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Author Topic: Coilguns-New Energy Weapon  (Read 5816 times)


  • Desert Ranger
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Coilguns-New Energy Weapon
« on: September 11, 2011, 02:21:52 pm »

As some of you might know, a Coilgun is a "gun that uses electromagnetism to send a bullet of metal down a barrel. It works with one or more Coils, that with the passage of eletricity generate magnetism and send the bullet forward.
Now that i got your attention, let me explain.

Coilguns are the most basic of energy weapons, can be crafted with a little or no technical experience in real life (google Coilgun and you will find thousands of guides "how to") and still are not in the game. Or, they are, but in an advanced, very rare form. I am talking of Gauss Pistol.

Now, let's talk about serious stuff. Let's on how implement Coilguns in the game.

Coilguns should be craftable without requirements of profession, only a basic Energy Weapon skill.
Since i know most of you are confused, i will firstly give weapon statistic.

Note: Icon from Bigj, made using blender.
An homemade Coilgun. Coilguns are rifle with no moving parts, that use magnetic strenght to send a ferromantic bullet down a barrel with several coils that generate magnetic fields when power floods thru them.
Rifle (the one of the Shotgun)
Nothing, only sound should be bullet that hits target.
Normal, 10-25
Strenght requirement:
Weapon skill:
Energy Weapons
Iron Ball
Magazine Size:
1 (needs to be reloaded after each shot)
Unsafe (At each shot, the weapon has a 1+(Break Count*2)% to break and give a little electric damage to user, due to some wiring to break or short circuit to happen)
Crafted with:
Tool, Energy Weapons 40%, Science 40%, Wood, 3 Metal Parts, 5 Alloys, 5 Small Energy Cells

Iron Ball:
Description: an iron ball, around 4mm in dimension.
Special Effect: same as FMJ ammo.
20 crafted with: 8 Iron Ore
Hallow Iron Ball
Description: an iron ball, around 4mm in dimension. It's empty inside.
Special Effect: same as JHP ammo.
20 crafted with: 5 Iron Ore

What this means for Energy Weapons?
Means that all the actual equipment will be moved by one tier, so Coilguns are Tier 1, Laser Pistols are Tier 2, Laser Rifles Tier 3. And Plasma Rifles, technically uncraftable, get out of the profession, and become obtainable only by scavenging in The Glow-SAD.

Post your thoughts.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2011, 04:29:47 pm by Grommok »
Quote from: Grommok
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Re: Coilguns-New Energy Weapon
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2011, 03:25:22 pm »

Damn nice image :D But proposition from me, just change iron ball to just bb gun ammo :D


  • Desert Ranger
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Re: Coilguns-New Energy Weapon
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2011, 03:29:03 pm »

BB too common, and too big ;D
BB ammo usually 6mm, while coilguns generally use smaller ammo, to use less power.
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  • Energy Weapons Maniac
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Re: Coilguns-New Energy Weapon
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2011, 04:00:49 pm »

Hey that design is very solid and I love the picture, there is however a couple things which I'd change.

First of all, it should be craftable by Energy Expert but used as a "Small Gun" since Energy Weapons only include those which actually fire lasers or plasma bolts.

Second - even tho I like the idea of moving Laser Pistol up one tier (its nonsense when anyone can make one out of practicly trash), further intervention into Energy Expert craftable items would be a huge nerf. Assault Rifle with AP ammo, Sniper Rifle or P90 are way more powerull than most energy weapons, especially with metal armor variants being so common.

Last but not least, BBs sound about right for the ammo. Introducing a new kind just for that one weapon (especially with such heavy crafting components as 8 ore) doesn't make much sense. You could just as well add in description that "barrel size was adapted to common BBs, scrificing some of the stopping power".
Since its a one shot weapon, it'd be far from overpowered anyway.

Great idea overall!
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Re: Coilguns-New Energy Weapon
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2011, 04:05:54 pm »

Firstly i thought about Small Guns, but later i changed my mind. After all, exposed wirings, possible short circuits, the fact of possible need of changing the battery (even if it is actually impossible right now) are things from Energy Weapons. So, even if actually for ammo type and damage done is a "gun", maintence, need to power it from time to time and so on make it a energy weapon.
And for the BB, well, maybe you are right.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2011, 04:08:02 pm by Grommok »
Quote from: Grommok
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  • Energy Weapons Maniac
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Re: Coilguns-New Energy Weapon
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2011, 04:20:04 pm »

The maintenance part does make sense, this could be added as something like: "It recquires the capacitors to be recharged after every shot".

Keep up the good work!
-= It was the cleansing of the planet. The inattention by those who came before caused the holy fires. It was justice. =-


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Re: Coilguns-New Energy Weapon
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2011, 04:22:08 pm »

I think first it can be obtainable from starting quest or something like that. Atleast some quest with awesome reward and in fallout style :)
What about range of that weapon?
And i think it would be cool if it wil lhave long range perk for balance one shot magazine


  • Desert Ranger
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Re: Coilguns-New Energy Weapon
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2011, 04:27:37 pm »

Well, actually i only had the idea. The model, as i said, is from Bigj, while all the rest is mine. I didnt thought at AP costs, because i'll let devs (if they decide to implement it) play with them. The only is that reloading or shooting should take 1 AP less, otherwise with 1 bullet in magazine you could shot only once each 2 turns ;D
For range i havent thought- cannot be too high, because of power needed to move each bullet (actually coilguns have a incredibly high power consumption, with a 3% of all the power actually used in the shot). Ass with AP, i'll let devs play with that.
However, i had idea for new perk: Unsafe.
Basically, the weapon has a 1%+(break count*2) to break damaging the user for a little electric damage for each shot.
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
E' un gran figlio di mignotta!
Re: Coilguns-New Energy Weapon
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2011, 05:49:51 pm »

