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Author Topic: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238  (Read 67931 times)


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2011, 07:00:41 pm »

Would you only use one character?
Would you use one "true" (RP) character backed up by many different crafter/miner/farmer alts?
Would you "divide" one character personality in different alts, so each alt incarnates one of your characters abilities? (as in, having one SG crippler alt, one SG crafter alt, and one slaver alt, so you can roleplay a "slaver gunsmith with an impressive marksmanship")
Would you try to make a build that reflected your character's concept/personality, or would you make some especialized, minimaxed, efficient build no matter what your character's personality is?
-Yes, as I generally only use one anyhow(at least especially so earlier on in the wipe. Alting comes later, with boredom, in my case).
-Again, yes, as most at this time know my one 'normal' char this wipe was Kyoo, which I still consider my main. Generally I avoid the alting but after so long, and with boredom, making a new type of char is one way I combat the staleness of the gameplay for me. For quite awhile, I got by with just a SG pure combat build. Which was rather enjoyable.
-No and this sort of justification is just an act to try and tie roleplaying to alting. Which is stupid, they do not mix for a reason. Each one caters to specific tastes, and while the game supports both(hard to Not support either of them), the type of fun in each does not mix well.  Players of each need to remember that what they consider fun may not be for others; a rather simple fact.  Sadly, the internet makes fewer fucks given over time.
-While I would like to, the Fallout system doesn't really leave it so that I could combine a more RP-inspired SPECIAL and remain non-cannonfodder in encounters, so nope.  My SG burster is niche focused and ugly.  It fits him anyway.
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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2011, 09:15:44 pm »

Well, everything's possible. But don't expect too much from MMOcRPG game, even if it's related to Fallout saga. FOnline gives you same "freedom" as the single player did. You can act as you want, if you meet a proper people to do some RP it's just for you and your friends fun, not for wasteland-wide fame and dozens of forum post how awesome you are. If you meet "lulzy" people just don't care about 'em. There's a different mechanics of FOnline, so no more superhuman saviours. If you adopt the "new rules" everything's gonna be ok, if you're ready that you will surely die many times.


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2011, 09:44:30 pm »

Roleplay is definitely possible, but it remains a dead utopia because on a server there can't be only roleplayers.
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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2011, 11:04:01 pm »

Errr. i was wondering...Tell my one game where RP playing is secure without have to create special non-pvp places.
I mean. why do you like to RP? did you ever make pure Fallout RP in a Fonline game?

What do you want to do in a RP like...Maltese Falcon? drink beer? talk about pixeled tits?

Sure roleplay is definitely posible, but dead utopias are not dead. dead utopias were never alive.
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2011, 11:15:27 pm »

Errr. i was wondering...Tell my one game where RP playing is secure without have to create special non-pvp places.
I mean. why do you like to RP? did you ever make pure Fallout RP in a Fonline game?

What do you want to do in a RP like...Maltese Falcon? drink beer? talk about pixeled tits?

Sure roleplay is definitely posible, but dead utopias are not dead. dead utopias were never alive.

tell me Reiniat, why do you like fallout?

If it's because of the story; the characters, the environment, the idea of a post-nuclear world which is so interestingly bad-ass that you can't help but submerse yourself in it, well, then its only logical to want to see it through your characters eyes and interact with it as if you are actually there...

If not then please explain; why do you play fallout or why do you even like it?

RP is still possible without being safe (I find its more fun that way) and PvP can be a great aspect for RP as there are times where your character needs to 'shut up and nut up' but if the ONLY reason to play is to kill kill kill, well then there are lots of games with much better shooter physics/gameplay.

Roleplay is definitely possible, but it remains a dead utopia because on a server there can't be only roleplayers.

People who try to destroy RP projects just need to be viewed by the RP as the enemy; the natural scourge of the waste land, and an inevitability in a harsh world.

imo, the hard part isn't the dying, it's the "lulzing" that accompanies it which you need to translate into something that makes sense to your own interpretation of the world. But, if you're roleplaying then your excising your imagination, something the 'lulzers' are decidedly not doing, and which you can hopefully use to counteract their actions.

