Other > Closed suggestions

Los Alamos Project (some kind of a BarterTown)

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I'd like to see this implemented, as buying uranium and any other ressource for crafting from npcs is a poor game mechanic. And mining under radiation would help not to overflow the market with said uranium.

IMHO that would be a great alternative for NCR or VC. A safe town created only for the purpose od RP and player to player relationships. Besides it would be a great spot for some kinds of events like Valentines (fights on the ring, the winner gets some xp and a kiss from a lovely model). It has potential.

Beiing able to own or run a shop is an excellent idea to stimulate trade. being able to offer a variety of goods for sale that are avaliable to players 24/7 through a 'shopkeep' npc or similar mechanic would be great, even if the town itself wasen't taken on some sort marketplace in northern ncr would be sufficent/

Oh great idea! I think that it can be better for role playing in game. Barter player witch player is what we need!

This is a good idea, and I'd rather it were on another location to force people a bit out of NCR. Way I see it, the game's population is too concentrated in NCR, and other cities end up as ghost towns. Though this just creates another focal point, if it stays outside of NCR perhaps it forces people to other places. If strategically placed around California, it could spread the game population to other cities, like say, making it in the middle of the map, so Redding, New Reno and maybe Navarro would become stop over points.


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