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Author Topic: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238  (Read 57967 times)


  • Desert Ranger
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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #90 on: September 22, 2011, 02:37:26 pm »

Are you interested in roleplaying in 2238? Than do so instead of expecting others to do so. Nothing can stop you. They can kill your character, but not your immersion.

It works for me. If it doesn't for you, my only hint I can give is to translate 1337-lang to wasteland common on a subconscious level. Let me present a small dictionary of most common phrases:

u r noob - ye worthless twat
FA! - could you ducttape that wound?
DOC! - could you try to pluck my eye back? I still see with it.
PVP apes - battle worn veterans
PKs - some deranged killers
APKs - most likely some deranged killers
go leveling - I show you how to hunt
TC - the town is a warzone
his alts - his brothers and sisters
AFK - he's fainted
NPC - those morons
deterioration - my gun is crappy
PVP - let's kill them / some deranged killers
PVE - some tribal who can only kill geckos and brahmins
TB - some coward
GM - He's an Enclave officer, watch your tongue or you'll be taken for interrogation or your Outpost will be subject for carpet-bombing.
LOL. Now i'm ready for some roleplay in a roleplayless world.
I have so much to learn...
Quote from: Grommok
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E' un gran figlio di mignotta!
Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #91 on: September 22, 2011, 03:45:47 pm »

Roleplaying comes and leaves with GMs. Though 2238s GMs are not inclined to support roleplay there will never be one. At leas not much more than few guys hiding in a cave or last longer than two weeks.
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.

jonny rust

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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #92 on: September 22, 2011, 06:25:55 pm »

Roleplaying comes and leaves with GMs. Though 2238s GMs are not inclined to support roleplay there will never be one. At leas not much more than few guys hiding in a cave or last longer than two weeks.

I disagree.

All it takes is one player who plays his/her character as if the character has personality, motive, history. BAM! RP. Since there is obviously more than one person doing this I don't see what the problem is. You don't need GM's to RP. I have never had help from a GM for my own RP and I don't know why one would wait for a GM to start!

Other people will see you doing it and they will either join in, not join in, or possibly berate you for doing it... but so what if they do? So what if they kill you? it's not like your character was going to live forever.

you can do all the normal things there are to do in 2238  (gather, PvE, PvP, trade, craft, PK etc.) and still do it with an RP mindset.

If the majority of the community has no interest in this then thats fine, but why would you stop someone who is doing it? How can you stop someone who is doing it? kill them?

RP replication in 3, 2, 1...


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #93 on: September 22, 2011, 06:34:16 pm »

If the majority of the community has no interest in this then thats fine, but why would you stop someone who is doing it? How can you stop someone who is doing it? kill them?

Actually, as I play in PvP team in northern town, it's usually reverse: when a dumbass start to be annoying or do HRP things while we do RP, we kill him.
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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #94 on: September 22, 2011, 06:39:30 pm »

The current game mechanism are mostly focused on PVP aspect. Not only TC, but even the crafting/gathering system as the bases. All is designed considering the PVP first.
The consequence is that, as you say Grommok, the only thing that player take care of is their stuff instead of their life or charisma/reputation etc.

Here the game mechanism (not the engine, that's another thing) have a role to play ;o)
The fact that your items are more valuable than your life is a game mechanism point.
The fact that you can cross someone you just killed fully equiped a few minute later too.
The fact that almost everybody wear a BA is directly linked to theses mechanisms again.
We can continue this list with the ammunition abundance etc...
Fonline 2238 world is far to be a "hard wasteland", and that's just a game design choice.

Credible situations appear when characters have to face choice and assume their consequences inside coherent border. There is no such border on the 2238, and players dont have to really take care about their character. They finaly are just some robotic-plateform to use this and this items...

So, the borders are simply, the game mechansim themself. And they lead mostly the player behavior considering their character.
And what did u expect? The Fonline 2238 is based on FACTION MOD which says all. Its just true made pvp (not even balanced) mechanism NOT for Role-playing, that what you metioned is just essential.
If we want to have good PVP we cant mix it with Role-playing. Thats just all.
If you want to have nice Role-playing experience make closed group and stay in it, because players which are just next bluesuit in fo2238 server ,they want kill everything and everyone and we got like 80% persons in this game like this so just understand that u won't have a nice Role-play mixed with PVP server. Please it is good discusion but saying all those things again and again and again will just make me angry and I'll start writing rude posts.

jonny rust

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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #95 on: September 22, 2011, 06:51:34 pm »

I'm pretty sure that everyone participating in this thread has been playing for long enough to understand the way of the server. All of us know what it means to RP here and we do it despite the mechanics.


