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Author Topic: Questions and Answers #5  (Read 332488 times)

Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #930 on: August 21, 2012, 01:43:46 am »

looks like my list of nubery questions wont end

1:  is a throwing build good for pvp ?  i just saw how easy it is to craft grenades
or for the purposes of pvp if your going to go explosives might as well stick with big guns?

2:   however im more interested in these barter runs you mentioned, is that a reno thing? how does that give u exp>?

3:  wtf are stills for? i thought you used them to craft booze but i just looked that up in the crafting wiki, you cant craft booze, so i repeat wtf are stills for?
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 02:35:07 am by foonlinecurious »
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #931 on: August 21, 2012, 05:15:08 am »

looks like my list of nubery questions wont end

1:  is a throwing build good for pvp ?  i just saw how easy it is to craft grenades  (Yes, if you're a pussy that doesn't want to lose gear).
or for the purposes of pvp if your going to go explosives might as well stick with big guns? Alts for the most menial tasks, no pvp ats proficient in two things.

2:   however im more interested in these barter runs you mentioned, is that a reno thing? how does that give u exp>? Basically making barter alt and going around merchants trading stuff, you need at least 1 car and bases near every store.

3:  wtf are stills for? i thought you used them to craft booze but i just looked that up in the crafting wiki, you cant craft booze, so i repeat wtf are stills for? You craft rot gut on stills, booze is bough at Maltese Falcon in Hub for 10 caps each.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #932 on: August 21, 2012, 05:44:31 am »

Brujah is right on target about the barter; though I would like to add that three bases plus two tents can give you pretty good coverage of all the merchants.

It's really about doing a bunch of little things that add up in the long run. While checking stores, it's easy to deliver jerky or the Gun Runners package--and if you encounter geckos in between towns, that's even more exp and caps (with the Gecko Skinning ability).
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #933 on: August 21, 2012, 05:45:11 am »

Thanks Brujah

So you dont get exp from barter runs?,

so back to my original question, how long does it take to get to level 20 grinding?
since it still seems that is really the only thing to do for exp,
sure quests good, but how much do you get from quests tops if you do all of them, seriously
theres maybe two good 1000- 2000 xp quests and they have charisma requirements, the rest of the quests average 200 - 450 xp, thats like 3 mole rats worth of xp. so after you do all the quests you still need about 240000 xp or something.
And crafting, for exp? Giftless that was a joke right?  surely its much faster exp to just kill stuff.

im not trying to start an argument here, i just.... want.. xp

and lets say you didnt just grind, and did all kinds of other stuff, im still interested to know how many hours it took you.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 05:48:21 am by foonlinecurious »
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #934 on: August 21, 2012, 06:00:39 am »

It depends... Molerats for you since you're newbie...

BG: Flamer.

Sniper: eyeshoot moles with BBs.

SG: 1hex moles with grease, FAL or whatever.

Thrower: frags.

EW: Gatling... But you can't afford that so... I dunno how to level EWs otherwise...

Btw, there is a 95% chance that your first 3 characters will be complete shit, so don't get too attached with them.

And yes, grinding, hoarding, aping and farming will always defeat "just doing stuff", although I do enjoy some NCR soap opera drama here and there.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #935 on: August 21, 2012, 07:09:15 am »

Thanks Brujah

So you dont get exp from barter runs?,

so back to my original question, how long does it take to get to level 20 grinding?
since it still seems that is really the only thing to do for exp,
sure quests good, but how much do you get from quests tops if you do all of them, seriously
theres maybe two good 1000- 2000 xp quests and they have charisma requirements, the rest of the quests average 200 - 450 xp, thats like 3 mole rats worth of xp. so after you do all the quests you still need about 240000 xp or something.
And crafting, for exp? Giftless that was a joke right?  surely its much faster exp to just kill stuff.

im not trying to start an argument here, i just.... want.. xp

and lets say you didnt just grind, and did all kinds of other stuff, im still interested to know how many hours it took you.

After playing for a couple of months now, I have my own secret and preferred methods for gaining exp. and vital war materials at the same time. 8)

If you're just starting out though with your small guns, I'd concentrate on geckos, mantis, and even radscorpions at the lower levels. Some players like molerats but you can get pk'ed searching for them near the amusement park, plus they chew through armor at a fair clip if you're fighting in real time.

