Other > Closed suggestions
Los Alamos Project (some kind of a BarterTown)
Yep, but this cities are standard, always available and we all know it very very very good - some of us known it for years (more than 10). I'll be happy to see something fresh and what makes this game little more interesting. But as I told before - city is not so important, more important is mechanics. I'm also very disappointed with The Hub - it should be market city, but it is empty, even with players, there are only few shops.
But as ruins scavenger, I love Boneyard very much :)
--- Quote from: Arminius on December 28, 2009, 09:56:45 pm ---This is a good idea, and I'd rather it were on another location to force people a bit out of NCR. Way I see it, the game's population is too concentrated in NCR, and other cities end up as ghost towns. Though this just creates another focal point, if it stays outside of NCR perhaps it forces people to other places. If strategically placed around California, it could spread the game population to other cities, like say, making it in the middle of the map, so Redding, New Reno and maybe Navarro would become stop over points.
--- End quote ---
I agree. Trading should be spread over the Wasteland, cities specialized on resources, like raw materials and knowledge, but not monopolise them, like Modoc with jerky production table. Such services could be either more expensive or less effective like: "Oh shit, PKs are in Modoc again. Well then i pay some caps for a trader in SanFran, who can make some Jerky for me, if i give him meat." or "I could learn that profession from some ghoul in Necropolis, because mad shooters are camping in Reno again."
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