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Do you think the idea is worth of further work with it?

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Author Topic: New skill "taking cover"  (Read 3858 times)


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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2011, 09:12:09 pm »

I always tought about a method to get DR or AC when using covers in a way similar to the strategy game Company of Heroes. Shooting from windows or from a fence, a rock, a barrel should give AC or DR. I never suggested it since I think that something like that would encourage camping.


jonny rust

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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2011, 09:23:40 pm »

    You can have fair fight with LSW sneaker even if you have sniper rifle when you are mobile, know map(covers)-it is my goal, it is why I created this topic. I assume that players will change positions and covers many times to find good occasions to shot. If you make mistake you hurt but no lose immadietly.

right, after your opponent has wasted his AP on your cover you know that you have time to run to the next bit of cover, perhaps making your way closer to him or closer to your escape.

there would be more time spent waiting for your opponent to make a dumb mistake leaving himself open, as is the case in a real fight.

I always tought about a method to get DR or AC when using covers in a way similar to the strategy game Company of Heroes. Shooting from windows or from a fence, a rock, a barrel should give AC or DR. I never suggested it since I think that something like that would encourage camping.

It might encourage camping but i think one would camp to one's own detriment. With this system one would want to stay on the move as there would always be cover spots behind you or on your flank for someone to take advantage of unless you are so far to the edge of the map that you are basically out of the fight in which case your enemies can simply run the other way.

what I like most about this is that the fights would be protracted but it's in your best interest to try to end them fast or get out. Otherwise your opponent  would be able to send a distress signal for reinforcements before you get a chance to kill him (of course you could do the same).

It will make PvP more interesting out in the waste. It will encourage dialogue between two stalemated opponents, It will even give blue-suites a bit of a leg up.


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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2011, 09:53:01 pm »

rio is wise man with good ideas +1.
so yes and mcdocter come back.
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2011, 10:43:34 pm »

Man I remember suggesting this a few weeks or a month after I first started playing.

And such a topic has been discussed between a few others as well, it's up to the devs at this point.
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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2011, 10:45:00 pm »

I doubt that it can be implemented, but I would like to see it ingame, why not.
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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2011, 10:59:00 pm »

And such a topic has been discussed between a few others as well, it's up to the devs at this point.
Yes, but question whether to use skill, or not is still available for discussion.

I doubt that it can be implemented, but I would like to see it ingame, why not.
Well, from what I'm aware it's not that hard to implement.

jonny rust

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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2011, 11:01:27 pm »

Well, from what I'm aware it's not that hard to implement.
I'm suddenly extremely interested in this topic
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 11:03:29 pm by jonny rust »


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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #22 on: July 12, 2011, 11:07:51 pm »

Well, from what I'm aware it's not that hard to implement.

What? Daaamn, so we totally need a cover system!

But I still think making it skill related is a bad idea. We already have too few skill point, and we would need another skill around 200? Not mentioning it doesn't make much sense for realism, it would be also bad for gameplay. We already have much char related parameters, I don't think we need more. Also, I would give a DR bonus rather than AC bonus, because it would end up causing problem with shooting pople under cover : would be only luck deciding if you hit or not, which is always bad. Also, it would allow to make some boost only to normal/energy DR, while flamer and explosives could be used against covered people.
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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #23 on: July 12, 2011, 11:26:56 pm »

What? Daaamn, so we totally need a cover system!

But I still think making it skill related is a bad idea. We already have too few skill point, and we would need another skill around 200? Not mentioning it doesn't make much sense for realism, it would be also bad for gameplay. We already have much char related parameters, I don't think we need more. Also, I would give a DR bonus rather than AC bonus, because it would end up causing problem with shooting pople under cover : would be only luck deciding if you hit or not, which is always bad. Also, it would allow to make some boost only to normal/energy DR, while flamer and explosives could be used against covered people.

I agree with this.

The from bursts and such considering its not really aimed directly the bullets being powerful enough to penetrate through would be slowed if not put off course considerably causing what bullets that get through to have to deal with the armor as well.

however when it comes to aimshots there should be a skill dependancy only because your obviously not trying to shoot through the cover, your waiting for a chance to shoot the bodypart intended.

