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Author Topic: Playtest Deposit  (Read 5067 times)

Re: Playtest Deposit
« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2011, 06:02:02 am »

That's what you do - you do nothing but trolling.
There's nothing more left to do.
Say me what else I can do to have fun, may be I'm blind.

About Sha Enin, he's 1st trader whom player visit when entering NCR, if he is being trolled, I would see thier (players) reaction, I'll be usually happy because of this reaction, that's why Sha Enin, not Buster, not Iguana, not Mira, not Dusty, not traders in Hub, JT, Adytum or any other town.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 06:04:43 am by RavenousRat »


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Re: Playtest Deposit
« Reply #31 on: July 26, 2011, 06:04:09 am »

I'm not here to "bring you fun". Maybe shutting down the PC and sometimes go out to the fresh air would help, if you're so bored that you have to troll in some random videogame all day long?
Re: Playtest Deposit
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2011, 06:16:21 am »

I'm not here to "bring you fun". Maybe shutting down the PC and sometimes go out to the fresh air would help, if you're so bored that you have to troll in some random videogame all day long?
I'm not trolling in other games, if there's exist anything to do. That's why I'm not playing FOnline much now, simply trolling is the only thing left in FOnline, it's MMO, it's based on players relations, what could I do? It's fun to see players post on forum "Ban him! He's shooting players with "oops"! He's an exploiter!" or "Sha Enin is dead 24/7! Ban him!" or "Now all traders are dead after I posted last topic! Ban him!", it brings me fun, when players are reacting like that. Also it gives you all possible ways to prevent future "griefing", as it's beta-test, you can find a way to prevent having fun trolling in the future game version so everyone will be "oh wow, alive trader, so what?" "look, noone shoots me in guarded town, cool" happy!
And again, you didn't say anything about "nice things" yet. The only thing that will change if all will stop "griefing" is...
They only get harassed by thieves now?
And...? Ummm...? Ehh..? FOnline will become very very very nice cool super interesting game, where everyone will be happy?


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Re: Playtest Deposit
« Reply #33 on: July 26, 2011, 10:31:23 am »

There is no problem if people just play the game and communicate with each other. There is no problem with people testing out their boundaries in the game, it's a betatest after all and stepping above the line is appreciated if not needed. The problem arises when people dedicate their entire existence in the game to just ruin other peoples fun or make the lifes unnecessarily harder. There was a time when I found your Sha Enin obsession a bit funny, now it really seems that you should seek a doctor about that issue. You can come up with any of this "but I am just testing!11" bullshit all day long, it doesn't change the fact that you're nothing but a pathetic troll. Atleast you've good company there, a big part of the playerbase consists of exactly this playertype, not interested at all in the fallout universe, roleplaying or atleast manners/etiquette. And I am not even talking about the PvP players, there is often foul language involved but atleast the better ones seek for challenges and equal measurement amongst each other and have better things to do than to troll all day. That's what you do - you do nothing but trolling.
Totally agree.
Sure, there are far worse trolls, but come on, you can do better.
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Re: Playtest Deposit
« Reply #34 on: July 26, 2011, 02:22:01 pm »

Trolling people its part of this game, and you cant say its not Surf. Everybody try to troll somebody one day, its like key in trunk (now if somebody say no i didnt try you should delete his post ;) ) Even Nexxos trolled me D: (respect for him ) Rat is one of guys what i like, they are full of great ideas to improve game and 2nd pack ideas to troll. But sadly that first pack will be in 95% (if its not whine topic to nerf created by somebody) ignored
Re: Playtest Deposit
« Reply #35 on: July 31, 2011, 10:45:45 pm »

If your only source of enjoyment in Fonline is in spoiling other peoples fun then you shouldn't playing at all. "I'm bored" is not an excuse to be a dick, it means you should go do something else.

Griefing is the poison that is killing this game, accountability is the antidote.


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Re: Playtest Deposit
« Reply #36 on: July 31, 2011, 11:44:00 pm »

If your only source of enjoyment in Fonline is in spoiling other peoples fun then you shouldn't playing at all. "I'm bored" is not an excuse to be a dick, it means you should go do something else.

Griefing is the poison that is killing this game, accountability is the antidote.
PvP isn't griefing, get over it. There is open battle system and everyone is allowed to kill whoever they want. Just because you die it doesn't mean it's griefing.
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Re: Playtest Deposit
« Reply #37 on: July 31, 2011, 11:46:19 pm »

Griefing is the poison that is killing this game, accountability is the antidote.
nooooo ... no updates/wipe is killing the game. accountabliity is the cure but guess what no wipe/updates
griefing happens in every game every day do thoses games die? answer is no if your still thinking about it.
griefing is part of game too it brings fun to many  people i love griefing and watching people get griefted. when i get griefted i just dont care what ever  ooo no i cant trade with trader  >:( but whats this theres traders all over the place ... no big deal.

rat has been trolling and such for a long time has game died no it was not. so dont think game is dieing because of trolling its slowly dieing becuase no updates and no wipe which is also why rat is trolling which all makes sense. when people are bored they troll which is the same for teens/kid when they dont have parks and things to do they do crime. bordom causes trouble.
Roaming the waste again.
Re: Playtest Deposit
« Reply #38 on: August 01, 2011, 04:27:34 am »

PvP isn't griefing, get over it. There is open battle system and everyone is allowed to kill whoever they want. Just because you die it doesn't mean it's griefing.

