As some of you might know, a
Coilgun is a "gun that uses electromagnetism to send a bullet of metal down a barrel. It works with one or more
Coils, that with the passage of eletricity generate magnetism and send the bullet forward.
Now that i got your attention, let me explain.
Coilguns are the most basic of energy weapons, can be crafted with a little or no technical experience in real life (google Coilgun and you will find thousands of guides "how to") and still are not in the game. Or, they are, but in an advanced, very rare form. I am talking of
Gauss Pistol.
Now, let's talk about serious stuff. Let's on how implement Coilguns in the game.
Coilguns should be craftable without requirements of profession, only a basic Energy Weapon skill.
Since i know most of you are confused, i will firstly give weapon statistic.

Note: Icon from Bigj, made using blender.
An homemade Coilgun. Coilguns are rifle with no moving parts, that use magnetic strenght to send a ferromantic bullet down a barrel with several coils that generate magnetic fields when power floods thru them.
SpriteRifle (the one of the
SoundNothing, only sound should be bullet that hits target.
Normal, 10-25
Strenght requirement:
Weapon skill:
Energy Weapons
AmmoIron Ball
Magazine Size:
1 (needs to be reloaded after each shot)
Unsafe (
At each shot, the weapon has a 1+(Break Count*2)% to break and give a little electric damage to user, due to some wiring to break or short circuit to happen)
Crafted with:
Tool, Energy Weapons 40%, Science 40%,
Wood, 3
Metal Parts, 5
Alloys, 5
Small Energy CellsIron Ball:
Description: an iron ball, around 4mm in dimension.
Special Effect: same as FMJ ammo.
20 crafted with: 8
Iron OreHallow Iron BallDescription: an iron ball, around 4mm in dimension. It's empty inside.
Special Effect: same as JHP ammo.
20 crafted with: 5
Iron OreWhat this means for Energy Weapons?
Means that all the actual equipment will be moved by one tier, so Coilguns are Tier 1, Laser Pistols are Tier 2, Laser Rifles Tier 3. And Plasma Rifles, technically uncraftable, get out of the profession, and become obtainable only by scavenging in The Glow-SAD.
Post your thoughts.