The best thing about the enemies I suggest is that they can be quickly dispatched...while on the way to accumulate caps which you can use to buy crafting professions, bases, vehicles, etc...things that will allow you to move up in the game and take on more difficult enemies. Crafting becomes exp as well, the surplus becomes caps...the idea is to have an integrated approach that accomplishes more than one goal at a time.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #936 on: August 21, 2012, 03:20:08 pm »

Molerats die in 1 burst...
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #937 on: August 21, 2012, 03:31:48 pm »

Brujah is wrong on a few points, easiest way to lvl throwing is make a few stacks of molotovs and find molerats vs mantis encounters. Use weak healing powders to lower your pe to 1 and they spawn in a pile. No point in lvling with bb gun when grease gun is just as easy to get ammo for. Leveling ew can be expensive but you can get sec from homesteaders around redding and just craft laser pistols. Also throwing isn't for pussies, sneak throwing knife builds work quite well and are fun to play. 27:26 is a great place to lvl on molerats.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #938 on: August 21, 2012, 04:09:12 pm »

I have a question regarding repairing items. Correct me if I am wrong but it seems to me that I can only repair my armors (and other items in general) by wasting another armor of the same kind. I have tried using tool, but it only seems to improve my repair skill. Now I may be wrong about this (disregard this part if I am), but this system seems ridiculous. In real life you don't buy new car when you want to repair old one, you just get parts that need to be replaced. I don't have enough firepower to farm metal armors, so I make one for myslef. Now as it deteriorate I want to repair it, but to do this I need to make another metal armor, but again why then bother repairing old one? It appears logically to me that if I want to repair item I should use just the replacement parts, same as I was using for crafting.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #939 on: August 21, 2012, 04:12:06 pm »

Brujah is wrong on a few points, easiest way to lvl throwing is make a few stacks of molotovs and find molerats vs mantis encounters. Use weak healing powders to lower your pe to 1 and they spawn in a pile. No point in lvling with bb gun when grease gun is just as easy to get ammo for. Leveling ew can be expensive but you can get sec from homesteaders around redding and just craft laser pistols. Also throwing isn't for pussies, sneak throwing knife builds work quite well and are fun to play. 27:26 is a great place to lvl on molerats.

Hmm... I never tried homesteaders nor throwing nubs, I just skipped to gatlings and plasmas.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #940 on: August 21, 2012, 04:21:28 pm »

I have a question regarding repairing items. Correct me if I am wrong but it seems to me that I can only repair my armors (and other items in general) by wasting another armor of the same kind. I have tried using tool, but it only seems to improve my repair skill. Now I may be wrong about this (disregard this part if I am), but this system seems ridiculous. In real life you don't buy new car when you want to repair old one, you just get parts that need to be replaced. I don't have enough firepower to farm metal armors, so I make one for myslef. Now as it deteriorate I want to repair it, but to do this I need to make another metal armor, but again why then bother repairing old one? It appears logically to me that if I want to repair item I should use just the replacement parts, same as I was using for crafting.

The deteriorated item IS a replacement part. Just craft 5 Metal Armors, start using first one, when it is too deteriorated, leave it in the tent and start using second one. When the second one becomes too deteriorated, repair it with the first one.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #941 on: August 21, 2012, 10:39:20 pm »

Thanks for your answers guys,
fyi i am a crit build, lvl 5 and i 1 shot molerats ( most of the time) with my combat shotgun.
i will try the molotov cocktail trick XD  i assume it works without throwing skill

Next question:
I just found a place in junkyard that isnt in the wiki, apparently they pay you straight caps for spears, and sharpened spears, i assume this acts like a repeat quest?

are there areas/ NPC's in the game that will pay you straight caps for items ( NOT barter ) but actually give you the caps on a dialog option, that is repeatable?

because its annoying trying to get caps when all of the merchants are sucked dry.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 10:45:14 pm by foonlinecurious »
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #942 on: August 22, 2012, 01:44:43 am »

I just found a place in junkyard that isnt in the wiki, apparently they pay you straight caps for spears, and sharpened spears, i assume this acts like a repeat quest?
yes, you can trade infinite ammount of spers through the dialog. will be on the wiki soon

are there areas/ NPC's in the game that will pay you straight caps for items ( NOT barter ) but actually give you the caps on a dialog option, that is repeatable?
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #943 on: August 22, 2012, 02:17:51 am »

My crit build has 9 luck, and 9 perception ( I wanted 2 CH because not having followers is lame)
is my character going to be ''shit'' when it comes to PVP ?
is that 1 perception, and 1% better chance to crit really that important for being good a PVP character ?


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #944 on: August 22, 2012, 02:56:04 am »

My crit build has 9 luck, and 9 perception ( I wanted 2 CH because not having followers is lame)
is my character going to be ''shit'' when it comes to PVP ?
is that 1 perception, and 1% better chance to crit really that important for being good a PVP character ?
well for a sniper 10lk is what they aim for, 9pe is normal because you can use cigs to get 10.
but am just going to tell you that mixing a character that wants follower and a pvp alt in one is not good. dont make hybrids unless they are for pve and personal fun use. in pvp all the extra  special points you can get to put into combat skills(luck for a sniper) is very important. a bad build in pvp really puts the odds against you. your build should be fine thou.
also am just saying thing to help you. a newbie should not go right into pvp a newbie should explore and get stock piles of weapons and then get a faction and start pvp. if you are looking for a faction my factions the sarmartains are recruiting and we are looking for new members. if you are interested come on irc #tsar.  ;D
Roaming the waste again.
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