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Author Topic: 3D Faction tags  (Read 4352 times)

3D Faction tags
« on: July 11, 2011, 03:43:02 am »

How about ability to costumize "Marks" "Tags" for armors and maybe tatoos or even flags? :)

A faction has ability of sending a picture of defined size and weight (very small and undetailed i guess), and then they are acceped or not by GMs (They must fit into the game) and later added by devs with next update or something? :)


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Re: 3D Faction tags
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2011, 05:18:54 am »

Yea, good idea, I always dreamed about Chosen Soldiers sign on my back :) (on armors). Or even flag of faction while it is under control this faction (for example at Marcus building in Broken Hills).


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Re: 3D Faction tags
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2011, 06:30:37 am »

Yeah I really like this idea  :D


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Re: 3D Faction tags
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2011, 09:32:25 am »

Hmmm shouldn't be a problem if you provide the textures, many mods with multiplayer clans/gangs do it like that.
About the problem with the distribution of those Armors or Items: It think a place in the factions base, for example the faction terminal, allows you to craft those armors with your tag if you have an existing armor that will be used up in that progress (the armor needs 0% det to counter ABUZE).

Only problem i still see: If it is done like this, we will have 1000 of additional item-IDs ingame for each faction and for each kind of armor, what wouldn't be good.
Also you would still need someone who implements tagged armors. Not a good job in this community as gangs come and go and trolls are everywhere.


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Re: 3D Faction tags
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2011, 10:45:50 am »

It already has been suggested a hundred times before, use the search function. As for people sending in their pictures and GMs needing to shuffle throug dozens of inane l0lz 0mG pr0kill0r tags - this is very doubtful. You'll probably be able to customize your characterdescription after wipe, though.


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Re: 3D Faction tags
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2011, 11:32:01 am »

Such a tag / sign would be so small on the model, you can't recognize it anyway.


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Re: 3D Faction tags
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2011, 12:31:34 pm »

If the players want it, it isn't hard to implement, and it wouldn't hurt balance, then I see no reason why not to add it. Even if this image is barely visible, it would still make some difference between factions.


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Re: 3D Faction tags
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2011, 12:47:36 pm »

And then you lose the armor and someone else wears it and says he is from your faction. Effect nullified.

Also it would soon end in we having to add lots of new armors and new and more and more new. Urg.
Re: 3D Faction tags
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2011, 12:57:24 pm »

Have to say Lexx is right it would bring more work then it would pay off especially if the armor is used then losing it would mean others can impersonate that faction (wouldn't make sense if the tag would disappear).
Also who would decide which tag is ok and which not, it would give a lot of work toward the Gms and/or devs.


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Re: 3D Faction tags
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2011, 01:28:11 pm »

but at least TC flags will be nice
Re: 3D Faction tags
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2011, 01:57:56 pm »

If there's enough texture variations in the armour / clothing, then your gang all agrees to wear a uniform of sorts (i.e. all wear red helmets and grey armour with red trousers). Bear in mind the layers for helmet, clothes, alternative upper or lower clothing etc. A few variations of each would give a lot of combinations. If someone else steals your armour / copies your look, you kill them.


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Re: 3D Faction tags
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2011, 02:19:10 pm »

And then you lose the armor and someone else wears it and says he is from your faction.

I'm finding it somewhat cool.


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Re: 3D Faction tags
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2011, 02:58:06 pm »

Yea, good idea, I always dreamed about Chosen Soldiers sign on my back :) (on armors). Or even flag of faction while it is under control this faction (for example at Marcus building in Broken Hills).

I'm sure you would use it with your barter-looter-crafter alts aswell.
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Re: 3D Faction tags
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2011, 08:28:11 pm »

And then you lose the armor and someone else wears it and says he is from your faction. Effect nullified.

I'm finding it somewhat cool.

Using a disguise might work in movies or in singleplayer games. But not in FOnline. Because in FOnline, if you saw the character "alt#756" wearing an armor with your faction logo, you could alt-tab to the gang IRC channel, ask "who is alt#756?", get "enemy keel" as an answer, and then shoot alt#756 dead.


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Re: 3D Faction tags
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2011, 08:32:59 pm »

Using a disguise might work in movies or in singleplayer games. But not in FOnline. Because in FOnline, if you saw the character "alt#756" wearing an armor with your faction logo, you could alt-tab to the gang IRC channel, ask "who is alt#756?", get "enemy keel" as an answer, and then shoot alt#756 dead.

Which isn't very different from :

*grab radio* "Wasn't Max KIA last week? -Yeah why? *minigun sound* -Nothing important"
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

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