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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2011, 11:26:53 pm »

What people, who survived the global thermonuclear war mostly doing? They're fighting for survival, in all possible meanings. So there must be a perfect balance between your cool and well deserved PvP and our pointless, boring talking about pixelated boobs. Just imaginate the battle of Broken Hills between Brotherhood of Steel and Unity members. ;)
Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2011, 04:33:44 am »

Sure role-playing is possible in this game, I think it's possible in any game, just get a few friends to help start up a little roleplay session and get it going then invite people that are passing by to join in if they don't do so by themselves. You can even start little roleplay sessions with people you don't know, just start talking and away you go, if they are not interested just ignore them and continue with the people who are willing to participate, if some people are listening they also want to join in. It's alot eaiser to do in a guarded town and you can give specific items to spice things up like Robes etc but if you want a stronger story you may have to change locations to a unguarded place in which case you should wait until you have a reasonable number of people participating and then move over and keep everything ingame so other greifers may not hear.

I've used one character for about 3/4 of this game (SG crafter) so it is not a problem for me, I don't necessarily roleplay a character in the way that I am a small guns expert or big guns expert although this is a nice touch to add to your character if you can but rather I roleplay a character personality and just switch between what I want to be, theres no need to make 100 roleplay alts. Some of the things I like to roleplay as are: Mobster, Children of the Cathedral member and even just a normal wastelander that is travelling around and talking to people, etc, I really don't mind what "Personality" or character I am and I'm always willing to adapt to a new personality or character (If needed) and participate in someone elses roleplay.

My main character is self sufficient (SG 2, Armorer 2) and it can aquire everything it needs by itself unless maybe it needs something more profession oriented such as super stims or something like this in which case you can ask a doctor if he has any for sale (Roleplay opportunity!)

Of course I also enjoy the PvP aspect of this game and as such I have made several "Ape" or combat characters for this but even then when I am on those characters and I stumble about some people role-playing I just try to join in or make up a little story on the spot quickly and introduce myself and then play along.

The first time I ever roleplayed (seriously) which may be hard to believe for some people was actually in this game and this is the only game I have roleplayed in (I think, sometimes I am unaware of it in other games :p) (or at least have tried to roleplay) as a Mobster so I made the character suited to that (small guns, slightly charismatic, unarmed, good strength etc) but often I don't always want to be a Mobster so I just change my personality but I wont go and make a new alt just for that, I'll just use the character I am on currently.

Hopefully I can meet some more of you roleplayers in the future if I havn't done so already and we can make something happen even if it is something as small as talking in Shady Sands while eating some tasty iguanas around a burning barrel.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 05:19:25 am by Simon »
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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2011, 08:39:03 am »

All my characters are *roleplay* and dont know each others, even the players I play with dont know my other characters. For me there is no such thing as alts, I think it is anti-roleplay.

One of the thing with roleplay in Fonline, is that you have to be able to enforce it by force. Its the responsibility of the dominating forces to offer a chance of speech to the weaker ones that represent no danger.

That said, roleplay is not only about dialogue, before anything its to define a personality and follow it.

Never go out of character, forget about your personal feelings.


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2011, 08:58:15 am »

Never go out of character, forget about your personal feelings.

This is very true, but it is almost impossible on this server. Also, 99% of the people will not do so. The worst thing is, that people think it is "roleplaying" when they type in "shit in mouth" or other abominations.  ::) Most of the people talking in here apparently never heard of a proper pen and paper session, or let alone emulations of it. Most of the people apparently never heard about pacing, about encounter groups, about rulebooks. Most of the people apparently never heard about dices. Most of the people here never heard about fair chances in a balanced out RPG system. Most of the people simply don't know shit what a "real" roleplaying session is about.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 09:01:38 am by Surf »


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #24 on: September 14, 2011, 09:23:15 am »

Might be true, Surf, but talking about this in that way makes you seem like the uber-hipster just asking for this thread to be filled with non(-elite)-RPers that feel offended and spam until someone closes this serious discussion I'm following very interested.

So, what is RP to me? I always try to stay in role when I can. But theres nothing more stupid than an RPer and a non-RPer together when the RPer is too stuborn to go out of his role, while the non-RPer is confused and doesnt know what the fuck the other one is talking. So basically, I only act in a role when I noticed the other guys around are doin the same.

