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Author Topic: Turbo Plasma and YK42B Pulse Rifle  (Read 5462 times)

Turbo Plasma and YK42B Pulse Rifle
« on: June 04, 2011, 07:22:02 pm »

I think we should have Turbo plasma rifle in game.
It should be getable from some quest or special encounter...
Range should have same as normal plasma rifle.there should be some changes about dmg...
same about Pulse Rifle

                       Turbo Plasma Rifle


A modified Winchester P94 plasma rifle.
The plasma bolt chamber has been hotwired to accelerate the bolt formation process.

Damage     25 - 50
Single     AP: 4, Range: 24.
Damage type     Plasma
Ammo    Micro Fusion Cell
Ammo capacity     10
St. required     7
Type     Two-handed
Weight     7350 grams
Base price     30000 caps

                                           YK42B Pulse Rifle


The YK42B is an electrical pulse weapon that was developed by the Yuma Flats Energy Consortium.
 It is considered a far superior weapon to the YK32 pistol, having a greater charge capacity and range.

 Damage     45 - 65
Single     AP: 6, Range: 22.
Damage type     Electrical
Ammo    Micro Fusion Cell
Ammo capacity     10
St. required     7
Type     Two-handed
Weight     7082 grams
Base price     60.000 caps
« Last Edit: June 04, 2011, 08:00:47 pm by KILL N DIE »


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Turbo Plasma
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2011, 07:23:24 pm »

We don't need a shitty nerfed turbo plasma, give us the real one through same system than gauss!
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

Member of the Most Hated Faction
TTTLA, for Great Justice !
Re: Turbo Plasma
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2011, 07:25:06 pm »

We don't need a shitty nerfed turbo plasma, give us the real one through same system than gauss!
yeah i want non-nefed to but you know...'balance'...


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Re: Turbo Plasma
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2011, 07:27:22 pm »

Yey more shit than normal one :D


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Re: Turbo Plasma
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2011, 07:47:35 pm »

yeah i want non-nefed to but you know...'balance'...
your suggestion is theoricaly good, the only big dference iis the AP cost but for a critical shot you need 6AP, 5with BRoF, like a big pistol. the standar plasma rifle is able to shot 2 times too, only with 10AG and 2xAction boy, and deal more damage.
unless you change the AB perks to More Crticals, but you will only have 75% as max of criticals to the eyes, and 50% of double critical, and the standar will have 60%, with  44% of double critical. Also you need to take Better criticals, and Lifegiver.
Looks like a nice deal, but it will be like a new powerful pistol, exept for the ST requirement, most pistoleros use 4 or 5 ST, so take Weapon Handling will make you unable to take 3More Criticals, and since the range is very low you need at least 1 Lifegiver and 8END, also you need 200% or even more skill because the Plasma rifle dont have any perk (like the Laser Rifle), then youll need 6INT, but it wont be enough to boost more than 2 skills, EW and FA, so 7ST for can handle the weapon or a insanelly skill for contrarrest that is impossible. And the normal Plasma Rifle will win
Keep in count that for fight BG you need Toughness, and the Turbo Plasma Rifle build can handle 2 of them.

About the YK, nah it is useless, less power than the standar Plasma Rifle, less range and more AP, and Tesla will make the things really harsh, also all the CA have the same defense against electrical damage than plasma, and all the 1tier armors have 30% resistance, BUT it can be a nice side arm against the MA, so i will suggest to include the Pulse Pistol, (with same stats than the Laser Pistol, but 20-30dmg) not the Rifle.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2011, 07:56:03 pm by Reiniat »
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Turbo Plasma
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2011, 07:58:59 pm »

About the YK, nah it is useless, less power than the standar Plasma Rifle, less range and more AP, and Tesla will make the things really harsh, also all the CA have the same defense against electrical damage than plasma, and all the 1tier armors have 30% resistance, BUT it can be a nice side arm against the MA, so i will suggest to include the Pulse Pistol, not the Rifle.

What did you smoke? YK have the best damage of energy weapons (except alien blaster), more range than regular plasma, same AP cost, and same DR against armoured target.
But this weapon would be too deadly, while the turbo plasma is kinda at the same level than gauss pistol.

What we really need is this
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

Member of the Most Hated Faction
TTTLA, for Great Justice !
Re: Turbo Plasma
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2011, 07:59:05 pm »

your suggestion is theoricaly good, the only big dference iis the AP cost but for a critical shot you need 6AP, 5with BRoF, like a big pistol. the standar plasma rifle is able to shot 2 times too, only with 10AG and 2xAction boy, and deal more damage.
unless you change the AB perks to More Crticals, but you will only have 75% as max of criticals to the eyes, and 50% of double critical, and the standar will have 60%, with  44% of double critical. Also you need to take Better criticals, and Lifegiver.
Looks like a nice deal, but it will be like a new powerful pistol, exept for the ST requirement, most pistoleros use 4 or 5 ST, so take Weapon Handling will make you unable to take 3More Criticals, and since the range is very low you need at least 1 Lifegiver and 8END, also you need 200% or even more skill because the Plasma rifle dont have any perk (like the Laser Rifle), then youll need 6INT, but it wont be enough to boost more than 2 skills, EW and FA, so 7ST for can handle the weapon or a insanelly skill for contrarrest that is impossible. And the normal Plasma Rifle will win
Keep in count that for fight BG you need Toughness, and the Turbo Plasma Rifle build can handle 2 of them.