I never said PvP was griefing, Ambushing careless travelers in the wastes and gangs fighting over control of the unguarded towns is part of the game. Griefing is when you do something for the specific purpose of causing grief. (i.e. suicide bombing/bursting in guarded towns, blocking merchants with slaves/mercs, and most of the other crap that Rat was boasting about), and there is no good excuse for it.

dont think game is dieing because of trolling its slowly dieing becuase no updates and no wipe

The lack of recent updates and the general lethargy of waiting for a wipe are hurting, no question, but that will pass when the next cycle starts. Griefing has been slowly killing the game for a long time now by driving away players, especially but not exclusively new ones.
Re: Playtest Deposit
« Reply #39 on: August 01, 2011, 04:52:07 am »

ck of recent updates and the general lethargy of waiting for a wipe are hurting, no question, but that will pass when the next cycle starts. Griefing has been slowly killing the game for a long time now by driving away players, especially but not exclusively new ones.
No, it was making and still making game less exploitable, more protected against future funbringers griefers, when this game will come out from beta, as you can see most "griefers" are reporting thier good deeds on forum, personally I do that only if noone is going to post about me for 2-3 days after I started "griefing", because when "griefer" does that thread, people read it and... well, nothing interesting happens, when a victim of "griefer" posts thread and people read it, a smile appears on thier faces, because this "griefing" is usually something really ridiculous and only that poor victim is raging, because taking everything too seriously. I'm sure everyone like to read such threads. If I did something "bad" and noone posted about me, it makes me sad and I have to report whatever I done. If there will be no "griefers", then other "griefers" can appear after some time and will do whatever "griefers" doing now, if gameplay won't allow to do it, then you won't see "griefing" anymore, to do that, devs need to know that "griefing", to know that "griefing" they need to see it, "griefers" showing it to them.
If someone will again ask "Why do they do it?", the answer is very easy: "Because it's fun."
Secondary bonus from it is that it gives opportunity to make this game better by knowing what to do to avoid future "griefing", if player A won't do that now, then player B could do that later, and someone like you would post a thread like that someday anyway, so sooner or later. Of couse Surf said that he can't have some mysterious "nice things" because of people like me, well that's bad for him, but I bet whatever those "nice things" mean, he can have them, if he'll do it properly avoiding whatever people like me can do to those "nice things".
About leaving players.
"He punched me in NCR while I was trading with Sha Enin and guards bursted us and killed everyone, I ragequitting, good bye."
Well, shit happens. If he wants to leave, let him leave, it's beta-test anyway.

Forgot to type reason of the last.
For player: Well, shit happens. If he wants to leave, let him leave, it's beta-test anyway.
For devs: Guards shouldn't burst in public areas.

And that's just one of many examples.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 04:57:45 am by RavenousRat »
Re: Playtest Deposit
« Reply #40 on: August 05, 2011, 08:05:27 am »

If you reported each new exploit immediately, maybe after doing it once to prove that there's a real problem, then your 'improving the game' rational would be valid. But doing the same $hit over and over ad nausiam is just obnoxious, and as for 'it's fun' justifying such behavior; it spoils far more fun than it creates. (see the topic in General Discussion on this very subject)
Re: Playtest Deposit
« Reply #41 on: August 05, 2011, 08:08:08 am »

it spoils far more fun than it creates.
No, it spoils fun may be for one poor victim, that usually deserves it, as I won't repeat "exploit" on someone for no reason. And brings fun to me, and everyone who reads such threads and everyone who knows that victim and knows that he deserves it.
Re: Playtest Deposit
« Reply #42 on: August 08, 2011, 03:28:10 am »

Giving yourself and some other sadists a few chuckles by spoiling someone elses (potentially) several hours of work is most certainly spoiling more fun than you create. "They deserved/were asking for it" is an excuse routinely claimed by the perpetrators of many vile acts in the real world and, unless the person was griefing you, is equally invalid here.

If you personally have not more than once, ever, with any combination of characters, suicide bombed/bursted in a guarded town; and that one time was the first ever incident of it's kind to prove the problem was real, then well and good. Yet these are purely unrealistic unjustifiable acts of griefing which happen all the time, and the only way to stop this behavior(among others) is accountability.

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Re: Playtest Deposit
« Reply #43 on: August 08, 2011, 04:19:45 am »

Yet these are purely unrealistic unjustifiable acts of griefing which happen all the time, and the only way to stop this behavior(among others) is accountability.

the repetitive nature of these acts is what demeans them imo. The problem is they can come right back and do it again and the guards don't seem to recognize trouble when they see it.
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