We had one RP-Event of Modoc Militia 2.0 one time. We wanted to collect/hunt/craft stuff for the auction in BH.
Went good, we had a nice group of people who made nice roleplay but 1 person who was always like "lol i bring 50k 5mmAP from my tent! lol why you guys take so long? can we go already? lol y u no wear BA for caravan?" thats not what the whole thing was about and I would've loved to just shoot him, take his ammo and give it to poor children in broken hills.
Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2011, 10:18:05 am »

"lol i bring 50k 5mmAP from my tent! lol why you guys take so long? can we go already? lol y u no wear BA for caravan?"
May be he was roleplaying computer maniac from vault? May be everyone in his vault are talking like that!
You can see roleplaying everywhere, even "shits in month" could be roleplaying, may be he's roleplaying a shit maniac, kills his victims and then leaves his sign!
Or when I was kicking eyes of some RPers in Hub (but not that from wiki), I didn't even know that, but I somehow joined thier RP, they made official report that some crazy maniac killing innocent in Hub, and everyone need to be careful, so it was RP too!
Even when you're bursting Sha Enin, you're roleplaying avenger who want to revenge for his alt brother who had been killed by him for no reason (exploding near him few times isn't a reason to be killed).
Or when you're shooting from toilet avoiding guards or exploding people at bazaar you're roleplaying VC anti-NCR terrorists who want to make everyone live in VC, so you could kill them there and stay at North at the same time roleplaying NCR anti-VC terrorists so VC will be better than NCR.
Even luring NPC traders to jail or BoS bunker could be considered as roleplaying terrorist taking a hostage to weaken NCR's economy, too bad GMs don't understand that RP and preventing poor terrorists from doing that good RP thing.
Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2011, 02:14:36 pm »

 I am really confused with all this talk about RP, I think that some players are interpreting the "Role Playing" term. Why can't I RP a player killer? Why does a guy that shovels brahmin shit and says "howdy!" is a role player and a guy that choses the dark side is just a troll that spoils the others fun (presuming that shoveling shit and acting like a tard is funny for some people)? The pks, the apk, the guys that are picking flowers, we are all role playing.

 I dont think that the problem here are the players, the problem is the game. We don't have real oportunities to role play, we only have a few quests to play with our friends, we only join NPC's factions to get our crafter to lvl 3 because there aren't to many quests there either, factions are all the same because they can't have a goal except doing TC or doing nothing, etc. After a while you realise that there is no real challenge in this game except fighting with players stronger than you. That's why this game has so many trolls, people are getting really bored, really fast, there is nothing out there for them to do. Before you accuse the comunity give it a chance, we don't need role playing projects, this whole game should be a role playing project. "We go in Redding and we act like citizens!" - role playing. C'mon, even writing this got me bored. Go in Redding and do what? That is not role playing, that is just a desperate attempt to squeeze a drop of fun from a game that stoped offering it after you finished all the "quests".

I will not even talk about the tons of bugged quests that never get fixed, about the exploits that go on for a year and don't get fixed also or about the GM's gifts for certain factions.

Those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do!

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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2011, 02:54:30 pm »

-hello there? what is going on?
-well, i am just going to kill some bluesuits for teh lulz

what can i respond to that?

-hello there, are you a farmer like me?
-no, i am a student from P(r)oland and i will not stay IG for long, must go to a party

what shoud i respond?

-hello there?
-hi where are you from?
-i am from Modoc
-no no no, not in game, in real life
-what real life
-o yeah, get lost you n00b!

this are just examples of why we can't RP, no matter how much we whant


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2011, 03:10:32 pm »

Well if nuclear war ever happens I bet 80% of population which will survive long enough after nuclear winter will be on the same level of intelligence as an retarded primate. Such as if you see younger generations who grew up next to a computer soon as they were born, our language will deteriorate all around world to lulz, teh, and all the other bullshit that comes with it.

So, roleplay them as a brain melted poor victims of falling on the head or drinking radioactive toilet water. In any case, I hardly see the problem of ignoring people who came to write lol and shoot, or accepting it in a strange way and annoy them with your roleplay.


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2011, 03:10:51 pm »

This are just examples of why we can't RP, no matter how much we want.
Sad and True. I tried to bring Full-Time-RP a few times into the Game but People don't follow. Now I don't play 2238 anymore because there is nothing left to play for.
I used to be a bag of dicks, but then I grew up. I gave many of you guys a hard time, but on the other side I kept myself busy with helping players, and I never gave up on that.

Still, the FOnline community is a thing of it's own class.
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