Well,Lexx is german,sooo....
sorry to tell ya butYou can brew some of your own using Brewerage Device. where the said brewerage device is suppose to be located isn't therethus the reason me asking here.
Aahh...The exact text on http://fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/Beer page is:You can brew some of your own using Brewerage Device.Note, that the green (on wiki blue) part is a clickable link. Leading to http://fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/Brewerage_Device page, that explains how Brewerage Device works.
again go the brewerage device... it says its in NEW RENO EAST SIDE...Went there with two of my characters and also had one of my buddys go there to make sure I wasn't blind.. its no where to be found. there isn't anything there that remotely looks like the device.as I posted on original post
Does anyone know exactly where the Gun Runners' advanced workbench is? I've gained access to their fort in the middle of their area but I can't find it anywhere, is there some other point on the map where it is located?
please does anybody know what is the music playing in junkyard? its wonderful piece and i cant find it in official soundtracks... thank you
Hi, the reason you can't find it on official soundtracks is because I made it. You can find it in your data/faction.zip/sound/music/junkyard.ogg