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Do you think the idea is worth of further work with it?

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Author Topic: New skill "taking cover"  (Read 3856 times)


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New skill "taking cover"
« on: July 12, 2011, 03:56:41 pm »

   Like many players I like PvP and I notice, the changes are needed. Fights end too quickly. My favorite example: 2 x burst with LSW in the back. Much depends on luck, not much depends on skills, that should be obtained along playing. Every new player and his neighbors download PvP build from forum. At the same time they don't know why it looks like that. After a few days of exping they come into PvP fights and they have the same chances like experienced players. More things should rely on player's experience.
   I was thinking about new skill like "taking cover" or sth like that. Presently, it's hard to use obstacles in fight. When the skill bonus for sneaker standing near a barrel was introduced, I thought it's the thing I will never use. However, once I was running away from hostile sneaker and reminded about barrel. I used it, survived and the enemy was surprised. I noticed, enviroment object can diversify the gameplay.
   My idea is about existence of area, that gives you additional damage resistance points, when you stand behind some kind obstacle or near corner of the building. It protects you only from defined directions and this area increases within raising of the skill. It'd allow creating new unique tactics, give an advantage to experienced players, who knows spots well and make fights longer. Fact, obstacle protects you only from one direction and make impossible existence of ideal obstacles and forces players to fight with various ways.
   I've seen an idea about increasing HPs to 300-500 and decreasing damage of weapons. In my opinion, it will make the fights longer, but in the artificial, innatural method. The winner will be a person with larger amount of stimpacks.
   I am not sure, if it's the best description, so I paste a picture:

   Blue area depends on skill and gives damage resistance points. In closer area, that are not filled with colour, there is no effect.
Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2011, 04:12:01 pm »

This is pure genius :) dammit this is really good you could even implement to be able to take cover behind a teammate ;D for an example a sniper stays behind a tank big gunner that way gaining a tactical advantage therefore increasing the chance of success , using obstacles and " real " cover to your own advantage , i hope i am not missing something because on paper this feature sounds very good it would promote team play and the skill cap of the player in my opinion.

So +1


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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2011, 04:48:46 pm »

Rio you're not the first to suggest this. But yes, something like this would add to the gameplay. In addition some objects that block the view at the moment could be turned as transparent cover instead. Car wrecks and cactuses come to mind first.
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jonny rust

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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2011, 04:58:03 pm »

I'm totally on board with this, the game absolutely NEEDS it.

I agree with avv in that (and I have posted this somewhere else) anything that can be seen over but not walked through (and I believe there is a specific marker for these objects used in the map maker) should be usable as variable amounts of cover, i.e. things like cacti (being the lowest form of cover) to things like car wrecks (being the best).

I dont however think this should be another skill (not unless we start to consolidate existing skills as suggested in the "useless skills etc." post) as it would probably spread our limited skill points too thin.

Perhaps it could instead be based on agility and luck? and add to damage resistance somehow.

It would obviously have a lot of kinks to work out, all the more reason to implement this sooner rather than later. 
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 05:10:54 pm by jonny rust »


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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2011, 05:13:07 pm »

I don't think it should be linked with any skill (even a retard understand how to use a cover), an heavy AC bonus or DR bonus when you're protected by a cover would be enough (which not apply from back nor close range obviously). Yeah that would be awesome...

But already suggested at least two times or more, and I think dev will implement it as soon they will find a way to do it. Which is not the case yet...
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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2011, 05:14:17 pm »

great idea, this was a thing i thought off long time ago. Not to mention that if we have 3d critters it will be easy to make them even crouch! and if everything is in 3d it will be stupid to not use the hittest possibilities of a 3d engine, which would allow covers like this, even if in 2d its still a loto f job because people can shot u from different directions and dev would need to make it so the cover knows if they're shooting u from front, side or back which would modify the cover effects. Thats still possible but would be way more easy in 3D. Also using 3d would allow a completly different game play where u can move and aim shot with mouse, and its in my mind stupid to modify all graphics to 3d if ure not changing the gameplay. I end my off topic rambling.
Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2011, 05:43:35 pm »

   This skill should be based on sth. In my case I propose skill points, like Rio did, in order to deprive combat characters of possessing every ability. For instance if someone choose skill "taking cover", he's not able to have insanely high FA, DOC. That could create some space for medic character on the battleground (TC). If the game is various, it's not boring. One character cannot be expert in every domain. Using obstacles one could balance sniper and big gunner class.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 05:46:12 pm by Aquare »


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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2011, 06:00:58 pm »

No, Fallout graphics make it hard to even think about such feature.

Unlike tactics, most of fallout scenery was not done with anything similar in mind, and also any 1hex cover would not be sufficient - only one line of hexes would loose visibility, and there is little to no desired 3 hex scenery.
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jonny rust

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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2011, 06:25:15 pm »

No, Fallout graphics make it hard to even think about such feature.

Unlike tactics, most of fallout scenery was not done with anything similar in mind, and also any 1hex cover would not be sufficient - only one line of hexes would loose visibility, and there is little to no desired 3 hex scenery.

there are lots of car wrecks and there could be more to make this viable, also once we go 3D it will be possible to crouch or go prone behind rocks falls and such.

also a barrel is one hex and is sufficient to one man to hide behind.


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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2011, 07:01:00 pm »

If you know how to play You dont need any "take cover", You just know how to use walls and other map elements to ambush Your enemies.
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jonny rust

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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2011, 07:09:15 pm »

If you know how to play You dont need any "take cover", You just know how to use walls and other map elements to ambush Your enemies.

right, that's knowing how to play under current conditions, adding another dimension like taking cover would meaning adding and learning new ways to play.

So your saying, don't fuck with tradition?


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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2011, 07:11:07 pm »

Im saying that any sneaker with LSW will kill You from behind becouse You have to low HP to survive atack and no "cover" system will change it!
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jonny rust

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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2011, 07:16:38 pm »

so? flanking is an important tactic and if you have your flank properly covered then it could be avoided.

I dont see why anyone should survive a pointblank burst from an LSW, it makes no sense. Just make sure you don't end up in that position...


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Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2011, 08:12:06 pm »

    You can have fair fight with LSW sneaker even if you have sniper rifle when you are mobile, know map(covers)-it is my goal, it is why I created this topic. I assume that players will change positions and covers many times to find good occasions to shot. If you make mistake you hurt but no lose immadietly.
Re: New skill "taking cover"
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2011, 08:33:18 pm »

there are lots of car wrecks and there could be more to make this viable, also once we go 3D it will be possible to crouch or go prone behind rocks falls and such.

also a barrel is one hex and is sufficient to one man to hide behind.
Just a little thing from 3d question and answers
Just in case:
We will not add Fallout: Tactics movement like crouch-walking, etc. So if such animations will be implemented, it's only a kind of "emoticon" like waving hands and such.
I think this is ok since though PvP is a big deal of the game but its an rpg.
Personally I think we need to find a higher impact for the other skills like for example speech. A char should able to use his/her speech skill and have the advantages in fallout with high speech a lot of fight was avoidable...
The only skill I would implement would be driving therefore players would need to learn to drive which should be the case since the average wastelander rarely had a car. They should learn to use and drive it.
The cover idea is nice btw but it shouldn't be skill based.
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