Author Topic: FO: Desert Europe  (Read 191941 times)

Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #510 on: March 29, 2013, 09:35:30 pm »
We're excited to announce that we have moved to new forum software that will be more user-friendly.
Also we are fixing and updating the game every day. Visit our new website at : and stay tuned for further info!

Offline Jenova

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Special weekend offer for joining
« Reply #511 on: April 09, 2013, 12:00:01 pm »
FOnline: Desert Europe currently is in open alpha / beta stage and needs more players to join the great war between the New European Commonwealth and the Royal East Federation!
To wake your interest we make a special offer to you.
Every player who registers within the next weekend will be granted a random beginning bonus. One of the participants will be chosen to get a permanent stat buffer.
We hope that some of you who haven't tried FOnline: Desert Europe yet will be satisfied and positive surprised.
Every participant of this event must send a personal message to the developers team.
If you don't write to developers you cannot obtain your starting pack.

Also check our new website to inform yourself about the latest changes, fixes and more!
The FOnline: Desert Europe Team

Re: Special weekend offer for joining
« Reply #512 on: April 09, 2013, 12:10:49 pm »
Also check our new website to inform yourself about the latest changes, fixes and more!
I preffer old forum, my eyes just bleeding when i am looking to new forum design *(

Offline xsarq

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #513 on: April 09, 2013, 12:13:55 pm »
Might consider trying it but not really sure:

Can we run in combat on your server, is there turn based combat?
What is the level cap?
Are there many quests, stuff to do for begginner?
Are high tier weaponry obtainable by players?
Can we craft lockers like here? Can we craft at all?

Scamers: Grimmi
Beware of trading with this person.

Offline Jenova

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #514 on: April 09, 2013, 12:18:28 pm »
I preffer old forum, my eyes just bleeding when i am looking to new forum design *(
You can get used to forum layout quickly. It's really user-friendly.

Might consider trying it but not really sure:

Can we run in combat on your server, is there turn based combat?
What is the level cap?
Are there many quests, stuff to do for begginner?
Are high tier weaponry obtainable by players?
Can we craft lockers like here? Can we craft at all?
For a short answer:
Yes, running in combat is possible. There is also turn based combat (and one TB-PvP town too).
The level cap is 40.
Right now there are only a few quests, but there are more in work. But for beginners there is still much to do till then.
Yes, players can get good weapons, but you need much afford to get them.
And yes again, lockers will be possible to make, and yes, you can craft. Crafting system in FODE is very extended.

Offline xsarq

  • You Can't Kill What's Already Dead
Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #515 on: April 09, 2013, 12:23:39 pm »
thanks for really quick answers i shoud probably at least try this one.
Scamers: Grimmi
Beware of trading with this person.

Offline Stration

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« Reply #516 on: April 09, 2013, 07:34:29 pm »
A handful of facts about FO: DE...

- You can level up very fast.
- Map traveling speed is great. You can get where you want very quickly even without a car.
- There's a trait that allows you to start with very high outdoorsman, which is great for new players that want to explore the world.
- There are tons of shops everywhere, and they accept pretty much every single item there is.
- In order to get a safe place to store your gear in, you just need to find a shovel and use it in a random encounter. Quick & painless.

As you can see, the game is very friendly to new players. Let's talk about some other aspects now...

- Acquiring good gear requires approximately ten times the amount of grind that FO: 2238 requires.
- You will die of old age before you get enough stuff to do PvP.
- Farming encounters for gear is pretty much impossible without a large group. If you don't have a faction to back you up, you can forget about farming anything better than radscorpion tails.
- Some encounters are bugged and will cause NPCs from your faction to shoot at you for no reason as soon as you enter (e.g. the NEC veterans and radscorpions encounter in Zone 1:1 does that consistently); there's no way of avoiding these - you are bound to get one at some point.
- Some encounters feature critters that have a 100% chance of achieving a critical hit (e.g. psycho ghouls).
- For all practical purposes, you can only craft shovel-tier items.

In its current state, FO: DE is fun for a day or two, but then it turns into endless grind that's about three times worse than FO: 2238. Unlike FO: 2238, however, the server DOES show a lot of promise, and I will definitely be monitoring the progress that its developers make.

If you're on the fence about giving FO: DE a shot, I'd say go for it, but only if you have a group of people to play with, and a LOT of time on your hands. Otherwise, it's completely pointless.

BTW, let me make a few loose comments:

- The new layout of the FO: DE forum is almost as obnoxious as the layout of the forum I'm posting this comment on. That means it's terrible.
- Offering to give a bonus to new players that the players you already have will not receive is perhaps not the best idea ever. I'm pretty sure more people will quit because of it than join.

Re: ↓
« Reply #517 on: April 09, 2013, 08:22:01 pm »
--->FODE GUIDE<---
EDITED 09.04.2013

Re: ↓
« Reply #518 on: April 09, 2013, 10:01:47 pm »
- Map traveling speed is great. You can get where you want very quickly even without a car.
Speed will be reduced as the server will develop. Now it is only made ​​for easier play

- Acquiring good gear requires approximately ten times the amount of grind that FO: 2238 requires.
- You will die of old age before you get enough stuff to do PvP.
What a pleasure when gain the best stuff on the first day? :)
Know about crafting that is heavy but do not close it. We wait all the time for suggestions about balance craft and weapons and every day we something change as suggested by players. We do not make the server for us but only for players. We base on the experience of other players and their knowledge. Everyone with us has a right voices and We count with each voice.

