 2238, or even Fallout 1 and 2, in the group, so will be hard to assamble a team for that)

I can't promise anything except that I'll try to build something cool, but I might start it on the college holidays.

I also would like to see what are other people's thoughts on the matter, so don't be shy you that is reading this now, just give me a reply with a thumb pointing up or down, or even share some ideas yourself, and I might include it on my original post. (Giving credits to the respective owner, of course.)


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Re: [Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2011, 06:08:00 pm »

I've heard about 'dungeons' before, yet nobody explained what would really it be.

As far as I read it's something planned, but ..

How would you see the challenge? Doing some sort of quest? Just explore it on world map? Generate random dungeon via NPC?
How would you enter the challenge? Travelling there and having entrance map? Jumping there directly from world map? Having NPC escort you there (AKA teleport)
How much privacy would you get in there? Having one map for everyone? Having random maps with possibility of encounters? Having complete private maps? Having private interiors with shared exteriors?
What would you do in there?
Would you just shoot up things? Would you be forced to bring various alts to do things? Would it be possible to do challenge with your average crafters?
How mandatory would the challenge be? Will it be the only way to get things like combat armors? Will it just allow you to focus from PvP challenge on PvE challenge? Would it grant you extra stuff at extra risk?
How often you could do the challenge? WoW style lockouts? Cooldowns? Shared map with respawn times?
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Re: [Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2011, 06:34:22 pm »

How would you see the challenge? Doing some sort of quest? Just explore it on world map? Generate random dungeon via NPC?
Find the dungeon via encounter with cave, actal caves are almost empty, isnt about make a big dangerous dungeon, is about many little dangerous dungeons with good stuff depending of how harsh is to kill the critters

How much privacy would you get in there? Having one map for everyone? Having random maps with possibility of encounters? Having complete private maps? Having private interiors with shared exteriors?
the posibilityes of find you in a dungeon (AKA cave) are the same like in any other encounter, you must take care of yourself there.

What would you do in there?
Would you just shoot up things? Would you be forced to bring various alts to do things? Would it be possible to do challenge with your average crafters?
KILL, and maybe some ugly puzzles to add flavour, no alts bringing, this is not Fallout 2, only some obvious skills will be needed (Lockpick, Traps)

How mandatory would the challenge be? Will it be the only way to get things like combat armors? Will it just allow you to focus from PvP challenge on PvE challenge? Would it grant you extra stuff at extra risk?
extra stuff=extra risk... there must be little rat caves with some knifes or mauser (and condoms) in a dead whore. To big caves full of deathclaws and muties (with side history for satisfice RPs) with safeboxes with 3tier weapons.
Of course there should be a little posibility to find those ones. more for nomal dungeons, and some lvl limit, like 10, for tiny caves

I know its not my idea :P, but sounds good, i cen even help, but i have school too, maybe in christmas (we can use the Stranded Vault and the Cave tiles, right now im working in a map like that, but i should do my homework; i need by minimum 30pages and im with the 7)
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies
Re: [Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2011, 06:36:29 pm »



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Re: [Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2011, 09:10:36 pm »

Calm down there, buddy.
I'm cool, if it is not obvious, but you can imagine that "dungeon-like places with bosses and teamwork" is pretty shallow concept.
The point is not to prove anyone is right or wrong, or whatever, but when some developer is going to read it, and there will be elaborate concept, he might find some interesting idea and compare it with his/her own design.

A. In my thoughts, I tried to balance the dungeon with the obscure skills of the game, if everbody make a combat character and go on, fine, you can go with that, but mostly you'll fight your way in, if you have a diverse team with multiple skills, you could get inside other areas or safe paths.
The game itself has quite some interesting features, like lockpick skill can be replaced by dynamite. The point is, that some skills are not widely used, and putting them to more use will just increase demand of alts, because of skills work in Fonline, as well as due to free accounts.

A. I never played WoW, sorry.
WoW has instanced dungeons, and once you kill a boss, and you cannot go to the new instance of that dungeon until your lock expires. Bosses don't respawn of course.
Q. Shared map with respawn times?
I think you misunderstood, it means public map where stuff and npcs respawn (just like glow). Where is PvE challenge ruined by PvP competition.
Could be like the vault 15, you gather your team in the exterior and go inside, but to find yourselves in a private map
Yes this is answer to above, but well having exterior that can be camped is good enough for people that would wait for others to come out with loot and get it cheap. Then again without it, you might have group of players complaining about "safe" way to get good stuff.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 09:23:22 pm by Johnnybravo »
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Re: [Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2011, 11:15:51 pm »

Can it be place in mood like Arcanum den at Despire island ( i didnt remember exatly, but i mean place for fight at island with jail ) maybe this old game can add some ideas  ;)

Let the Force be with You.
Re: [Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2011, 02:30:32 pm »

This is well known fact that we need more PvE. Things you suggested are the super-uber-hard to implement way of PvE we would all like to have here. As you have seen there are not many quest and map developers here. Even though maps and quests can be made by community.

I suggest making more smaller things for start like not-so-rare special encounters with small rewards and placing some enemies and loot containers in existing locations. (toxic caves, mariposa, vault 15...)
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
Re: [Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2011, 06:54:59 pm »

is it possible with engine to make map generated by pattern.

   x1 x2 x3 x4
y1 2  3  1  4
y2 3  2  4  1
y3 1  4  2  3
y4 4  1  3  2

1 - 4 actually have no meaning of value, so patten can be from 1 to any sum of possible to make blocks.
basically i mean each block support each one by hex ( doors, free way, or whatever can make way from one block to other )

then map can have at least difference and not so expected for players.
same with generating npc, traps, lockers, stuff, and all other.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 06:58:01 pm by Who Killed Bambi »

Let the Force be with You.


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Re: [Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2011, 07:28:54 pm »

All of these points require certain time and investment in them. It is not as easy as just to write that.
In my point of view, everything is easy when you talk 'bout it.
Some time ago i asked Devs are going to relese a sort of "tool" to create new stuff, and then we could send that new stuff that we made to Devs, and they would valutate/correct/implement/throw in junk. Scypior (if i'm right) told me that a tool like it is in the works, but didnt told anything else.
Think if the work of making a such thing, instead of a gruop of 5-6 Devs, are spread thru all the community. Instead of taking months, if not years, it might take weeks, since everyone in the community makes corrections, improvements, betatesting and so on, at the same time.
I know what you are thinking. "It's easy abusable, isnt troll-proof, an asshole might just come and send lotsa shit..." i agree that this is the risk. But anything is a risk. They didnt know how thing would have turned when they placed cooldowns in game, or when they added professions, and so on. Only GOD knows.
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Re: [Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2011, 07:32:53 pm »

The tool to create such things is available for a long time already.


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Re: [Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2011, 03:01:30 pm »

Maybe something not in russian could help...
I tryed to make something but both the program and the instructions (apart from a few tools) are in russian, and i cannot even google it 'cause i dont have cyrillic (hope it's right) characters.
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
E' un gran figlio di mignotta!


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Re: [Suggestion] Make PVE more Enjoyable, now with dungeons and milk.
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2011, 04:38:05 pm »

There are quite a lot english tutorials available, all can be found through google or even the forum search here. Besides, the actual tools are available in english aswell.
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