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Author Topic: Advice and questions  (Read 2935 times)

Advice and questions
« on: February 10, 2010, 12:45:07 pm »

Im fairly new to the FOnline 2238 and i have absolutely no experience with fallout1,2,tactics games at all. I have already rerolled 2-3 times and i still feel a bit confused about the most basic things.
The last character i made has 1 charisma and everything else distributed in a manner which will allow me to become a sniper(or kinda). Science and Repair caped to 65 and 60 respectively and i have been shoveling brahmin crap for 1-2 days. I reached a level and i thought, wth i should go make myself a weapon(70 small gunz) and go out and kill some monster while exploring. The problem is that every single time i encounter something i either miss like im blind, or die before i take a breath. Is there a level which is the appropriate to start hunting or am i just a freaking noob?
Thank you very much in advance for your help. Much appreciated :)


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Re: Advice and questions
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2010, 12:52:18 pm »

well, for starters, you won't hit shit with a single weapon unless it is 4 hexes from you til you have 120% weapon skill and then craft, get a sledgehammer, hatchet and a knife so you can harvest basic materials at least, my bigguns alt is having a hard time as well starting up, but also do your best to avoid players and raiders until you have a burst weapon, or use turnbased mode, always good for evening out with the npc encounters who have the intelligence of a molerat but reflexes like a snake on crack.
also, up your outdoorsman to 40% so you can collect fruit and shit like that.
Also you have to ask yourself what proffesion you are going to take. your special stats will dictate it, pass the info up and i can tell you what you would suit as being. If you need any help i can offer my services once i can craft flamer ammo (goddamn you 40% outdoorsman)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 12:55:40 pm by gordulan »
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Re: Advice and questions
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2010, 12:56:23 pm »

Cool, that sets a mark :) .
May i ask if there is a place where i can actually kill brahmin? I mean, should i shovel crap until i reach 120smallguns and THEN make a tent or try to make a tent now? I im short on cash and i think the pelts go for 200 each at least. That means 2000 for a tent....


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Re: Advice and questions
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2010, 01:02:57 pm »

nope, it is 100 for a hide nowadays, although most people tend to forget that...
and you can kill (and tame) brahmin near ncr and near hub (they sell for 200-350 if you sell the tamed ones at the brahmin trader(you can tame them by using a rope on them)), so far the easiest place for me to hunt them has been near the hub, because of the simple fact that the khan raiders tend to move around ncr killing anything that moves every day after 20.00 cet (GMT +1) and near hub you can get gecko pelts as well.
But still you should decide on a proffesion.
Just send me your SPECIAL stats and the tagged skills and i can tell you what you could become.
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Re: Advice and questions
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2010, 01:23:49 pm »

nope, it is 100 for a hide nowadays, although most people tend to forget that...
and you can kill (and tame) brahmin near ncr and near hub (they sell for 200-350 if you sell the tamed ones at the brahmin trader(you can tame them by using a rope on them)), so far the easiest place for me to hunt them has been near the hub, because of the simple fact that the khan raiders tend to move around ncr killing anything that moves every day after 20.00 cet (GMT +1) and near hub you can get gecko pelts as well.
But still you should decide on a proffesion.
Just send me your SPECIAL stats and the tagged skills and i can tell you what you could become.

"Ahahaha" - said one of Khan Raiders,
"Yea, go search for noobs near Hub today!" - said other.
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Re: Advice and questions
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2010, 01:33:06 pm »

well, that is around the time i start to die having people scream: KHAN RAIDERS, NO MERCIY, DEADH THU AWL...
and these are the three most recen quotes directly after i got blasted to smithereens by an asshole with a bazooka or got melted with a plasma pistol (PTI4KA)...
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Re: Advice and questions
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2010, 09:16:44 pm »

I'll take you up on that if it was an open offer.
I think I have to reroll, I only picked one trait and I don't like where my CH and AG are. Are professions explained anywhere? This is the first I've heard of them.
(Nevermind, I found the bit on professions. Don't know why I couldn't before.)

Cool, that sets a mark :) .
May i ask if there is a place where i can actually kill brahmin? I mean, should i shovel crap until i reach 120smallguns and THEN make a tent or try to make a tent now? I im short on cash and i think the pelts go for 200 each at least. That means 2000 for a tent....

