I am really confused with all this talk about RP, I think that some players are interpreting the "Role Playing" term. Why can't I RP a player killer? Why does a guy that shovels brahmin shit and says "howdy!" is a role player and a guy that choses the dark side is just a troll that spoils the others fun (presuming that shoveling shit and acting like a tard is funny for some people)? The pks, the apk, the guys that are picking flowers, we are all role playing.
I dont think that the problem here are the players, the problem is the game. We don't have real oportunities to role play, we only have a few quests to play with our friends, we only join NPC's factions to get our crafter to lvl 3 because there aren't to many quests there either, factions are all the same because they can't have a goal except doing TC or doing nothing, etc. After a while you realise that there is no real challenge in this game except fighting with players stronger than you. That's why this game has so many trolls, people are getting really bored, really fast, there is nothing out there for them to do. Before you accuse the comunity give it a chance, we don't need role playing projects, this whole game should be a role playing project. "We go in Redding and we act like citizens!" - role playing. C'mon, even writing this got me bored. Go in Redding and do what? That is not role playing, that is just a desperate attempt to squeeze a drop of fun from a game that stoped offering it after you finished all the "quests".
I will not even talk about the tons of bugged quests that never get fixed, about the exploits that go on for a year and don't get fixed also or about the GM's gifts for certain factions.