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #96 on: September 22, 2011, 07:24:54 pm »

The Fonline 2238 is based on FACTION MOD which says all.

Reductio ad Factionem Modum again? I'm kinda tired of that "argument"...


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #97 on: September 22, 2011, 07:31:03 pm »

Reductio ad Factionem Modum again? I'm kinda tired of that "argument"...

Pretty much not even an argument here, as it doesn't have anything to do with RP (there could be even more RP with factions involved actually)
« Last Edit: September 22, 2011, 09:40:20 pm by Crazy »
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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #98 on: September 22, 2011, 08:55:57 pm »

I'm pretty sure that everyone participating in this thread has been playing for long enough to understand the way of the server. All of us know what it means to RP here and we do it despite the mechanics.
I havent played long enough, i'm kinda shamed to say so, but still i'm there.

Reductio ad Factionem Modum again? I'm kinda tired of that "argument"...
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
E' un gran figlio di mignotta!


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #99 on: September 22, 2011, 09:04:47 pm »


This FOnline game, 2238, used to be called Faction Mod, or something like that. Hell, I even think this was never Facton Mod, but actually a game originally based on another FOnline game called Faction Mod. Still many people keep saying "but this is Faction Mod hurr durr!" even today.


  • Desert Ranger
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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #100 on: September 22, 2011, 09:44:56 pm »

Ah. Thanks for clarifying.
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
E' un gran figlio di mignotta!
Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #101 on: September 22, 2011, 10:23:31 pm »

And what did u expect?
Simply interesting PVP at least. That mean taking place in "coherent universe".
And with such universe, RP would be by himself. RP act need to be linked to game mechanism a minimum, if not it still individual/little group imagination product.


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #102 on: September 23, 2011, 03:20:45 am »

Factionem Modum

Now that I think of it, it should be Modem, as mod is short for modification, which should follow the third declension. Oh no I'm derailing my own topic!

Ah. Thanks for clarifying.

No problem!

Simply interesting PVP at least. That mean taking place in "coherent universe".
And with such universe, RP would be by himself. RP act need to be linked to game mechanism a minimum, if not it still individual/little group imagination product.

We expect Domination Mode/Faction Scenarios to bring some of that. I personally have faith in it. Of course I understand they will not turn 2238 into a hardcore roleplaying game, but I'm sure it will be step forward.
Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #103 on: September 23, 2011, 08:14:37 am »

I dont see much of possibilities for "hardcore Roleplay" at 2238 server. I know becouse there is one pure RP server (but it only russian, at moment no other languages supported) on fonline engine and Iam one of devs crew.
My point is that with 3-4 GMs on average 30 players online and game mechanics totally remade for roleplay aspects there is huge problem in controlling and supporting game.
It is very fun to play there, you would not be killed on spot by first encountered guy and there are some interesting social movement between players, but it requires hard work to maintain.

It is short timeline of first playsession: it was 1 real year and 4 ingame, at first there was x20 then x4 and near end of session x1.
First come Ingame time, then according real date, then describing of notable events.
Translation via google through so bugs possible.

As you see instead of standart NWN party dungeon exploring style roleplay it more social-survival kind. There is only one town (twice NCR size), one mob ifested ruined town (same size) and 3 smaller maps for various ingame factions.
Most guys at lest at first prefer role of typical badass mercenary but soon realize that it is most dull and uninteresting role and take more individualized role: police oficer, criminal, raider, trader, doctor, mayor and so. Players mostly make adventures for each other, and its uniwue expirience but still its is hard due limits of engine and lack of proper interface for controlling game (its still in making).

So you cant say that RolePlay is not possible in fonline world, but it really hard to make, and there should be no half-measures if you want roleplay than it should be for everyone in game or at least RP and freeplay zones should not cross each other.
You could make separate unreachable location and place there volunteers but there should be GM or group of people that could transport there.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2011, 08:58:02 am by z0m2h14 »


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #104 on: September 23, 2011, 02:18:46 pm »

I dont see much of possibilities for "hardcore Roleplay" at 2238 server.

Thanks, finally someone who knows what he is doing clarifying what I said earlier.
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