About the YK, nah it is useless, less power than the standar Plasma Rifle, less range and more AP, and Tesla will make the things really harsh, also all the CA have the same defense against electrical damage than plasma, and all the 1tier armors have 30% resistance, BUT it can be a nice side arm against the MA, so i will suggest to include the Pulse Pistol, (with same stats than the Laser Pistol, but 20-30dmg) not the Rifle.

Yes you right but you know,balance...those weapons shouldnt be too much powerfull...
Well i dont know about Turbo plasma...its only a idea to have new weapons in game and make it more interesting...


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Re: Turbo Plasma
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2011, 08:21:05 pm »

What did you smoke? YK have the best damage of energy weapons (except alien blaster), more range than regular plasma, same AP cost, and same DR against armoured target.
But this weapon would be too deadly, while the turbo plasma is kinda at the same level than gauss pistol.

What we really need is this
im speaking about the statistics of the creator of this post, wich are obviously nerfed for be able to get into the normal EW weaponry. and i think that your other suggestion is worthless, in my very personal point of see i hate to see guys wining battles because they have better weapons, i dont like this game becoming something like Halo3, were everyone is waiting to get the best weapon in his spawning point.
and about Kill n Die, im agree to include Turbo Plasma Rifle with the stats that you post as a 3tier craftable weapon, but the Pulse Rifle not. (maybe i dont stat this in properly way in my post)
« Last Edit: June 04, 2011, 08:23:19 pm by Reiniat »
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies
Re: Turbo Plasma
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2011, 08:25:46 pm »

Well i think about pulse rifle 1 shoot in 1 turn with this powerful weapon will be enough but if it will be so hard to get then there should be a way with 2 shoots in 1 turn...


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Turbo Plasma
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2011, 09:00:16 pm »

im speaking about the statistics of the creator of this post, wich are obviously nerfed for be able to get into the normal EW weaponry. and i think that your other suggestion is worthless, in my very personal point of see i hate to see guys wining battles because they have better weapons

Sorry, I missed that you were talking about these stats.
But still, what happen when someone with BA kill you when you have a metal? This is part of the game, better stuff means better chances. It's not only about fighting and see who done the most kill like halo. It is why it is interesting to add rare and powerful weapons into the game (like explained in the linked post).
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

Member of the Most Hated Faction
TTTLA, for Great Justice !


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Re: Turbo Plasma and YK42B Pulse Rifle
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2011, 09:22:47 pm »

the only problem with the -1 AP for the TBL will make us make a special plasmer build, and in this case we will have a new reason for alting, but in rest nice ideea

and about the pulse rifle, i prefere the pulse pistol like the gauss pistol, some PP builds transformed in pulse pistol builds(the energy version of Gauss pistol builds)



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Re: Turbo Plasma and YK42B Pulse Rifle
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2011, 04:09:44 pm »

Pulse pistol as it is was the best weapon at it's range, and you could just grab Laser Rifle to snipe stuff. No need to use plasma things.
However, as nearly all pistols have AP bonus in 2238, pulse pistol would be just upgrade to Plasma Pistol, nothing new. And that thing is already powerful as it is.
Ofcourse that death animation is unparalleled though :>.
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"This is your forum."
Re: Turbo Plasma and YK42B Pulse Rifle
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2011, 09:42:07 pm »

what about that gauss minigun from FOTacticts this would be a nice weapon i guess ^^ bam , bam , bam


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Re: Turbo Plasma and YK42B Pulse Rifle
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2011, 09:59:57 pm »

I do not understand how can simple wastelanders and "minor factions" (player factions are minor as they have no influence on Fallout history) use the same weapons as Brotherhood/Enclave/NCR.

Everybody and their grandmother are hoarding millions of caps, cars and other other shit so I guess to the person with a gang full of autominers/clickers it's an okay tradeoff to have these ingame craftable or bought. Also using the most high tier equipment doesn't gurantee your success in an online video game as does in RL(boring game). :S
Re: Turbo Plasma and YK42B Pulse Rifle
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2011, 12:42:01 am »

what about that gauss minigun from FOTacticts this would be a nice weapon i guess ^^ bam , bam , bam

Don't you remember the weapon ? It was one burst and everything died but i guess it could be balanced.

Yes i approve the idea of new rare weapons , it's exciting to fight with and against gauss , not to mention the ammo it actually feels good when you shoot someone each round like costs 2-4 k :)
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