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Good idea?

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Author Topic: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.  (Read 5592 times)

jonny rust

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Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2011, 09:34:58 pm »

exactly, besides, two game weeks is a lot longer than 10 minutes. If someone wants to go through all the trouble of relogging, alting, fast logging, multi logging etc. just to harass and thats the only way they know how to have fun then whatever.

There is only so much that can be done about this, but I think these sorts of penalties would still greatly curb that kind of behavior, and its the kind of bullshit that really does need to get curbed one way or another, played out by kids who probably don't realize how much of their lives and everyone else's time they are wasting.


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Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2011, 10:47:27 pm »

I suggest adding a Assault tag to players who attack people in town, that lasts a few in-game weeks. With this tags guards will demand that the player holster their weapons in ALL parts of town, such as the Bazaar in NCR and give them a few seconds to put their weapon away
Not bad. But you might want to think a little more in case of random killers (I know you're not supposed to AFK in a town, but being vigilant all the time is just ridiculous for a place that's supposed to be guarded.) because few seconds are just enough for them.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 10:49:34 pm by Johnnybravo »
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Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2011, 11:13:02 pm »

Players could try to not hang around the exit grid, because they would be killed if they moved too many hexes and would be shot the second they drew their weapon, and if they managed to kill, they would be shot on sight for a couple in-game days anyways.
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Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2011, 11:46:11 pm »

i wish the players of this game be more mature

they all are like "Ahahaha, let's exploit this featchure/bug just for teh Lowlz of it, F*** the GMs and Devs, they can't stop us"

please FO comunity, stop 1 hex bursting in guarded towns for lulz,

i think the best sugestion is so all the players(exept theifs) will not recive DMG in guarded towns, but there shoters yes
Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2011, 11:54:41 pm »

Seems like both your problems can be solved by not letting anyone stand next to you.
The rewards for stealing from players are fairly low in my opinion, its more for trolling than profit the downsides far outweigh the fairly meager loot.

As for bursting your idea just made thieving more profitable, as more people will be forced to carry weapons in their inventory. I think a better solution would be for players who attack protected players to be unprotected on respawn.
It doesnt stop occasional bursting, but it does stop
you were hit for 113 hp and was killed
burstymcgee was hit for 42 hp
burstymcgee was hit for 103 hp and was killed
replication .59
get back to town
you were hit for 236 hp and was killed
burstymcgee was hit for 62 hp
burstymcgee was hit for over9000 hp and was killed.
replication .59
The only exploit involved abusing your intelligence  ;D


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Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2011, 12:13:17 am »

Well I tend not to let anyone stand near me but they're kind of INSISTENT on standing 1 hex away an stealing/bursting you and will chase you throughout NCR.

I'm a bit surprised this is getting more downvotes than up since it seems like a good way to get rid of the griefers in guarded cities. Most likely trolls who don't want their fun to end.

Also Lagmaster, you know it as much as I do that it's just not going to happen. 1 hex bursting is always going to happen and it will always happen if you have so much as leather armor on, it's gotten to the point where you can't barter without getting bursted.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 12:18:56 am by Senrain »
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Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #21 on: July 17, 2011, 02:37:44 am »

If you don't want to have your stuff stolen, you don't bring it to the town full of thieves.
If you don't want to be bursted don't idle. If you idle you have to take the consequences of it.

Can we stop with Q_Q threads already, please? ;)
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jonny rust

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Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #22 on: July 17, 2011, 07:49:16 pm »

If you don't want to have your stuff stolen, you don't bring it to the town full of thieves.
If you don't want to be bursted don't idle. If you idle you have to take the consequences of it.

Can we stop with Q_Q threads already, please? ;)

by 'idle' I assume you mean as much as stopping to talk to someone for a second, because thats one way to get bursted. If so, why even bother playing an MMO?

Great advice as per usual anyway, after all we test a beta system in order to leave it exactly as is. If there is a bug, avoid the bug. If there is a problem, avoid the problem. everything is perfect already.