I collected my 10 skins around NCR at level 3. Didn't have too much of a problem. Got probably half of them by letting scorpions take them out first. Looted the Brahmin and fled the zone. I'd say it's a better idea to just buy them though, would have been a pain to lose them all. If you can get the pens in NCR to yourself you can make enough money for a tent very quickly.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 09:32:17 pm by thuggles »


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Re: Advice and questions
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2010, 11:27:15 am »

Im at lvl 17, but mostlly due to my faction support:benches,fiberplants,advices and a safe place . if I do not have the support of a faction,probably, i would still be in lv 7 with a leather jacket,a desert eagle and a couple of "junk" in my stash.

Try to find some friends or a faction, playing this alone its just hard as hell.
Re: Advice and questions
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2010, 01:30:13 pm »

New question: I know that the skill cap is 300. Is it worth it sacrificing everything to get to 300 if you can? If not what would be a good number?


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Re: Advice and questions
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2010, 01:34:23 pm »

Depends on the skill. Usually, weapons are raised up to 200%, but above 200% it costs too much in Skill Points to raise your skill. If you can sacrifice one of your three tags, you can certainly raise a skill up to ~250%, but 300% is really rare and hard to reach. I don't think it's really worth it.
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: Advice and questions
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2010, 01:43:32 pm »

Try to find some friends or a faction, playing this alone its just hard as hell.

Not really, this only bad thing for loners is 3 levels of profession max, so you can't craft weapon+armor yourself. And, of couse, your character have to be a crafter/fighter. But, if you play this game not first time, you can be fighter easily alone, but i can't play pure "shooter" character, this is out of my principes. Playing alone is hard at 1st, may be 2nd playing day, after it's easy for all. But don't play alone everytime, 'cause you'll find this game have no point. And... shovel shit... i never did that, time wasting. I was like 6th level, when noticed about this thing first time... You'll faster make some quests, and then earn XP for crafting, then you'll be able to kill marauders/raiders/robbers to get thier loot and sell it to NPC shop, or you can sell crafted items. And for alone player you should tag repair, i see it's 21% at your screen... you need as much as you can (but not more, than weapon skill). Btw, if you have AGI 6 and tagged Small Guns - you have 49%, then go to Boneyard and speak to guard at "Fortress" location, if your Small Guns <50% he will give to you loaded (12) 10mm Pistol + 35 10mm JHP and +15% to skill, so you'll have 64% (with AGI 10 - you have 65%). You can take this quest only if your small guns <50%, and, i think you don't need to be high level, 'cause i did it on 3rd level and is ok, but my 15th level char with tagged energy weapon and 45% small guns can't take this quest... ;p So, you'll have a gun, but with only 64% don't shoot at anyone, or you'll waste bullets and brake your pistol for nothing. Press "F" button, look what you need to craft 10mm pistols and 10mm ammo, also, don't forget about science skill, you need 60% science to craft gunpowder. And with a time, you'll see that playing alone is only boring, but possible, but if you're a maniac, like most people here, you'll start to kill others, may be it'll keep you playing. Really i want to find ANY faction/gang/party of idiots/something else who is hunting on PKs and other scum, because it's really boring to not kill people, when you're able to, but i can't kill with no reason.
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Re: Advice and questions
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2010, 03:24:11 pm »

Depends on the skill. Usually, weapons are raised up to 200%, but above 200% it costs too much in Skill Points to raise your skill. If you can sacrifice one of your three tags, you can certainly raise a skill up to ~250%, but 300% is really rare and hard to reach. I don't think it's really worth it.
thnx, really apreciate it. i've rerolled 4-5 times now and it always feels like it's not good enough. I didn't know how the lvling up system was and i thought i would earn a special point every 5 levels. But i don't so i had to remake the char :P. I also was trying to figure out a way using the fonlinecalculator to reach 300 but i couldn't, that's why i asked.
Re: Advice and questions
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2010, 06:37:17 pm »

Hey Sips1s. I, for one, have had all my exp (to level 13) crafting weapons, so quit shovelling brahmin shit and avoid going into encounters of any kind.

As soon as you get some profession levels, you'll see: Everything becomes easier and easier. I've made it through level 3 small guns and I'm kind of independant now. As someone stated before, find a faction and you will have little if no problems.

Also, I've found the Fonline wiki (click on the Wiki-boy 2000 button) really, really useful. If you aren't sure about the  profession you're going to take, just check there, it contains all the good infos needed.

Have fun in the wasteland!


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Re: Advice and questions
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2010, 10:21:22 pm »

For other questions, please ask here. Thank you and good luck in the wasteland ! =)
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
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