Nice suggestion, with this gun. I like it. But 1 ammo magazine - is too little, the picture clearly shows that magazine more than 1 cartridge


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Re: Coilguns-New Energy Weapon
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2011, 05:52:52 pm »

Nice suggestion, with this gun. I like it. But 1 ammo magazine - is too little, the picture clearly shows that magazine more than 1 cartridge
Not so, it can be just energy magazine


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Re: Coilguns-New Energy Weapon
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2011, 06:08:17 pm »

Nice suggestion, with this gun. I like it. But 1 ammo magazine - is too little, the picture clearly shows that magazine more than 1 cartridge
Whoops. Didnt notice the magazine.
Actually Coilguns cannot have a magazine in real life, for the simple reason that otherwise the magnetic field could attract all the bullets at once, leaving the gun totally destroyed.
Quote from: Grommok
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Re: Coilguns-New Energy Weapon
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2011, 06:44:38 pm »

It has been said numerous times that there won't be any new weapons before t he old ones are relatively balanced.


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Re: Coilguns-New Energy Weapon
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2011, 06:46:08 pm »

Well here's a little of my insight what would probably work for EW and game the best:

In SP games weapons of this category were mostly high-end content, that means with Laser Rifle you could already rip every single foe in the game ( and plasma rifle was better to some extend, though it's mostly trade between raw damage and range, unfortunately only for player due to armors enemies with laser weaponry were far less dangerous than their plasma wielding counterparts, but the mutants around you usually fought were all usually weak to both ).

This means that all those weapons are a bit too powerful, leaving little to offer to low level player. Maybe by design failure, the only existing weapon for low-end, was worse obtainable than the better versions of it.
However this is not the case in Fonline, and I think it should be easy to benefit from it. The niche of laser pistol does not necessarily have to be lost by nerfing it, because upgrading it might be made meaningful and more expensive (eg. Magneto-laser being unchanged, while basic laser pistol being the same as in Fallout), though shared ammo is problem here.

Another more important thing is the armor, and it's effect on important things for EW: Gatling Laser and Fast Shot trait.

Gatling Laser in Fallout could be probably considered as one of the ultimate weaponry, and for Fonline it could easily take similar role as Rocket Launcher - special weapon adding something that other weapons in the category can't do. Hope it will make some serious weapon, and not toy for fun.

Fast Shot might apply to small guns as well, but it is really the EW which have weapons designed for characters with this trait. Eg. Laser Rifle is NOT sniper weapon, and in F2 it did not have extended capacity upgrade just for fun.
In Fonline this upgrade is one of the most pointless one, in fact it's used just because it allows doing TC with it.

I would also welcome Turbo Plasma Rifle, not because it is better than normal one, but because there'd be some option to provide better progress for gearing up. Just like for laser pistol, plain plasma rifle could provide cheaper weapon where turbo plasma would perform current role of superior close-range single shot much like shotgun bursting.

So well, that adds 2 weapons to EW - both already existing in Fallout2, and both just to fill gap in gear progression.
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  • Desert Ranger
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Re: Coilguns-New Energy Weapon
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2011, 07:07:09 pm »

It has been said numerous times that there won't be any new weapons before t he old ones are relatively balanced.
Well, for me this "balances" EW by making every item scaling tier, actually making Laser Rifle (maybe it needs some more power) topgear of craftable EW, and Plasma Rifle a rare weapon that only an "elitè" of extremely experienced players can have-afford. This relatively "balances" atleast a little energy weapons.

I must agree, Energy Weapons are the classical example of the final "uber" weapons, offering an high power. This should however come at a price, like the need of maintence (not just "using repair", but a true maintance, with wirings, capacitors, and that kinda stuff), and the lack of ammo, 2 things that in FOnline arent. I would really like to see true weapons of that kind (Uber with rare ammos) in another category, not only Small Guns (talkin' bout Gauss Pistol).
In Fallout Gatling ISW a ultimate weaponry, maybe second to plasma rifle at a certain distance, but still an ultimate weapon.
However, i dont see what this has to do with my suggestion.
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
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Re: Coilguns-New Energy Weapon
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2011, 07:23:39 pm »

There is no need for penalty, because of powerful SG/BG weapons are perfectly comparable to those in EW category.
I'm sure in Fallout Minigun (the weapon nobody uses nowdays) was weapon perfectly capable of shredding enemies to pieces. It was somewhat worse than Gatling Laser, and AP ammo did never work, but it was still powerful enough to be compared to Plasma/Laser rifle, and so was Rocket Launcher.
Fallout2 screwed a lot of things (nearly all the firearms added in were lacking any imagination, and severely screwing post-ap atmosphere), but the new weapons added to BG were on par of everything new in EW/SG as well as filling some gaps in between only 2 tiers in Fallout (that is Flamethrower being one and Minigun/Rocket Launcher the second).
Also basic Minigun was not ever bad weapon, but it suffered by Fallout 2 poor balance that did not translate from Fallout where weapons made sense because of the enemies encountered, because with it low damage and high amount of bullets, it was gutted by DT on armors (which was working fine in Fallout, where you played walking tank, which was Power Armor supposed to make you).
But well without going on armors, there's no reason for any category to have ridiculous penalty, the weapons are not better, they just miss low tier, and it's really the same for BG as well. Might be cool for RP, might make it look different, but it's just a new bat in game that is stuffed of them to the roof already.
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