Author Topic: FO: Desert Europe  (Read 194719 times)

Offline Senocular

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #525 on: April 11, 2013, 04:20:37 pm »
Reaching 40 lvl on one char equals to lvling 232,5 alts to 29 lvl. Seems like a good idea...
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Offline Stration

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #526 on: April 11, 2013, 04:35:30 pm »
- no one has a lvl 40. Maximum character is something about 33-34 lvl (1 char)

Oh, so things such as this bug report are due to players trying to equip items they cannot yet equip rather than anything else? Fair enough.

And really, please update as soon as possible.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 04:39:02 pm by Stration »

Offline Jenova

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #527 on: April 11, 2013, 05:17:18 pm »

Also at the level:
• 36 lvl unlocks your Special Slot

Offline Stration

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #528 on: April 11, 2013, 05:30:42 pm »
This article is inaccurate. For example, it tells me that I need 411000 experience points to reach level 30 which is NOT true. You might want to double-check the numbers. All of them.

Offline Jenova

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #529 on: April 11, 2013, 05:39:42 pm »
Yeap, seems like there was some glitch on level 30. Thanks for pointing that out.  :)

Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #530 on: April 12, 2013, 08:35:37 pm »
No perk at level 1.

And you can level up very good. My opinion at least.
3 lvl - 1 perk
6 - 2
9 - 3
12 - 4
15 - 5
18 - 6
21 - 7
24 - 8

So 24 lvl = 8 perks, 21 - 7 perks.

Offline Stration

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #531 on: April 15, 2013, 08:15:16 pm »

An epic story in which one man has to fight against the whole crafting system, but finally prevails... or does he?

« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 11:48:57 pm by Stration »

Offline xsarq

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #532 on: April 15, 2013, 08:21:26 pm »
cool story bro

No really - it was interesting read, But i think you made some missplays. Like your mining alt shoud have been preperated to carry a lot. And coudn`t you just buy fire gecko skins from shop or other player?
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Offline Jenova

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #533 on: April 15, 2013, 08:22:17 pm »
I'm glad you did not feel to lazy to give the craft a try. :)

After all, if THEY, or their friends, need any good item, they just spawn a special trader that sells it for caps (for caps mind you - not for free! - this way it's not GM/dev abuse! haha, right...).
You should read the replies about that. This trader was there for pure test purposes, and is removed already. But you might just overseen that. :)

Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #534 on: April 15, 2013, 08:27:32 pm »
Exaggerates badly

I wonder how you managed to survive in 2238 in the first place if you already crying at a much easier crafting system that's fairly easy to handle.
Mouse skins are like trash, I found like tons of them without even actively searching for them. Worse then grinding BP's lol.... stop exaggerating .
And that trader was unintended and promptly removed after first people complained, so why the rant ?
*geez* ::)
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Offline Stration

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #535 on: April 15, 2013, 08:28:11 pm »
your mining alt shoud have been preperated to carry a lot. And coudn`t you just buy fire gecko skins from shop or other player?
I was prepared to carry a lot. Nearly all my non-PvP chars have 10 points of Strength. That's why I managed to actually craft the parts despite the enormous weight of all that ore combined.

As for fire gecko pelts, they are not available from shops, obviously; otherwise, I'd have simply bought them. And as for getting them from other players... how the hell could anyone have one of these when it's impossible to get Fire Gecko Skinning? You haven't read the whole thing, have you?
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 08:44:09 pm by Stration »

Offline Stration

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #536 on: April 15, 2013, 08:30:52 pm »
crying at a much easier crafting system
Oh, yes, it's very easy to craft all you need all right... as long as you just need shovels.

Mouse skins are like trash, I found like tons of them
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 08:34:24 pm by Stration »

Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #537 on: April 15, 2013, 09:30:29 pm »
Most of the things you are being QQing at here are temporary bugs that will be fixed for sure, as the heavy rare ores and the mouse skin availability .
And yea it's much easier to craft. Get a proper crafting alt and all you need to to is getting some crafting experience to remember all the places and proper ressourcing skill. No cuntish months-grindsome BP's nor professions . And no unsafe advanced cuntbenches that you need to carry heavy materials on your crafter to.

And yea riiiiight, I have quite some, and no, they don't have a 0,1% spawning chance, actually they have fixed spawns like all of the encounter items . Don't be so sarcastically once in a time and get that ass to work
*geez* ::)
Its supposed to be fun, which includes a friendly and helpful community of players.

Offline Stration

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #538 on: April 15, 2013, 09:53:18 pm »
Nobody is QQing here, unless, perhaps, you are.

I was telling a story. The story that is, as a matter of fact, 100% true. That's it.

temporary bugs that will be fixed for sure, as the heavy rare ores and the mouse skin availability .
[Citation needed]

And yea it's much easier to craft. No cuntish months-grindsome BP's nor professions . And no unsafe advanced cuntbenches that you need to carry heavy materials on your crafter to. Get a proper crafting alt and all you need to to is getting some crafting experience to remember all the places and proper ressourcing skill.
Dude, you have no idea who you're talking to here. I already have maps of ALL mines with all 9 different types of deposits marked on them. Maps I've made myself and will probably share in ~2 months or so if I'm still playing the game. I figured out the approximate respawn times for every single one of the resources too. As for my crafting experience, be informed that I have crafted more items on various FOnline servers than you have ever SEEN.

And STILL, with all that, I *CANNOT* craft a single CA MK2, because I don't have 10 incredibly rare, nearly impossible-to-get pieces of trash that I need to complete some silly quest which happens to be the first quest in a long chain of quests that, if finished successfully, will allow me to obtain fire gecko pelts which I need for the fucking armor.

Therefore, DON'T YOU DARE tell me that crafting on FO: DE is quick & easy. It's not. Crafting noob items, yes. It's dead easy. Crafting advanced items, no. It's not fucking easy. In some cases, it's outright IMPOSSIBLE, and it's that way for the STUPIDEST reasons possible. Wasting my life looking for 10 nigh non-existent mouse skins so that I can craft high-end gear later on MY ASS. It doesn't make the LEAST bit of sense. I'd rather give that fucking peasant 10,000 caps than spend a week running around like a retard, looking for the legendary and elusive bloody mouse skins he wants.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 10:19:02 pm by Stration »

Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #539 on: April 18, 2013, 11:54:49 pm »
The mouse hides weren't hard to find at all, you just need to get them from the ground in some encounters. Bearline guards and NEC or REF encounters have them.
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