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Gathering? Waiting?
--- Quote ---Scrap gathering. STOP. Scrap timeouts. STOP. Scrap crafting ores into materials. STOP. Get scaveging. STOP. Give limits to traders. STOP. Have fun. STOP.
The whole thread was made to ask players for ideas on how to go with gathering and timeouts. Right now we arent giving much feedback :'(
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I agree with you. STOP. But we are used to this kind of alternate debate. STOP. :D . STOP
What about just raising the amount of skillpoints one can get drastically? Means more points players can put in other things except their main gunskill (for pvp players) etc?
We need 3 skill groups : Combat, Supportive (FA, Doc, Outdoorsman, Sneak) and Other skills ( the rest ) where you can put your SP, into each group separately.
This would only overcomplicate it. A simple "buff" to the skillpoint pool would be the easiest solution.
--- Quote ---Another alternative is to change the spread of skill points. You know how an unarmed fighter doesn't really need more than about 145% unarmed to get 95% hit on everything - therefore leaving many spare points to put on other things?
Well, if the cap was brought down similarly on the other skills i.e. 200% or 150% is maximum, there'd be a lot more spare points to spread around and therefore the potential for more balanced characters - or in other words, most characters are able to do most things to a very basic level, or to specialise in several instead of just one.
Would need quite a lot of further changes, i.e. how effective certain numbers were - so 100% lockpick would need to be able to do unlock almost anything, 100% sneak would need to be pretty sneaky, 100% small guns would need to be pretty accurate etc.
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awesome +1
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