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Author Topic: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238  (Read 58031 times)


  • Desert Ranger
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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #75 on: September 21, 2011, 02:43:53 pm »

Absolutely not. I understand maybe is not too much RP, but always better than NPC comin' outta the fuckin' wall!
It's just a way to lead players to stick together, even if for a single moment, as one, you react to defend your town, your home. Might sound kinda stupid, but instead of saying "NONO FUCK OFF NOT RP" try thinkin', instead of forcin' other to roleplay your way, to a way that unites people, even if for less than 15 minutes. Uniting them for an event, then another, then they will start thinkin' together, and then start roleplayin' properly. NOT like me ::)
Quote from: Grommok
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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #76 on: September 21, 2011, 03:25:01 pm »

Absolutely not. I understand maybe is not too much RP, but always better than NPC comin' outta the fuckin' wall!
It's just a way to lead players to stick together, even if for a single moment, as one, you react to defend your town, your home. Might sound kinda stupid, but instead of saying "NONO FUCK OFF NOT RP" try thinkin', instead of forcin' other to roleplay your way, to a way that unites people, even if for less than 15 minutes. Uniting them for an event, then another, then they will start thinkin' together, and then start roleplayin' properly. NOT like me ::)

Stick players together ISN'T roleplaying its just annoying and shitty idea thats what I think and its true but sad. Role-playing can be done with good history, not about killing bilions of mobs, just use mind and create an role-play project but it needs help of GM instead of (sorry for saying that) uber events in which we kill zylions of creaturs and some GMs call it role-play.

IT hould be done in close group, beause noone outside would want to be put inside the role-play circle. One wants to kill brainless mobs and second guy want create athmosphere and history for other players/friends.

Also if I didn't tell about it - I'll just say once again: Forcing player to role-play is bad and annoying and boring - KA-BUM-TSH>


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #77 on: September 21, 2011, 06:04:23 pm »

Forcing player to role-play is bad and annoying and boring - KA-BUM-TSH>

I don't want players to be forced to roleplay (and ban the shit out of them if they make out-of-character comments, etc.), and I don't want players to be pr0 RP'ers, I'll just to see them trying to be in-character for a good amount of time. I think this game can offer a nice experience that way but certain technical characteristics such as the existence of TC have made one form of playing (PvP aping) almost completely "eat" other tendencies.


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #78 on: September 21, 2011, 06:08:43 pm »

The best way to achieve that is still a closed private server with a dedicated group of people GMing/playing without any interruptions.
Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #79 on: September 21, 2011, 08:57:56 pm »

"closed private server" would be a failure.
As far I have understand the initial post, the purpose is to push RP aspect in a Fonline world which involve hundred of players around. Personaly, RPing there take sense because it is not a closed session.

As Eternauta said, the only thing that really kill RP part in Fonline is the game mechanism system. Because it generate situations with no-sense.
If we could have credible situations, we would see RP action from players.


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #80 on: September 21, 2011, 09:02:04 pm »

"closed private server" would be a failure.

I see, then all the hundreds of thousands of people in the world who hold private roleplay sessions hold all but failures aswell then. Thanks for clearing that up.
Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #81 on: September 21, 2011, 09:19:27 pm »

A failure for the 2238.
If the point is just to host some private servers for a few player, there is no problem as it could be done already.
But as said, for me, all the attractiv thing about Fonline engine is to have RP (inner character reactions) on fully populated server.


  • Desert Ranger
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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #82 on: September 21, 2011, 09:56:49 pm »

If we could have credible situations, we would see RP action from players.
I'm not sure to understand. What do you mean? That the engine forces us to "take roles", by for example choosing between risking of being killed loosing lotsa stuff, or become another midless PK?
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
E' un gran figlio di mignotta!


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #83 on: September 21, 2011, 10:14:28 pm »

As Eternauta said, the only thing that really kill RP part in Fonline is the game mechanism system.

Oh really? maybe you should re-read my posts...


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #84 on: September 21, 2011, 10:51:17 pm »

To think of Domination or to be Italian speakin' english better than italian?

It's a bit late, but I'm italian too :)
Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #85 on: September 21, 2011, 11:12:18 pm »

[...] I think this game can offer a nice experience that way but certain technical characteristics such as the existence of TC have made one form of playing (PvP aping) almost completely "eat" other tendencies.

The current game mechanism are mostly focused on PVP aspect. Not only TC, but even the crafting/gathering system as the bases. All is designed considering the PVP first.
The consequence is that, as you say Grommok, the only thing that player take care of is their stuff instead of their life or charisma/reputation etc.

Here the game mechanism (not the engine, that's another thing) have a role to play ;o)
The fact that your items are more valuable than your life is a game mechanism point.
The fact that you can cross someone you just killed fully equiped a few minute later too.
The fact that almost everybody wear a BA is directly linked to theses mechanisms again.
We can continue this list with the ammunition abundance etc...
Fonline 2238 world is far to be a "hard wasteland", and that's just a game design choice.

Credible situations appear when characters have to face choice and assume their consequences inside coherent border. There is no such border on the 2238, and players dont have to really take care about their character. They finaly are just some robotic-plateform to use this and this items...

So, the borders are simply, the game mechansim themself. And they lead mostly the player behavior considering their character.


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #86 on: September 22, 2011, 12:00:06 am »

Have you read the whole thread, Amrok? Because I think you missed the part when I mention the fact that PvP apes whine about how much time they gotta "waste" to get "proper" gear for the fight, and how much better Fallout Tactics is for this kind of players.

Removing TC would have a great impact and access to high tier gear will be limited to Domination Mode.
Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #87 on: September 22, 2011, 12:32:13 am »

You can be sure I read fully every thread I answer ;o)
And I mostly agree with you.

Yes, PVP apes whine (and they will continue whatever coming in my mind).
Sure, (hopefully) the devs dont applied what they request but that dont change the fact that the 2238 features still "devoted" to this game aspect.
TC, cooldown, encouter management, etc... All are primary subordered to their impact on the PVP.
In what is it dramatic for the game ? Simply because it confirm the feeling that only PVP occur there.

I know that was not the dev's initial goal (being a basic 2d hack&slash server) and keep good hope for the 2338's future, but it is the actual result.


  • Desert Ranger
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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #88 on: September 22, 2011, 07:06:15 am »

Sadly, I agree with Amrok.
We are a sort of "PvP server.
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
E' un gran figlio di mignotta!


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #89 on: September 22, 2011, 09:01:57 am »

Are you interested in roleplaying in 2238? Than do so instead of expecting others to do so. Nothing can stop you. They can kill your character, but not your immersion.

It works for me. If it doesn't for you, my only hint I can give is to translate 1337-lang to wasteland common on a subconscious level. Let me present a small dictionary of most common phrases:

u r noob - ye worthless twat
FA! - could you ducttape that wound?
DOC! - could you try to pluck my eye back? I still see with it.
PVP apes - battle worn veterans
PKs - some deranged killers
APKs - most likely some deranged killers
go leveling - I show you how to hunt
TC - the town is a warzone
his alts - his brothers and sisters
AFK - he's fainted
NPC - those morons
deterioration - my gun is crappy
PVP - let's kill them / some deranged killers
PVE - some tribal who can only kill geckos and brahmins
TB - some coward
GM - He's an Enclave officer, watch your tongue or you'll be taken for interrogation or your Outpost will be subject for carpet-bombing.
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