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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Good idea?

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Author Topic: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.  (Read 5805 times)

Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #45 on: August 06, 2011, 12:53:22 am »

Just make the guards shoot players for 3 hours if they murder someone in a guarded town, people will use proxies, but that -Is- ban worthy.

So you are making people break the server rules to grief so heavily, which to me sounds fair to me.

To deal with thieves, just give the guards uber thief detection in the entry ways and different areas, so that if you want to rob someone, you have to follow them in to an area away from the guards, sounds perfectly reasonable to me once more, since it makes griefers work -harder- to grief, which isn't exactly a bad thing, unless you like your entire community to be made up of trolls.

PS, Even i want this, and i troll and bomb and shoot people in NCR for fun, i'll deal with making alts to continue.


jonny rust

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Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #46 on: August 08, 2011, 04:25:38 am »

Any character that bursts/blows up/ murders another player in a guarded town gets a murderer tag. The first time the player gets this tag the guards shoot on sight for a day, the second time he gets this tag the guards shoot on sight for a week. the next time for a month. make it exponential.

sure you can alt as much as you like if you are committed to pissing people off but you're grief alts will have an expiration making it that much harder.
Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #47 on: August 08, 2011, 05:27:30 am »

Any character that bursts/blows up/ murders another player in a guarded town gets a murderer tag. The first time the player gets this tag the guards shoot on sight for a day, the second time he gets this tag the guards shoot on sight for a week. the next time for a month. make it exponential.

sure you can alt as much as you like if you are committed to pissing people off but you're grief alts will have an expiration making it that much harder.

and the difference can be made for those who had a bomb planted on them? if not, you have an issue there i.e. a really good grief feature.

jonny rust

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Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #48 on: August 08, 2011, 08:05:31 pm »

and the difference can be made for those who had a bomb planted on them? if not, you have an issue there i.e. a really good grief feature.

someone getting a bomb planted on them would be a victim. the person who set the bomb pulled the 'trigger' and would be the only one to get punished here. I'm pretty sure that guards can already tell the difference.


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Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #49 on: August 08, 2011, 08:09:53 pm »

People still whine about thieves :(
I though you already learned to keep valuable stuff at tent or hands..
Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #50 on: August 08, 2011, 09:00:42 pm »

The bomber already loses rep if the bomb kills somebody, not the person who set it off/got blown up by it.


jonny rust

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Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #51 on: August 08, 2011, 11:45:58 pm »

People still whine about thieves :(
I though you already learned to keep valuable stuff at tent or hands..

thieves are just as beta as anything else in this game, there's always room for improvement ;)


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Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #52 on: August 09, 2011, 12:49:54 am »

I don't get it.  As much as grieving is a nuisance and what not.  Being a douche is perfectly valid roleplaying, quit whining.  This isn't hello kitty land, this is fallout, the wasteland is harsh, unfair and unforgiving.  Accept it, embrace it or find a game more suited to pussies..... :)

This is where the strong prey upon the weak and all you can be certain of is that everybody is a threat and always be ever vigilant.  Wah, somebody blew me up, wah, somebody bursted me, wah, somebody stole my stuff.   Wah, I wish somebody would hold my hand and keep me safe and tuck me in at night.....
« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 01:05:44 am by TKs-KaBoom »
It's all really about suppression of dissension, consensus through censorship.  Whether through extermination of those who have different or conflicting viewpoints or subtle spin of available media.  If there is only one opinion left, it must be right, right?

jonny rust

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Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #53 on: August 09, 2011, 01:52:00 am »

I don't get it.  As much as grieving is a nuisance and what not.  Being a douche is perfectly valid roleplaying, quit whining.  This isn't hello kitty land, this is fallout, the wasteland is harsh, unfair and unforgiving.  Accept it, embrace it or find a game more suited to pussies..... :)

This is where the strong prey upon the weak and all you can be certain of is that everybody is a threat and always be ever vigilant.  Wah, somebody blew me up, wah, somebody bursted me, wah, somebody stole my stuff.   Wah, I wish somebody would hold my hand and keep me safe and tuck me in at night.....

Nice story, now give me one reason why a guarded town in a harsh world would let a known murderer back into town 2 minutes after his crime?

Now explain how is the world harsh for the bluesuit with the SMG when there are no consequences or risk to his actions?

You're argument is half true, too bad you don't seem to understand it.
Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #54 on: August 09, 2011, 03:26:46 am »

I don't get it.  As much as grieving is a nuisance and what not.  Being a douche is perfectly valid roleplaying, quit whining.  This isn't hello kitty land, this is fallout, the wasteland is harsh, unfair and unforgiving.  Accept it, embrace it or find a game more suited to pussies..... :)

This is where the strong prey upon the weak and all you can be certain of is that everybody is a threat and always be ever vigilant.  Wah, somebody blew me up, wah, somebody bursted me, wah, somebody stole my stuff.   Wah, I wish somebody would hold my hand and keep me safe and tuck me in at night.....
you are dead. You can`t enter town any more. You can` do anything at all. THAT`s harsh.
Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #55 on: August 09, 2011, 04:03:57 am »

Yes, TKs-KaBoom, the previous two posts are right. You can say "the wastes are harsh get over it." I hear it used a lot, actually. It seems more like a scape goat or an excuse to keep abusing unpolished alpha game code. Let's face it, if we were actually in the wastes, people who ran in to towns unarmored with a submachine gun, ran up to a guy right in front of six guards, and blew someone's head up, only to die at the hands of the guards themselves, wouldn't be around for very long. It's because in the wasteland, you don't respawn in a minute.

You want a "valid excuse to RP" how about when your character dies, you delete your character and stop playing. See how long griefing lasts if it were actually as hard as the wastes.

In terms of ACTUAL valid rp pking, it really hasn't happened to me. Valid PKing is if you go in an unguarded mine and there's some gang bangers there in combat armor with combat shotguns and they kill you to take your stuff. Yeah, it sucks, but you knew the risks going in to unguarded towns/mines/Gang territory, and at least you didn't die in an absolutely retarded way in front of some guards when your killer had nothing to gain out of it.
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