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Do you miss any of past activity you could not do in current era?

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Author Topic: List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238  (Read 2766 times)


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List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238
« on: June 12, 2011, 03:43:32 pm »

 Hello wastelanders,
 i want to collect list of all activities you could do in Fonline 2238. Not only current one, but all activites that were possible in past eras, but because of game evolution and balancing, they are not possible to do in current era. I dont want to judge them. I.e. Player killing is also kind of enjoyable activity (for one side of course), but judging is not purpose of this thread. Purpose is to create a list of activities, find out if they are possible now. If they are possible, find out if they are still enjoyable. If they are not, why not and try to find solutions.

 Of course i dont mean particular activity like traveling between cities, reloading weapons, buying stuff from NPC trader. But i mean discovering locations, crafting and maintaining weapons and exploring the best price in NPC traders. Of course, we dont have to focuse on common activities, like town capture, leveling, crafting, but if you miss some entertaining part of that activity, that was already implemented some era before, you could write it.

 I think that this could help developers to reactivate any of past activities with minimal effort, because a lot of work was already done. Becase betatest and gamedevelopemnt is not only about integrating new functions, but it is also about cultivating current features. I hope that this thread could bring new or hold current players on the server.

 For this purpose, i want to create kind of form of answers.

 1) name of the behaviour
 2) little description of behaviour
 3) statement about active/passive status of that activity
 4) reason of passive status/reason why that activity is not entertaining anymore
 5) possible solution


 1) Brahmin trading
 2) I remember that in first era, there was a group of players that liked to trade brahmins. Catch them and sell them, or buy them and sell them in other city. It was risky, cause of PKs, but they enjoeyd that.
 3) Passive.
 4) You can more easily obtain caps from different sources. Traveling across wasteland is slower. Different source of meat for drugs. I think that stables in cities do not work (but i am not exactly sure).
 5) Balance economy that people have to get more caps from more sophisticated actions, rahter then harvesting broken stuff and selling it to npc traders. Set the higher reward for longer distances you have to travel with brahmins (and disable their possibility of transportation in cars, trains..). Create relation between outdoorsman skill and amount of brahmins you could find in encounter. Make encounters with huge number of brahmins (5, 10, 15, 20 ..) = herds, but not on one static world map square, but let them travel on world map. Implement some active behaviour (not passive like outdoorsman skill) you have to done, if you want to find this herd. (Herd of brahmin = shits on ground, if you find a lot of shits on ground when you jump from world map to random laction, that means you are very close the herd of brahmins). Maybe activate some quest or trade group in NCR, there is ranch at left side of map... (but this is not neccesary).

 Remember, maps are done, brahmins too, you dont need to anything more than few? scripts.
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Re: List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2011, 03:43:47 pm »


 Brahmin trading
« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 11:03:22 am by Lordus »
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Re: List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2011, 06:05:54 pm »

If something is supposed to give caps, then it better be the best source of caps or nothing. Players do what's most profitable, at this moment pickpicketing BoS is most profitable way of getting caps apart from tc. If you want players to herd brahmins, the reward needs to be either one of the best in game or somehow unique (special items or some sort of reputation). Otherwise the whole feature is just abandoned by majority because it simply isn't worth it.

Another thing that raised my attention is seeking those brahmins from encounters. I think that's bad for gameplay and player interaction. Players need to gtfo from worldmap and encounters and go to places like unsafe mines and cities and themepark. There could be small brahmin grazing ground-maps where brahmins would occasionally spawn and players could come and try to catch them.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2011, 08:00:05 pm »

-get slaves
-set to agressive
-leave at random towns


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Re: List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2011, 08:04:02 pm »

There could be small brahmin grazing ground-maps where brahmins would occasionally spawn and players could come and try to catch them.

Yeah, blue-pk grounds. I like that. You get +1 karma in real world for each blue kill, so its okay.

Slaving is actually pretty enjoyable, but then... what to do with those slaves? Sell them for 100$? Bad.


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Re: List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2011, 11:12:39 am »

1) Speleology
2) Players visited and explored caves. Reason is stuff, find out what kind of npcs are there, killing for XP.
3) Passive
4) No more good stuff in caves, there is nothing to explore, no need to enter caves if you want kill high xp enemies.
5) Paradoxical, you can get more XP for killing less dangerous critters. Respectively, critters like centaurs are dangerous, but because you can easily kill them on plain maps (just run around them and fire), why to enter caves and challenge deathclaws in area, that is very dangerous (because you cant run away from them if you are in combat mode). On other servers, you have to use your players (not avatar) skill to protect yourself against enemy in caves, there are tricks.. and you are awarded by bigger number of xp. Maybe this could be same way. More XP from critters depends also on location of that critter.

 Also some possibility of finding of some pre war stuff in caves would be welcomed, it does not have to be finest weapons, maybe some collector items would be enough.

If something is supposed to give caps, then it better be the best source of caps or nothing. Players do what's most profitable, at this moment pickpicketing BoS is most profitable way of getting caps apart from tc. If you want players to herd brahmins, the reward needs to be either one of the best in game or somehow unique (special items or some sort of reputation). Otherwise the whole feature is just abandoned by majority because it simply isn't worth it.

 It does not matter what kind of reward you get, but sad is, that this part of game, this activity is dead now, even it worked, everything (maps, brahmins, brahmin traders,...) is already done and implemented. It needs only to balance some mechanics, not to invent something new.

