I've been on the server for a quite long time today, it's becoming really annoying to let someone run in a huge group and blow themselves up, while the other people surrounding are sitting there, rushing for the loot that people tried so hard for, it's annoying just to speak in a small conversation, then the next moment, someone makes a fuse, then they explode, fucking frustrating.
I lost about a bunch of armors, some heavy weaponary, and a lot and lot of caps due to these fuckers, I was thinking of making something, for example, if someone kills themselves during the explosive they have, if they've died using their own source of explosive, they cannot use the character anymore, the person who actually blew themselves up, which consists within suicide. I'd be happy if these rules happen to go listed, if not, fine by me.
Thanks for reading, hope this issue will be resolved sooner or later.
P.S: I lost many, many shit, don't see me cryin'.