they could easily do wipe + some minor changes let people have fun for few moths and then launch "the big wipe" with fundamental changes onboard (lke domination mode i hope)4 example devs are telling that worlmap speed gona be increased after wipe, why dont make Wipe now and increase it NOW (I know its just 1 fucking parametr in sdk files just 1 fucking parametr...), 4 sure u can easily find few other smaller things ready to be implemented /changed just NOW...
they could easily do wipe + some minor changes
But I tend to agree with the fact they should change few parameters to make the last resilients have some fun.
I am quite new to FOnline, but I would gladly donate if I had a credit card. Even if the wipe wouldn't happen, I'd still donate. This awesome game can't be let fall on it's face. I am afraid that this is going to become money based game just like the others, only way to survive is to pay loads of money for extreme gear and stats, and without those you'll get raped by every single payer. That is complete bullshit, and that is why I want to donate.I hope even one person here thinks just like I do.
Lol scypior dont remove my posts you think that players will donate moneys because you remove all posts that contain criticism and the truth about your work and the server ? You asked about donate few months ago and what you and your dream team give players?
So now tell me and other players why we should donate ? to see big mega uber update like new color of robes or new trees in few encounters?
Yeah, well, we could even test more solutions that way, I agree. Noted, for the future!
hows that work for everyone?