Fire based weapons should be able to do normal damage without the DR of cover in the way consider fire is in flamers is napalm, a liquid like fire,would just be sprayed over the cover or into it.   And molotovs is liquid being lit on fire, so even if you hit the cover with the bottle it would splash all over them.

Explosives, is another question, I think they should still get the DR bonus from cover, but should still be blown away like normal, because of the explosion itself and not the shrapnel.  If possible, Dynamite would totally ignore the cover and blow straight through and hit the enemy.

we're not using Electricity based shit so *ignores*.  (well there is militia with yk32 pistol...)  But it's not like electricity would do anything to cover unless used on metallic cover, and that depends on whether not the guy is actually touching it.

Lasers should totally ignore cover unless it is a metallic based, but there should still be very little resistence.

Plasma would just totally melt through the cover not to mention the splash it would cause so "poof".

Melee?  There should be a skill check since it is used mainly to aim but also because your not gonna stab or smash through a big brick to get to them you would just jump through the cover swinging.  (unless you had a super sledge, but dynamic maps is not possible last i heard). 
God imagine you waiting for this guy with a bigass hammer to jump out and burst him and then the crazy fucker just busts through the wall and charges you xD.

So uh, there is the aiming thing that i think should be skill based, but everything else should just deal with the cover depending on the type of ammo and weapon etc.

Did I miss anything btw?
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jonny rust

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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #24 on: July 12, 2011, 11:32:54 pm »

What? Daaamn, so we totally need a cover system!

But I still think making it skill related is a bad idea. We already have too few skill point, and we would need another skill around 200? Not mentioning it doesn't make much sense for realism, it would be also bad for gameplay. We already have much char related parameters, I don't think we need more. Also, I would give a DR bonus rather than AC bonus, because it would end up causing problem with shooting pople under cover : would be only luck deciding if you hit or not, which is always bad. Also, it would allow to make some boost only to normal/energy DR, while flamer and explosives could be used against covered people.

I agree with the skill part, but I don't know about only DR being affected by cover. It makes more sense to be missed when behind cover than it does to be hit for no damage, however a combination of misses and reduced (grazing bullets?) damage would make a lot of sense.

As for explosives, cover should still apply to some extent depending on what the cover is, but a smart rocketeer won't just shoot as his target's cover, he would shoot at the ground next to his target splashing him with far more damage than firing a direct shot.

Flamers would have to get so close they might as well just rush past the cover anyway.

I think we need cover to further balance weapon types at the end of the day and for this reason I would still like to see laser and plasma damage being resisted by cover as cover would be an ideal way to withstand a sniper (which might be laser based) or big gunner attack logically.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 11:35:31 pm by jonny rust »


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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2011, 11:43:25 pm »

I think the main purpose of throwning granades behind obstacle should be to uncovering enemy. Grenades will become more popular, also throwning skill. This give us more tactics in game. Throw grenade, uncover enemy, burst- for example. I expected it can be implement easily but I was afraid of posting it(sneak bonus from barrels and similar to sight, range area).

jonny rust

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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #26 on: July 12, 2011, 11:48:35 pm »

I think the main purpose of throwning granades behind obstacle should be to uncovering enemy. Grenades will become more popular, also throwning skill. This give us more tactics in game. Throw grenade, uncover enemy, burst- for example. I expected it can be implement easily but I was afraid of posting it(sneak bonus from barrels and similar to sight, range area).

sounds like Tactics now, and it should! Tactics had a great combat system, further more it made team strategies very interesting and diverse which I think this will help to do here.

thanks Rio!



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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #27 on: July 12, 2011, 11:50:39 pm »

Np I love this game too! Btw: Maybe if not skill points that Perks can improve "taking cover".
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 11:54:46 pm by Rio »
Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2011, 12:39:49 am »

love this idea! what about if you stand really near to wall, about 33% you get "cover"


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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2011, 10:54:07 am »

I think the main purpose of throwning granades behind obstacle should be to uncovering enemy. Grenades will become more popular, also throwning skill. This give us more tactics in game. Throw grenade, uncover enemy, burst- for example. I expected it can be implement easily but I was afraid of posting it(sneak bonus from barrels and similar to sight, range area).

A cover system togheter with the Hex-Shooting suggested  a week or so ago. Epic.
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