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Author Topic: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM  (Read 2561 times)


  • Drugged Childkiller
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At the moment, town control is mainly a TDM with a small reward, though the militia (that so much guys want to remove, because they only see the TDM aspect) add a bit of something else and allow winners to actually stay in the town. Though, I do think that few things should be added, to make this feature more interesting (as domination mode and new crafting locations will probably take it's place as the main battlegrounds), and it would allow to make a real difference when different gangs own a town. Some of these suggestion have been made before, but remind to dev they have been made can't be bad.


In Redding (and in BH as well), a GM spawned many radio on same channel at unreachable places everywhere in the town, which allow to spread informations and propaganda. I think it's a very good idea, and all TC towns should have those radios, automatically set on the channel of the faction controlling the town.
Second thing : militia should alert on this radio when attacked (more exactly : when one militia is killed, or radio will be spamed by bluesuits punching it). A message like « Badguy 657 is attacking the town ! » would appear, alerting everyone of who is attacking.


Militans are now close to mindless mercenaries, that attack only when attacked or when a member of faction owning the town attack (they should also protect the friends of the faction). But the members of controlling factions should be able to decide which laws are applied in the town by the militia, through dialogs with the mayor. Those laws would be :
Visible weapons allowed (or not)
Killing allowed (or not)
Stealing allowed (or not)
There could be also an option to make people pay a certain amount of money (decided by gang, for example 1000 caps per hour) to be protected by the militians (only if they are attacked of course, and not against member of the faction, so it's up to the wastelander to decide if they can trust them or not).


Each TC town should have a billboard at the entrance, with written the gang controlling the city, the laws currently on, and a custom message written by owners of the town.


First, it shouldn't be possible to add mercenaries to militia, because it allow too much abusing tactics.
Second, they should loot the bodies of people they kill (only those they kill themselves), half would go in TC locker, the other half in the merchants of the town stocks, decided randomly (because if you kill someone using militia, militia will claim payment).


Finally, to create interactions between towns, you could, each IRL day, decide by talking to the mayor to send a caravan of resources (gold in redding, uranium in BH...) to another town, sacrificing a part of your income to increase the income of this other town (the boost being bigger than the malus). It would be fixed commercial routes :
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Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2011, 04:58:25 pm »

Those are all good suggestions.

What I'm personally missing are activities inside towns. Something that keeps players inside so that they don't feel the need to go to worldmap and do previews. Currently most unsafe towns got shops and gathering locations but all those are just waypoints where players visit briefly and then go away. There needs to be places in towns where players actually spend time rather than visit briefly.

Example of spending time are caravan packing and shit shovelling but they are so unproductive and boring that it's basically nothing.

You can also camp the militia and shoot everyone who comes in, might get some loot but it's bad for gameplay because less and less player will eventually come.

Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2011, 05:28:16 pm »

Like this.
The only i want to tell somethin' about are caravans.
Caravans cannot stop. They will keep doin' their work. You can "regulate" how many caravans can exit-enter your town, not stop'em.
You can try to "stop them" with a series of laws, actually damaging economy in the wastes (bonus for your town, so you can have a sort of "economical advantage" by selling your resource manually, without income being stealed by caravans) but in the same time this could lead to the "Black Market" phenomena (malus, this makes you gain less loot in the TC chest, and maybe makes people in town/militia weaker).
Quote from: Grommok
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Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2011, 10:06:49 am »

I like the suggestions.


Finally, to create interactions between towns, you could, each IRL day, decide by talking to the mayor to send a caravan of resources (gold in redding, uranium in BH...) to another town, sacrificing a part of your income to increase the income of this other town (the boost being bigger than the malus).

This one could be abusable by powerful factions and work like bank intrest for them. Especiall if they know how long the caravan takes so they can take the benefit spawn in the tc box shorty after.
To fix that, there are some possibilities:
- caravans leave at fixed times
- caravans can be encountered
- faction in control has to escort the caravan. If they die in ecounters or leave the caravan, they don't get a benefit but only the malus. Encounters should always be real-time
A combination of those options would mean that the faction escorting the caravan weakens their defense of 1 of their towns. Of course opposing factions wouldn't know when a caravan leaves, only the time it could leave.


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Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2011, 12:43:18 pm »

Everything is good except for this:

First, it shouldn't be possible to add mercenaries to militia, because it allow too much abusing tactics.

How is this an abuse in any way?  You're paying 20-50 times more for the militiaman than just getting them from the sheriff but in return you can pick their weapon, and the choice of armor. 

More cash = more choice
less cash = roll the dice

It sounds pretty reasonable to me.  Besides next wipe we won't have the bank caps inflation so there won't be nearly as many caps to go around for a good while so you'll see less mercs.
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Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2011, 03:29:56 pm »

Nice ones, Crazy! :D


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Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2011, 03:56:38 pm »

Everything is good except for this:

How is this an abuse in any way?  You're paying 20-50 times more for the militiaman than just getting them from the sheriff but in return you can pick their weapon, and the choice of armor. 