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Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2011, 03:12:28 am »

I can take bursting/PKing to a degree in that requires enough playtime to have access to the weapons and the skills to use them and bursters will almost always get killed. But thieving can be done at level 1 with no skill and no penalty. I fail to see the point of the steal feature as you really can't steal much from guards and NPCs and it is in insult to those of us who take the time to earn our weapons/gear via crafting or trading. It was one thing to have steal in a game where it could only be used on NPCs who required the .01 seconds it took for them to load up inventory file but for players who spend time to acquire weapons/gear it is a slap in the face to lose them not to merely a bad encounter but to someone who plays a game simply to harass others.
When you hear people talking about the great leader of the Armeggedon Arms Co., there talking about me. On the flip side when you hear them laughing about the Plague who stood next to guard and died or something else like that, that would be my brother Ben.
Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #24 on: July 18, 2011, 12:45:59 pm »

I can take bursting/PKing to a degree in that requires enough playtime to have access to the weapons and the skills to use them and bursters will almost always get killed. But thieving can be done at level 1 with no skill and no penalty. I fail to see the point of the steal feature as you really can't steal much from guards and NPCs and it is in insult to those of us who take the time to earn our weapons/gear via crafting or trading. It was one thing to have steal in a game where it could only be used on NPCs who required the .01 seconds it took for them to load up inventory file but for players who spend time to acquire weapons/gear it is a slap in the face to lose them not to merely a bad encounter but to someone who plays a game simply to harass others.

You have your skills mixed up. Bursting can be done successfully at level 1. Try stealing at level 1. I'll guarantee you that your failure ratio will be close to if not 100%.
In my experience a none powerbuild thief requires at least 220% in steal skill. A powerbuild might require a little less. Most thieves level to 300% anyway.
A lot of grievers aren't thieves and not all thieves are grieving. Actually stealing isn't grieving, it's stealing.
As said by someone else in this thread, stealing from players isn't really that lucrative.
Suicide bursting and stealing are part of the game. It's the wasteland and as we all know, the wasteland is harsh.
Suggestions to partly solve the issues at hand have been made before.

One of the problems to deal with is that people are protected again after death.
In other threads about these issues people, me included, have made suggestions to solve this.
My suggestion was that people would be shot on sight by guards when entering the town unprotected. The time they stay unprotected would depend on reputation (less than neutral, neutral, better than neutral).

A suggestion for after the wipe would be that players get punished by their faction if they steal from or kill fellow faction members, steal in their faction's places or kill protected people in their faction's places.
Perhaps faction members should be able to see who are unprotected in their faction's town or see the reputation people have with their faction.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 12:49:36 pm by HertogJan »
Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2011, 01:13:54 pm »

Well if this gets implemented it would be good , if people would start to level up multiple thief chars just to steal in some ncr then they would be immature kids.
Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #26 on: July 18, 2011, 04:07:30 pm »

Working mechanizm from other full loot open pvp mmorpg: In EVE online players can suicude gank too. But they get instakilled by guards and become unprotected (free to attack) for 15 mins. Every attack on protected player also signifficantly decreases their reputation and at certain level of that reputation they get instakilled by guards on sight.

This mechanism would make sucuide bursting less safe. Something simmilar can be aplyed to stealing.
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #27 on: August 03, 2011, 05:26:02 am »

I'm really enjoying some of the ideas here. Bursters and thieves in NCR, while not a big threat to veteran players, are a huge nuisance to new players, specifically, and this seems to happen to everyone when they're new- A new player with nothing but a sledgehammer and some bullets he just made to go sell to Buster. It's all he has- He's trying to get some money together for a tent or something, and as soon as he stops to talk to buster there's somebody already stealing all of his stuff while his screen is covered. It's a nasty tactic. Bursters are just retarded. They're just there to try to ruin the game for everybody else. In fact, I think it's quite annoying that there are so many griefers in this game. It's already really hard getting a foot in as a new player. It doesn't help there are people dedicated to going around and killing people for no reason, even if it means dying themselves.


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Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2011, 08:36:37 pm »

unproportional fun thats all this is.

The guy stealing-bursting will get a giggle out of it, perhaps a little laugh and then move on, the guy who got bursted-stolen lost a big deal of time (for material goods in Fonline are just time spent to get them for they're all renewable) and got a little frustrated, given repeated incidents this frustration can grow a long way....

Same with Pking, same with grid camping, RT traps, this game is about a few people getting a giggle out of other peopleĀ“s frustrations.
I think it's much better now. It's strange to see how everyone is a millionare in a wasteland..
Re: Defense against thieving and point-blank bursters in guarded towns.
« Reply #29 on: August 04, 2011, 05:22:26 am »

this frustration can grow a long way....
It depends on player's temper. Some are getting frustrated and leaving, those players simply don't want to lose or feel fail. My advice is to play single player games or co-operative games, still, in co-operative games someday he'll get into situation where he'll make a mistake and his team mates will be angry on him, he'll be frustrated and leave that game. In single player game there're no other players, if AI will win him, he'll simply load the game. Also he migh try to social-chat games where you can't affect other players in bad way. Those people are usually easy to hurt but also are good empaths as they feel everything more than others and are very valuable in real life for thier close people.
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