Other > Closed suggestions
Los Alamos Project (some kind of a BarterTown)
We want to show you our project, which might be interesting for many players.
We created a map, city called Los Alamos. Design was taken from movie Mad Max 3 where was a big arena to fight in the center of city. It will be possible to fight PvP or PvCreature. There are also shops that players traders can hire. They are safe, every shop have storage only for player who hire shop. Shops will have guards protection. We design a factory which is producing armors or guns or ammo for sale. Everything is to discuss with Devs. One of the biggest news is an Uranium Mine. We want to give a choice for players: buy uranium in BH or gather in mine. Of course it will be very difficult to gather it - mine will be very big with high radiation. Finally players will use RadX and Rad Away. That makes doctor profession more important than now. We also suggest new profession - miner. Person with very high strength and endurance, skills melee weapons (hammer) and outdoorsman. For example person with 3lvl miner profession can gather 50%-75% more than other players. The last thing that I want to say are quests. We are writing 3 - 4 quests for this city but everything depends on Devs and their agree to this project.
We hope that you will like it :)
lord luba:
It'll be nice to own a shop, fill it with your stuff and wait for cash 8)
Dark Angel:
Drakonis Put hands in this project? ;D
Drakonis is not a member of our faction. This wasn't his idea and please do not associate his policy and his projects with us.
Heckler Spray:
Woaw, congrats, that's really good !!!
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