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Author Topic: Talked to crazy88 guys  (Read 18490 times)


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Re: Talked to crazy88 guys
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2011, 02:51:09 pm »

Thanks to Kelin for the mature attitude even if we are in war.

I really appreciate it.


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Re: Talked to crazy88 guys
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2011, 03:18:34 pm »

Hey fellows, Sanguinetti of the 'robbers here. Thought I say a word for the lawyers too, who (besides all accusations) cleared Gecko mine when the rugged ghoul horde of the Khans infested it not long ago:


Thank you for your attention.


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Re: Talked to crazy88 guys
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2011, 03:53:52 pm »

Your making a big mistake. Crazy 88 is supposed to be ANTI pk but they kill for fun all the time. Thier a pretty corrupt group. Tell me if you have any problems with them.

I smell butthurt for not being accepted.

Thanks Evan, yeah it's always a pleasure to clear mines :)

They are tttla's minions

LOL, umad?
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 03:58:09 pm by Jackall »


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Re: Talked to crazy88 guys
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2011, 04:20:57 pm »

New players shouldn't be bothered by some stupid ego wars. They just want to enjoy this game, they want to craft, fight and die. Nothing more nothing less. If they wanna get involved, they will find a way how to do it. But the most of them don't care.

Or we should should stop making wasteland-wide wars in the name of someone's ego and solve personal problems in some other way. And I'm glad you're one of few, who understand what our, Sarmatian presence, previously on Den, now in Redding is about.

They are tttla's minions
Same as Kelin, I won't defend them. But it does change anything?


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Re: Talked to crazy88 guys
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2011, 04:25:11 pm »

They created their imaginary rules when they can PK innocent, peacful people (they can kill anyone when they go through process of changing pipboy status) and when they can't (although even these rules are broken by them sometimes). It's fine, but it has nothing to do with justice :) I can create my imaginary rules too - kill only in mines and only people with hammers, hey I won't even loot them! Then I'm anti-pk who never pks unless you mine ore.

This is a good example of cheap hate. Yes, C88 has become a strong TC gang, and yes it's started to act in a different way than when it was small and couldn't participate much in PvP, and so innocents now get killed by mistake because of reasons explained above, which are very simple to understand and I don't see how you can see them as excuses when we even return items.

I see a lot of people posting shit like "zomfg gang X killed me they were suposd 2 be apks but are pks apks r pks cos they pk me, etc", but not many people post in the forum when a gang helps them ;)

Also, I have a character with a "normal" name, and I have helped many players with it. I don't need to go all "yeh yeh yeh imma ETERNAUTA from C88 baby da best gang in da game we help u cos we're so cool like that".


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Re: Talked to crazy88 guys
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2011, 04:26:17 pm »

We can vouch for C88 as well. Even before we ever started working with them we'd see their guys helping out new players, clearing out PK traps, and other things like that which is expected of APK gangs. For someone to say that they can't be APK because they kill innocent people during TC is ridiculous. If you walk in front of a gun during a war, you shouldn't start bitching when you get shot. And as someone already mentioned, bluesuits are used all the time by gangs as scouts. Send one guy in to get numbers and positions, then send in a horde. They're just protecting their town.
And for them to do TC is logical. They don't camp out in towns that they control so they can take one shot at anyone who comes in just to set the militia on them, like a lot of PK gangs. If they're holding a town and aren't currently warring in it, then you can consider it safe, which is the distinction from a PK gang holding the town.
So I fail to see how they're "corrupt" or that they're hypocritical because they don't live up to your ideal of APK - never shooting anyone under any circumstances. Maybe after the wipe it will be different, but in this session it's far too common to be killed/crippled in one shot for anyone to play in that manner, especially during TC.


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Re: Talked to crazy88 guys
« Reply #21 on: September 26, 2011, 04:38:24 pm »

Simple rule of the wasteland #237

If Eternauta is in a gang, they are alright people. Otherwise Eternauta wouldn't be in that gang.



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Re: Talked to crazy88 guys
« Reply #22 on: September 26, 2011, 04:46:51 pm »

If Eternauta is in a gang, they are alright people. Otherwise Eternauta wouldn't be in that gang.

Heh, thanks :P but I've never liked that way of seeing things. You are just inflating me :D. Please don't "use" me (in a good sense) to define the gang I am just one more member of, and far from being one of the most important ones. There are lots of cool people in C88 and if it's an ok gang, it's because of everyone's efforts.

