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Questions and Answers #5
Mike Crosser:
--- Quote from: xsarq on May 09, 2013, 06:16:45 pm ---no it just meant another alt.
--- End quote ---
Still,I don't see why we can't have it.
Raven Crow:
Ok thx all, its a problem since my VC reputation is really bad.
--- Quote from: Mike Crosser on May 09, 2013, 06:17:36 pm ---Why?
The VC one was perfectly fine.
Since you would have to get the citizenship.
T'was balanced.
--- End quote ---
Because high tier items are supposed to be crafted in unguarded locations.
Although in my opinion we could add it back, if you would have to pay for
example 20% base price fee to the doctor for every drug crafted, because
it would not make the other terminals completely pointless contrary to
"make citizen alt to craft safely".
Raven Crow:
I found a way to enter the city by having high CH.
Do I still need citizenship to access the terminal in VC?
There is NO terminal in VC currently. I only said that in my opinion we could,
hypothetically, add it if you had to pay a fee to craft HQ drugs safely.
But yes if you are citizen and you can go into the vault, unless it's day pass.
Actually not sure.
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