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Author Topic: Questions and Answers #5  (Read 330996 times)


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Question about the Wipe
« Reply #165 on: December 16, 2011, 02:28:30 am »

I didnt kno where to ask this question :/

Anyways, what does the wipe effect?
is their a link to this anser?

Q do you lose tent?
iteams on floor? iteams in box?
Money in bank?
do you lose your bases?
do you lose mercs or cows?


-...have a hooooolleh jolllly chrisssh mish.... la la la la la...
(updated) edit----
So everything is reset, what about charicters, are they deleted?
« Last Edit: December 16, 2011, 04:57:39 pm by ghostiez »


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Re: Question about the Wipe
« Reply #166 on: December 16, 2011, 03:08:57 am »

Everything is reset, that makes it a yes to answer your question... and the wipe effects every little detail, and either fixes it, replaces it, or leaves it alone... you basically have to begin from the start again, with everyone else...


Yes, ALL characters are deleted...
« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 07:01:09 am by Alexandrite »

May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #167 on: December 26, 2011, 06:42:25 am »

Do Town Mercs respawn?  As in if someone goes into Broken Hills and just randomly kills one of the TC mercs... will it respawn on it's own?


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #168 on: December 26, 2011, 06:58:58 am »

Do Town Mercs respawn?  As in if someone goes into Broken Hills and just randomly kills one of the TC mercs... will it respawn on it's own?

.. i think you mean millita.
millita dont respawn, besides-(read it somewhere) that there is a 5 percent chance that they will.
normal mercs never spawn and mercs made into millita are millita and follow millita stats and rules. besides boosted hp.
Roaming the waste again.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #169 on: December 26, 2011, 07:02:56 am »

.. i think you mean millita.
millita dont respawn, besides-(read it somewhere) that there is a 5 percent chance that they will.
normal mercs never spawn and mercs made into millita are millita and follow millita stats and rules. besides boosted hp.
Ok cool thanks

p.s. I was just getting ready to edit this and say militia lol


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #170 on: December 26, 2011, 05:58:58 pm »

I still don't get one thing...

Will CH effect to prices at shop or barter skill?
I got 1CH and 30 barter, but still prices are higher than with 3CH and 30 barter..
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #171 on: January 01, 2012, 10:43:06 pm »

Okay, so i'm new to the game.

After a bit of wondering around I read up "Hey! A good way to start out is to go to NCR and shovel poop to make money!" i did this. 2 hours of scooping later, I get my armor and a weapon. I kill time, scooping more, waiting for some ammo to appear so I can go out and find Brahmin hides to make a tent.

I make a bank account, etc etc, then go to a shop to find a good weapons+ammo...

As i'm standing there in the shop, I suddenly get gunned down... dead, everything on me looted... I respawn, with nothing.

Is this basically what i'm to expect the entire time in this? I assumed NCR was a "safe town" ...
Cause like, i'm finding it hard to motivate myself to try again, if this is just going to happen over and over...
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #172 on: January 01, 2012, 10:52:01 pm »

1) Don't waste your time on brahmin shit.
2) Don't enter NCR with items if you're below 200 HP. Better 244+ HP and BA and some toughness, then you can hold something with you. Also if you carry full weight you can even stand afk, because bombers won't be able to plant dynamite to you, because dynamite has weight too.
3) If you totally don't know what to do - gather junk and craft BBs, gives XP and you can trade it for armor/weapon/ammo at many traders, even if you have 1 CH.
4) If you're SG and very very low level, buy smg and ammo for BBs, go around Modoc and spray at brahmins, get hides, make a tent.
5) If you don't have a tent, don't worry, just gather some junk... craft BBs... go and trade it for another jacket to look cool and some gun and ammo to kill things. +you'll get XP for crafting.
6) If you have 3 CH or more, than you shouldn't have problems at all, you can even trade BBs for EW and BG weapon more easily.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #173 on: January 01, 2012, 11:01:27 pm »

Cool, what would be a good town to hang around then to start?
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #174 on: January 01, 2012, 11:04:28 pm »

Cool, what would be a good town to hang around then to start?
Boneyard. A lot junk, 1 CH trader with guns/ammo/armor. Low HP regulators dying from 1 burst and they have smgs, 10mm, radios for sell.
Brahmins on 1 tile east/south-east from Hub. But better around Modoc, because it can be annoying sometimes to try to encounter them around Hub, as they're not too common there.
When you'll be higher level: hunt Hub patrols for assault rifles (again just 1 burst in point blank with AR with AP ammo). Better do all encounters in RT, don't use TB.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #175 on: January 02, 2012, 12:17:49 am »

Thanks :D

I've been hanging around Modoc. Been trying a "shoot and run" method on Brahmin.

