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Author Topic: Question to developpers  (Read 12094 times)

Re: Question to developpers
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2011, 07:32:35 pm »

No. Grid camping is still not allowed and grid camping was the only thing that Section8 was doing.

Define grid camping? Is it killing someone when they spawn in an instance? Is it setting traps on the world map and waiting for people to come in and kill them?

Say I want to bring some mercs with me and camp a town.... So I put mercs by town entrance where they are most effective. Is this grid camping?  

I mean come on.. How can something so easy to do be against the rules? Is it even "possible" to camp NCR mine WITHOUT gridcamping!?!?
Well now you guys know why you got shutdown at the mine, you were gridcamping. Welcome to the party!
The way people spawn in instances must be changed then...


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Re: Question to developpers
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2011, 07:54:26 pm »

Gridcamping=using mercs to camp a spawn point. Which, this is true, is very unfair and abusing of a bug.
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Re: Question to developpers
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2011, 07:56:05 pm »

Gridcamping=using mercs to camp a spawn point. Which, this is true, is very unfair and abusing of a bug.
So if it's done without mercs it's ok? If i'm just a player sitting there waiting for someone to appear to shoot them I'm no longer gridcamping bc I don't have mercs with me? That makes no sense

You should just make bringing mercs to towns against the rules instead... Because when you bring mercs on kill to town, they "gridcamp" according to you... It's actually quite HARD to bring mercs to town and NOT have them gridcamp. Like i said before.... How can something so easy to do be against the rules? Something has to change here.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2011, 08:00:45 pm by aForcefulThrust »


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Re: Question to developpers
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2011, 08:13:58 pm »

So if it's done without mercs it's ok? If i'm just a player sitting there waiting for someone to appear to shoot them I'm no longer gridcamping bc I don't have mercs with me? That makes no sense

Yes. And that make perfect sense.

You should just make bringing mercs to towns against the rules instead... Because when you bring mercs on kill to town, they "gridcamp" according to you... It's actually quite HARD to bring mercs to town and NOT have them gridcamp. Like i said before.... How can something so easy to do be against the rules? Something has to change here.
You say bullshit, towns are huge, it's easy to bring mercs far from the spawns. Also, major problem in towns is not gridcamping with mercs, it's spawn of mercs with the leader leaving just after entering, allowing to have "artillery strikes".
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

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Re: Question to developpers
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2011, 08:35:37 pm »

So I'm allowed to gridcamp as just a player... But the second I bring a merc to help me out, I'm breaking rules... We should just store our mercs in the center of town, farthest possible point from spawns. Even then, if enough players come they could start "gridcamping".
What if I enter a town with mercs on kill, and there is a player trying to "gridcamp" without mercs, just the player, "wich is OK". I've just saved my life, and unwillingly preformed an "airstrike" and broke the rules at the same time. Yes I call bullshit.

What happened to the Harsh, yet free world of Fonline I love so much? If you want to stop "airstrikes" then the spawn mechanics must be changed. If you want to stop "gridcamping", mercs kill orders or something must be changed, don't make a stupid rule about it thats almost impossible to follow when mercs have a mind of their own. Because what do we all love about Fonline? The LACK of rules compared to other MMO's!!!

So what I've learned today is, It's pretty impossible to bring mercs to town on kill, and not break the rules in some way. Something seems broken here...
« Last Edit: June 06, 2011, 08:40:40 pm by aForcefulThrust »
Re: Question to developpers
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2011, 09:12:11 pm »

So if it's done without mercs it's ok? If i'm just a player sitting there waiting for someone to appear to shoot them I'm no longer gridcamping bc I don't have mercs with me? That makes no sense

We did that too. It seems that is called camping and is also "not allowed".
Those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do!

« Kill the men, rape the women, eat the children! »  Section 8 official motto


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Re: Question to developpers
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2011, 09:13:49 pm »

Love how this thead went offtopic in less than a page.
Re: Question to developpers
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2011, 10:34:31 pm »

Gridcamping=using mercs to camp a spawn point. Which, this is true, is very unfair and abusing of a bug.
Lolno. Grid camping is camping a spawn point, doesn't matter if you use mercs or not.
Also, grid camping is not mentioned in game rules. Last time I've heard from staff that it's not allowed was like 1.5 years ago. It happens every now and again, rarely the camper gets banned/jailed/whatsoever. It rather depends on the mood of the GM.

Quote from: Eternauta
Love how this thead went offtopic in less than a page.
And your post doesn't add anything more than previous posts.


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Re: Question to developpers
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2011, 10:40:19 pm »

And they should all burn in hell for that. Game abussers!

You know, why don't the mighty devs and gm's just make the "guarded zones" into "no pvp zones". What is the purpose of reinforcements anyway? Is like having a man that didn't eat for a whole week and then give him an apple. After that, tell him not to eat it because is against the rules. Of course the guy eats it and then you tell him how wrong he was and that he is a scum. All that, when you could just not have given this guy his apple.

Section 8 just tried to have fun. If something can be done, we try it. Simple as fuck. We don't cheat and we don't use codes. We did exaclly what others did before us and what others will do after we will be gone. The problem of this game is that it has to many things that "are not allowed" but can be done very easilly. The bigger problem is that these rules are bended and followed to a point only if the dev/gm had a good night sleep or not. Sometimes you can stay in an 2 entrances location, sometimes you can't. Sometimes you can bomb people, sometimes you can't. Sometimes you can leave 40 mercs in Geko mine, sometimes you can't. Sometimes you can have mutants on auto fire, sometimes you can just have normal mercs whitch make the exaclly same thing like mutants (sorry for this, they haven't "fix" it yet). And the list could go on forever.

That's enough, I'm ragequiting! I'll go in Hinkley.


(every post from aforcefulthrust)  pretty much sums it up.

Love how this thead went offtopic in less than a page.
It isn't off-topic at all....  what the hell are you talking about?
« Last Edit: June 06, 2011, 10:42:24 pm by Michaelh139 »
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Re: Question to developpers
« Reply #24 on: June 06, 2011, 10:52:58 pm »

It isn't off-topic at all....  what the hell are you talking about?

There have been a good bunch of posts deleted.


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Re: Question to developpers
« Reply #25 on: June 06, 2011, 11:00:50 pm »

There have been a good bunch of posts deleted.
Ah, that makes sense.  Should probably delete this, yours, Kilgore's, Eternuata's, posts then as well to keep it clean...
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Re: Question to developpers
« Reply #26 on: June 06, 2011, 11:05:57 pm »

Just use common sense when judging what is and what is not grid camping. (Which, Im afraid, some people lack)
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Re: Question to developpers
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2011, 12:05:50 am »

so if we find a way for killing people in ncr we get airstrike or jail ?

(related screen, blyad) ( one of 4 ways to get control at ncr )

yea we are all beta testers and kurwa only some of us can discover major bugs EXPLOITS
for what - to loss some time, items, drugs, time, fun, drugs and time? ( im talking about ingame-dugs or real ? )

you are lucky guys, seriously - no jails/bans or any other problems ?
« Last Edit: June 07, 2011, 12:10:47 am by maszrum »


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Re: Question to developpers
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2011, 12:15:31 am »

I think you start to get away from the main subject.


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Re: Question to developpers
« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2011, 12:20:17 am »

you sure ?
ok lets stop posting becouse surf will have a lot of work here
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