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Questions and Answers #5
You need to empty containers before moving or taking them :)
I wish to contact the devs to see if there is anyway I can help on the side ( I have some coding knowledge), yet all their inboxes seem to be blocked from recieving messages. How can I contact them?
Cyber Jesus:
--- Quote from: Spiritwind on June 05, 2013, 11:26:46 am ---I wish to contact the devs to see if there is anyway I can help on the side ( I have some coding knowledge), yet all their inboxes seem to be blocked from recieving messages. How can I contact them?
--- End quote ---
Easy, yell on #2238 with caps lock on, yell in NCR or spam +requesthelp. That should get their attention.
lol, use to hang out in the irc when I use to play, however with this alt tab crash; it makes it quite hard (I hate it being minimized).
If you want to play "fullscreen" without it crashing when you alt-tab, you can make the resolution the same as your monitor but just not check fullscreen.
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