- Farming encounters for gear is pretty much impossible without a large group. If you don't have a faction to back you up, you can forget about farming anything better than radscorpion tails.
...please :) besides being a "dev" I play daily (for test and look bugs) a little on the normal SG char. Now have 20 lvl ..and little bit HP and in within an hour myself am able gather a lot of weapons from some encounters. Do not believe me? I invite you to joint expedition :)

- Some encounters are bugged and will cause NPCs from your faction to shoot at you for no reason as soon as you enter (e.g. the NEC veterans and radscorpions encounter in Zone 1:1 does that consistently); there's no way of avoiding these - you are bound to get one at some point.
if so... this is only bug in game and thanks for report. We will try to fix it as soon as possible.

- Some encounters feature critters that have a 100% chance of achieving a critical hit (e.g. psycho ghouls).
Still the same :) We have a long ago expounded on the forum. This is specially and only in one place. Dead belt on the map (between Moscow and the Town station) has only a 10% chance of safe transition. Suggest using the transport train from Moscow to the town station. Ghouls in the future will be replaced to something else.

And once again ... This server is not made ​​for us, but for the players. So as someone sees some things that can be changed to make the game more enjoyable we waiting for suggestions. FODE future in the hands of players.


Offline Stration

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #519 on: April 11, 2013, 02:47:08 pm »

Click the spoiler at your own risk.

Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #520 on: April 11, 2013, 03:06:43 pm »

Click the spoiler at your own risk.

Sure is difficult get next level but this is a good option for those who want invest in their character.
It's better than no development after 24 lvl from FODE GUIDE

Max lvl: 40
Perk: Latest perk at 24 level (max 7 perks)

From 1 to 29 lvl each lvl give:
• every 3 lvl you get 1 perk
• skill points to use= 5 + 2x INTELLIGENCE
• points HP= 2 + 4x LIFEGIVER + ENDURANCE /2

From 30 to 34 lvl each lvl give:
• +1 to all resistance
• skill points to use= 5 + 4x INTELLIGENCE
• skill points to use with Trait Skilled= 2x 5 + 4x INTELLIGENCE
• points HP= 6 + 4x LIFEGIVER + ENDURANCE /2

From 32 to 34 lvl each lvl give:
• +1 to armor class, normal absorb and critical chance

From 35 to 39 lvl each lvl give:
• +3 to radiation resistance, poison resistance, healing rate, armor class
• +1000 grams to carry weight
• +1 to all resistance, normal absorb and critical chance
• points HP= 2 + LIFEGIVER(1 perk=1, 2 perk=2) + ENDURANCE /2

Also at the level:
• 35 lvl +8000 grams to carry weight
• 36 lvl unlocks your Special Slot
• 37 lvl unlocks your Red Implant Slot
• 38 lvl unlocks your Green Implant Slot
• 39 lvl unlocks your Blue Implant Slot

Offline kompreSor

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #521 on: April 11, 2013, 03:30:19 pm »
Perk: Latest perk at 24 level (max 7 perks)
Haha 24 / 3 = 8... muahaha

Offline Stration

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #522 on: April 11, 2013, 03:40:19 pm »

Click the spoiler at your own risk.
Sure is difficult get next level but this is a good option for those who want invest in their character.
Why are you hiding such important information from players though?

Also, how many experience points do I need in total to reach level 31? 1,200,000? What about level 40? Would that be something around 4,000,000?

BTW, when was the server last wiped? A month ago? Some entries on your forum/bug tracker clearly indicate there are players around who have multiple level 40 characters, which is really odd considering the enormously high XP thresholds for levels above 29. I can smell a familiar smell here, the smell of GM/dev abuse that all FO: 2238 players know so well. It's a very faint smell this time, and I might be wrong about it, but it's all rather interesting.

That said, Desert Europe is by far the best FOnline server at the moment – at least for non-Russians – so I'll probably stick around regardless of all the shenanigans.

EDIT: This is completely unrelated, but before I forget to ask – why is it so hard to find broc flowers & xander roots? I only get about 1 per 5 encounters max.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 03:44:38 pm by Stration »

Offline Jenova

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Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #523 on: April 11, 2013, 03:44:16 pm »
Haha 24 / 3 = 8... muahaha
No perk at level 1.

And you can level up very good. My opinion at least.

Re: FO: Desert Europe
« Reply #524 on: April 11, 2013, 04:14:45 pm »
Sure is difficult get next level but this is a good option for those who want invest in their character.
Why are you hiding such important information from players though?

Also, how many experience points do I need in total to reach level 31? 1,200,000? What about level 40? Would that be something around 4,000,000?

BTW, when was the server last wiped? A month ago? Some entries on your forum/bug tracker clearly indicate there are players around who have multiple level 40 characters, which is really odd considering the enormously high XP thresholds for levels above 29. I can smell a familiar smell here, the smell of GM/dev abuse that all FO: 2238 players know so well. It's a very faint smell this time, and I might be wrong about it, but it's all rather interesting.

That said, Desert Europe is by far the best FOnline server at the moment – at least for non-Russians – so I'll probably stick around regardless of all the shenanigans.

EDIT: This is completely unrelated, but before I forget to ask – why is it so hard to find broc flowers & xander roots? I only get about 1 per 5 encounters max.

- some info about server is added progressively to the forum (or fode guide). There's a lot to describe in one day and besides writing we also have lot of other things associated with server.

- 29 lvl ~400,000 exp
- 40 lvl ~93,000,000 exp

- no one has a lvl 40. Maximum character is something about 33-34 lvl (1 char)

- nobody (of the active in game developers) improve statistics other players

- write in suggestions info about a small amount of flowers