Encounters yes, cities no.
I was thinking about encounters designed for cars, as some motorized raiders encounter the car and pursue it.
And that's how it should work:
The encounter resembles a static map, with the road and static car in the middle, surrounded by static raiders on bikes, basically, as if you were driving on a road, with raiders following you.
The map is drawn to suggest speed, with blurry tiles, with one road.
To imitate movement, particles, like cacti, stones, car wrecks, road cracks, posts, are zooming by in one direction, technically, like projectiles sprites. (NorthEast)
Then, the driver is a part of the car, with Action Points. They can be spent to move the car to the SouthWest, to the escape area, or, to the Raiders in the NorthEast, so his passengers can shoot them.
The car can move those two directions, or, change between three lanes, which consumes APs, too.
Ocassionally, a obstacle warning will appear, demanding the driver to change the lane.
That will depend on his "driver skill" and draw the car' HP if the maneouver was unsuccesful, also, adding AP to the pursuers.
This is more easier solution than developing all these things we saw in Tactics AND it will be original.