Another thing that raised my attention is seeking those brahmins from encounters. I think that's bad for gameplay and player interaction. Players need to gtfo from worldmap and encounters and go to places like unsafe mines and cities and themepark. There could be small brahmin grazing ground-maps where brahmins would occasionally spawn and players could come and try to catch them.

 Players would have to go to unguarded locations and sell there their brahmin herds.. It is, or until on this server were PKs in northern cities, it was very risky. Also imagine situation. Some good outdoorsman skill player would try to stalk brahmins. Even he would have a hight outdoorsman skill (passive avatar ability), he would need ot find the best place by repeated enetering from world map to random location. If they would notice brahmin shits (= active player behave), they would realize, that they are in squares, where is brahmin herd, so he would only to find (by entering random locations) where exactly is this herd in that world map square (= it is risky, you could meet raiders, geckons...). If he would find that herd, he could call friends by radio (= players interaction), then you have to sell it in cities (= players interaction), or kill it,... .

 Also i think that you could use your stables in bases to collect more brahmins (over the lcharisma imit of your actual NPC mercs,slave limit).
« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 11:24:45 am by Lordus »
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Re: List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2011, 01:14:35 pm »

Brahmin trading is something I want back. For the danger element - well, you have the trader in Modoc. Could also limit the squares where tamable brahmin occur, so there is more chance of brahmin herders coming together on the WM. Suppose its mostly there, just need to increase the reward.

I forget, what is Modoc TC status at the moment?

For caves, we are putting other things in there - Blueprints being one. They could really do with the critters not being so easy though :/

Also, for XP, we need the XP equation, then critter stats will generate appropriate XP for each kill.
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Re: List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2011, 05:39:00 pm »

What i always find most exciting are trips to former high tech places like Glow, Mariposa and so on.

1) "Caverun" at Glow, Mariposa, Vaults
2) find a group of some players and get to the place, see what you can exlore, loot or kill
3) theres no reason against doing this, but if you visited the place few times you have seen everything.
4) as in 3), after sometime you know the place and it becomes less attractive
5) Solutions? Maybe change the enemies and loot in Glow from time to time, from hard to super-hardcore.
    Glow is too easy right now, and it does not offer special action or stuff that makes people want to travel
    all the way south to glow.

That blueprint thing sounds better and better the more i hear about it. Maybe Glow becomes one of the spots
where you can randomly find them aswell ;)


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Re: List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2011, 07:13:38 pm »

Brahmin trading is something I want back. For the danger element - well, you have the trader in Modoc. Could also limit the squares where tamable brahmin occur, so there is more chance of brahmin herders coming together on the WM. Suppose its mostly there, just need to increase the reward.

Remember that if you increase the reward in caps too much it will bypass other similar activities. You could even make it so that all brahmins that are sold to modoc give some caps to the dealer and add some meat jerky in the tc locker. 

I forget, what is Modoc TC status at the moment?

Depending on what you mean, it's not very wanted town. Seems that towns with militia are most desired.

For caves, we are putting other things in there - Blueprints being one. They could really do with the critters not being so easy though :/

Caves are highly abusable. Run in and out, FA, activate mercs on enemy, run out of cave taking mercs with you and the list goes on. Not sure if it's good for player interaction to encourage players to search caves alone in wasteland where they unlikely meet anyone else.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2011, 02:22:22 am »

What i always find most exciting are trips to former high tech places like Glow, Mariposa and so on.

1) "Caverun" at Glow, Mariposa, Vaults
Similar. I miss having to go to SAD and fighting players down in the bowels of the place as doctors and SG-crafters brought their better-armed friends to protect them as they crafted, was fairly fun.
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Re: List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2011, 03:03:14 am »

Similar. I miss having to go to SAD and fighting players down in the bowels of the place as doctors and SG-crafters brought their better-armed friends to protect them as they crafted, was fairly fun.

i heard this kind of things will be there after wipe with special workbenches ;p
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Re: List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2011, 09:18:17 am »

One of my favorite activities no longer possible, was stealing crafter's books from them while at public workbenches ;D

« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 11:42:41 am by aForcefulThrust »


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Re: List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2011, 11:27:42 am »

need more dunegons/instants,
the reward in it should be random and potentially very valuable, it should be hard and demanding

4 example look at stranded shipp its cool, the idea, concept, but reawrd is crappy, and when u do it once there is no good reason to do it again. There is a lot of unused potential in it.

there should be smaller instants/dungeons for lower level players too


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Re: List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2011, 01:13:33 pm »

Depending on what you mean, it's not very wanted town. Seems that towns with militia are most desired

I mean what TC Rules are in effect there. Are Militia always there, because that would ruin Brahmin herding.

Similar. I miss having to go to SAD and fighting players down in the bowels of the place as doctors and SG-crafters brought their better-armed friends to protect them as they crafted, was fairly fun.

Yes, as said above, the higher tech things will use fancy workbenches. These will be in SAD, Mariposa etc and unguarded.

Before the outcry from non PvP players, there will also be a way to earn access to NPC controlled benches, so you don't have to risk it - its just quicker if you do. (There will also be PvE ways to go and mine HQ materials too).
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Re: List of possible enjoyable activities in 2238
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2011, 01:33:03 pm »

I mean what TC Rules are in effect there. Are Militia always there, because that would ruin Brahmin herding.

Not at all, militia isn't available there.
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