Scooped enough poop to buy a sawed-off.
Used the sawed-off to kill brahmin.
Sold hides to get a better shotgun.
Using it to kill more brahmin easier.
Going to buy a SMG next.

Slowly working my way up~
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #176 on: January 02, 2012, 11:22:12 am »

What's your weapon skill? If you want I can craft you some tier 3 guns if your small or big guns. And if your hanging around
Boneyard then even easier to give you stuff as my main base in near.

Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #177 on: January 02, 2012, 04:16:13 pm »

I think my weapon skills are at like.

45% small guns
48% big guns (tagged)

Gonna work on them next levels some. Only level 4 atm.

Didn't have a specific build so I just went with what I generally pick for my Fallout 1 and 2 character.

Has been going pretty well so far.
Built a tent, scavanged around New Reno for scrap, turned those in BB's, sold for ammo/weapons.
Lol, been just upgrading a CQC gun... snagged a flamer, a SMG, round for the SMG, some stimpacks and just been stockpiling. Got about 2k caps now, but have to be extra careful.

While I was in Vault City, this one player kept trying to steal my stuff. Stole my old shovel, got caught, but my flamer didn't have the range to get her.
So I snagged the SMG and put some flint/broc flowers in my inventory as bait. She stole, got caught and I shot her for 14 damage but she got away.
I figured "She wouldn't try it again now."

She did try again, lol. I stood there, SMG out, burst mode on, and just waited. She walked around a bit, then ran up and tried to steal my broc flowers, without relizing I already had her targeted and waiting for the red text. She got caught by the guard, and as she ran I shot her in the back with a burst, did 31 damage, killed her. Felt good.

I'm mostly just looking for some armor now.
Kinda get the feeling i'd not run the risk of being shot at as often if I'm not just wearing a newbie jumpsuit.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 04:20:10 pm by Grimno »


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #178 on: January 02, 2012, 06:06:24 pm »

1) I got like 2-3 HtH characters (eighter minmaxed pugilists or melee/unarmed oriented crafters) which killed like 100-200 brahmins for their hides without any problems...

2) F1 or F2 characters you played and moved in here might not be doing ery well... but once you know that you'll just make a better one :)

3) i got pretty much tier 1 armors i don't have much use for (but i dont want to just sell those) so i could provide you once i get back home and launch FO

craft, Craft, CRAFT! (armors)
sometimes repair dismantle stuff
...and most of all; DEATH TO NERFING!!!
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #179 on: January 02, 2012, 06:26:13 pm »

1) I got like 2-3 HtH characters (eighter minmaxed pugilists or melee/unarmed oriented crafters) which killed like 100-200 brahmins for their hides without any problems...

2) F1 or F2 characters you played and moved in here might not be doing ery well... but once you know that you'll just make a better one :)

3) i got pretty much tier 1 armors i don't have much use for (but i dont want to just sell those) so i could provide you once i get back home and launch FO

Yeah, i've been rethinking my character.

Also been hearing about a "wipe". If it occurs and I make a new character, i'm tagging Big Guns, Outdoorsman, Stealing.

Watched a guy walk into town wearing that same green armor shown in your avatar (Combat Armor, etc), and a women walked up to him, and started stealing from him. I tried to steal from her, but I saw she had stolen 2 assault rifles, stimpacks, caps, ammo, and resources from him, then just ran while he screamed "WTF?!"
Made me relize
"What's stopping me from just, hitching a tent, then while wearing nothing, steal from others and horde it all... if I die, I lose nothing and just wait 60 seconds before trying again..."
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