But anyway, thanks man. Can't say it's not nice when you see cool people from the 2238 community saying such things :)


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Re: Talked to crazy88 guys
« Reply #23 on: September 26, 2011, 04:55:38 pm »

Well Leon (LeonTheNorse etc) is in c88 too, another reason why c88 seem to be cool guys :)
Usally the non-uberagressive, non-triggerhappy kind of people ain't in evil factions and even if the faction becomes evil, they would leave. (I know there are some good guys in the evul PK gangs too)
Re: Talked to crazy88 guys
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2011, 07:21:56 pm »

Its important to understand that there is no such thing as true justice in Fonline 2238.

All *anti-PK* gangs fight one another because there view of justice differ from one another, just like nations in real life all have a criminal system, but still *fight* one another.

*Anti-pk* gangs are a response to the heavy number of *pkers* that there were back in the days, but after some time *anti-PK* gangs became too numerous and powerfull (since they were all allied), so they splitted and waged war among themselves. So now each *anti-PK* gang claim to be the true administrators of justice.
Re: Talked to crazy88 guys
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2011, 08:04:21 pm »

Dear C88, 

You're welcome.


Section 8
Iguana Pete's sister

Re: Talked to crazy88 guys
« Reply #26 on: September 27, 2011, 02:39:04 pm »

I have one question for you Eternauta, that yet i have not recaived proper answer to (?). Why does a faction calling themselves "Anti-PK" attack rp towns like Redding or BH in the past where there are loads of begginers (like yersterday when reese lead by C88 attacked us, there was 2 players that had pvp characters, other 4-5 was people with below 100 hp, and i am not counting the dude with child skin) which will be killed in the process. Also Free town of Gecko. I guess, its part of the "Anti-PK" thingy? To clear all towns of begginers just like Gecko mine? Really, i am wondering how you guys make it work for you in RP way.

Hey fellows, Sanguinetti of the 'robbers here. Thought I say a word for the lawyers too, who (besides all accusations) cleared Gecko mine when the rugged ghoul horde of the Khans infested it not long ago

Yeah, thats nice :) But why after that they head to Redding mine with their HTH characters and kill miners? Hypocrisy?  ::)



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Re: Talked to crazy88 guys
« Reply #27 on: September 27, 2011, 02:55:44 pm »

Why does tsar attack bh with rougues then?

Aint that also a rp town? if you wanna judge some first look at yourself.

Never seens anything about gecko a free town? where is the that written? i never heard such a thing from hawks and i talk to some each day.

And c88 lead the attack last night? It was one guy on sneaker relaying info back to duder that lead the op.



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Re: Talked to crazy88 guys
« Reply #28 on: September 27, 2011, 03:04:29 pm »

KTT: I believe you're very smart to ask such questions to me, because it seems you are aware that I'm not the most active member of C88, so I can't give a proper answer to your questions.

I can't pay much attention to what you say, anyway, because you call us hypocrites when your factions is dealing with more "PK" groups than APK.

Also, I personally ask the Sarmatians to not attack my faction throught me (like explicitally saying "I have one question for YOU"), not only because I am not active enough to have proper up to date information, but also because even when there were problems while our factions were allies, I think you are nice people, and I wouldn't like that some forum flaming changed that.


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Re: Talked to crazy88 guys
« Reply #29 on: September 27, 2011, 03:17:51 pm »

Maybe nothing about free town, but as far as I remember I wrote same thing to the notable members of all three factions, Yours, Lawyers, and Hawks. I wrote that we help people who call us, but only in defence. I won't judge you, but you guys seems to be too proud to call for some backup, but you're so suprised that Hawks did it and you've easily turned us into foes. Also, everything should be written? You don't have to write anywhere "oh look, I'm doing RP!"  to make one, and you know it.

And Leon, as you said, look at yourself. Same thing I can ask you and your Lawyer friends, why did you allied with Chosen Soldiers during Peacekeepers period? Hmm? I guess you cannot answer or you answer something like "oh, Lawyers did it , we won't agree with that too", but if so many people disagreed why does this alliance ever existed? You were the one of major factions of this alliance, Sarmatians wasn't.

Oh, both you and me knows that you don't have and you don't want to have the full control of your group. Maybe some of your folks attacked Redding last night, maybe should you ask them first.

Quote from: LeonTheNorse
Why does tsar attack bh with rougues then?
Why the Broken Hills Hunters have nothing against that, and coming to help us in Redding then?
Before you troll me or whatever you want to do, realize that BBS attacking us, in Redding too. But everything depends of the attitude. Personally, I have nothing against you, some of you are just another cool persons on the other side of the barricade.
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