Hello wastelanders,
i want to collect list of all activities you could do in Fonline 2238. Not only current one, but all activites that were possible in past eras, but because of game evolution and balancing, they are not possible to do in current era. I dont want to judge them. I.e. Player killing is also kind of enjoyable activity (for one side of course), but judging is not purpose of this thread. Purpose is to create a list of activities, find out if they are possible now. If they are possible, find out if they are still enjoyable. If they are not, why not and try to find solutions.
Of course i dont mean particular activity like traveling between cities, reloading weapons, buying stuff from NPC trader. But i mean discovering locations, crafting and maintaining weapons and exploring the best price in NPC traders. Of course, we dont have to focuse on common activities, like town capture, leveling, crafting, but if you miss some entertaining part of that activity, that was already implemented some era before, you could write it.
I think that this could help developers to reactivate any of past activities with minimal effort, because a lot of work was already done. Becase betatest and gamedevelopemnt is not only about integrating new functions, but it is also about cultivating current features. I hope that this thread could bring new or hold current players on the server.
For this purpose, i want to create kind of form of answers.
1) name of the behaviour
2) little description of behaviour
3) statement about active/passive status of that activity
4) reason of passive status/reason why that activity is not entertaining anymore
5) possible solution
1) Brahmin trading
2) I remember that in first era, there was a group of players that liked to trade brahmins. Catch them and sell them, or buy them and sell them in other city. It was risky, cause of PKs, but they enjoeyd that.
3) Passive.
4) You can more easily obtain caps from different sources. Traveling across wasteland is slower. Different source of meat for drugs. I think that stables in cities do not work (but i am not exactly sure).
5) Balance economy that people have to get more caps from more sophisticated actions, rahter then harvesting broken stuff and selling it to npc traders. Set the higher reward for longer distances you have to travel with brahmins (and disable their possibility of transportation in cars, trains..). Create relation between outdoorsman skill and amount of brahmins you could find in encounter. Make encounters with huge number of brahmins (5, 10, 15, 20 ..) = herds, but not on one static world map square, but let them travel on world map. Implement some active behaviour (not passive like outdoorsman skill) you have to done, if you want to find this herd. (Herd of brahmin = shits on ground, if you find a lot of shits on ground when you jump from world map to random laction, that means you are very close the herd of brahmins). Maybe activate some quest or trade group in NCR, there is ranch at left side of map... (but this is not neccesary).
Remember, maps are done, brahmins too, you dont need to anything more than few? scripts.