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Questions and Answers #5
Admiral Zombie:
Whats the exact view on multiplaying? It use to be a flatout no in the past, but I've heard some people mention that its ok now, as long as you only use it for PvE.
EDIT: Also, what exactly is the critical modifier on armor? The wiki page doesn't mention this number. I'm at 1 Luck, mostly going on a small guns burster/fast shot, and I'm wondering about how much of a difference the perk spray and pray will make. It is a little bit more vague/hard to understand compared to other perks like bonus ranged damage.
Raven Crow:
Hi all,
is there a safe medical terminal somewhere?
--- Quote from: Raven Crow on May 09, 2013, 05:09:15 pm ---Hi all,
is there a safe medical terminal somewhere?
--- End quote ---
No. The terminals in V15 and Necropolis are the only ones for now.
Mike Crosser:
--- Quote from: JovankaB on May 09, 2013, 05:13:54 pm ---No. The terminals in V15 and Necropolis are the only ones for now.
--- End quote ---
The VC one was perfectly fine.
Since you would have to get the citizenship.
T'was balanced.
no it just meant another alt.
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