More cash = more choice
less cash = roll the dice

It sounds pretty reasonable to me.  Besides next wipe we won't have the bank caps inflation so there won't be nearly as many caps to go around for a good while so you'll see less mercs.
Maybe instead of "normal" mercs you could have a merc recruiter along with mayor/sheriff, so that you have the money you can hire also mercs to stay and protect the town, instead of having just militia. Obiviously militia would have to be nerfed.
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
E' un gran figlio di mignotta!


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Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2011, 05:13:29 pm »

How is this an abuse in any way?  You're paying 20-50 times more for the militiaman than just getting them from the sheriff but in return you can pick their weapon, and the choice of armor.

So what, merc militia is too powerful. It can wipe out entire gangs in seconds. Players must be the main force to defend towns, not npcs. If the players aren't numerous or good enough to hold it, they don't deserve the town in first place.

3 guys with dual logs cap town when the owners are working/sleeping. They get some free slots for militia and when the original owners come with 10 guys, they face overpowering merc militia. Militia must never be stronger than its owners.

It sounds pretty reasonable to me.

It's not reasonable at all. With mercs and merc militia players can get overpowering force in their disposal just because they spent time farming outside the actual pvp event. Fights and superiority must be resolved in the battlefield, not in the farming grounds.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2011, 06:59:11 pm »


First, it shouldn't be possible to add mercenaries to militia, because it allow too much abusing tactics.
Second, they should loot the bodies of people they kill (only those they kill themselves), half would go in TC locker, the other half in the merchants of the town stocks, decided randomly (because if you kill someone using militia, militia will claim payment).

Something of this is actually good , you should lower the numbers since their AI is improved.

NPC wars have to end some of us are really tired of actually killing 30-35 NPC's(militia + mercs) before we get to shoot a player if we survive that long , screwing up good gameplay.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 07:01:51 pm by T-888 »


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Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2011, 11:59:08 pm »

So what, merc militia is too powerful. It can wipe out entire gangs in seconds. Players must be the main force to defend towns, not npcs. If the players aren't numerous or good enough to hold it, they don't deserve the town in first place.

3 guys with dual logs cap town when the owners are working/sleeping. They get some free slots for militia and when the original owners come with 10 guys, they face overpowering merc militia. Militia must never be stronger than its owners.

It's not reasonable at all. With mercs and merc militia players can get overpowering force in their disposal just because they spent time farming outside the actual pvp event. Fights and superiority must be resolved in the battlefield, not in the farming grounds.
This is where you say:  "nerf them" instead of "remove".  Nerf the bonus gained by mercenaries when joining the militia.  Because yes, I do kind of agree an entire merc militia garrison is fucking brutal, despite paying shitloads more out of your pocket for the force, at least you will still be able to give specific weaponry, level them up, and pick armortype.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2011, 04:15:43 pm »

What I'm personally missing are activities inside towns.

Yeah, In Redding the Malamute is not selling Beer. And the casino is useless (simple to make no? Just make the casino always win at the end of the day, like all real casino does). That would be a little start. The caravans are good ideas. Could be NPC driven even, meaning, the caravan would enter each time once 2 days or so, and stay in town for one hour (exept NCR, no point there), its up to the Faction controlling the town to make sure of two things 1. Load the caravan with as much gold as possible 2. Make sure the caravan gets to the destination, which would require to follow on the trip i gues.


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2011, 04:45:20 pm »

1. Load the caravan with as much gold as possible 2. Make sure the caravan gets to the destination, which would require to follow on the trip i gues.

I thought about that: mix it up with "player driven caravans" idea, would be great but it seems rather hard to implement.
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Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2011, 06:24:26 pm »

The thing with caravans are that they happen elsewhere than inside the town. It's not bad idea to have caravans but they aren't exactly in-town activities.

Good in-town activity would be something in which players could participate for as long as they want and benefit from it constantly. Take farming for example: you hunt encounters and seek items you desire and you can do it as long as you want. Towns needs something like that.

Ktt suggested casino, it's good idea. Player can gamble as long as he wants. Benefit is not guaranteed, but that's the point of it. But gambling for hours must get boring eventually, it can't be the only interaction.

Example would be a simple quest: find the jetsalesman. You get it from the sheriff and you're tasked to find an npc hiding somewhere in the city. He sells jet which hampers the town's mining activities. The npc can be anywhere in the town so you have to basically browse through it. Once you find the guy, you just waste him and tell the sheriff the job's done. For this you get some alright reward plus the town gets a small boost to its tc loot output.
After that the job is repeatable. If the player person dies while on a mission, the mission fails.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 08:17:19 pm by avv »
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2011, 07:05:19 pm »

The thing with caravans are that they happen elsewhere than inside the town. It's not bad idea to have caravans but they aren't exactly in-town activities.

Well, if a bunch of NPC appear and stay a while when a caravan start/reach destination, with maybe trading, and few quests, that will create some activity.
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Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2011, 09:33:38 pm »

remove mercs and militia from this game keep PvP = PvP not PvE (starcraft zergling mode)
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