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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Crazy Water Bag Idea.  (Read 6325 times)


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Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« on: May 29, 2011, 05:11:54 am »

I feel water bags and wells are just so underused and pointless I figured I'd think of something....

In order to travel on foot, you will require water.  Every two squares distance (Going straight "left to right") will use up a water bag.  So lets say you need to travel 10 squares, you will require 5 water bags or more.

Now, in order to keep this from being TOO harsh, as I know it is indeed very very harsh....

Travelling will not necessarily "REQUIRE" you to have water bags to keep moving.  However there will be a consequence.  The effect would be a temporary Damage to Maximum Healthpoints and maybe other effects such as lower Strength and PE.

In order to get rid of this, you must drink water, but drinking whatever for each square you didn't have water, will only relieve you of half the negative effect it cause.  In order to FULLY be rid of the dehydration effects, you must visit a doctor, saying something along the lines of feeling really weak and sick.  The Doctor will say you've had a Dehydration stroke or Heat Stroke and it'll cost x amount of caps to treat it depending on your level.    
(The reasoning behind this is that heat strokes and dehydration strokes have long-lasting health risks if left untreated, so a doctor in such an advanced time-period of technology would probably be able to treat you.)

With 150% Doctor skill, and a Auto-Doc (Which could be bought as an accessory to bases, thats my idea anyway) you can treat yourself.  ( and maybe by using the auto-doc, treat others.)  But only at bases.

BTW I forgot to add this in original post, but you should be able to refill your water bags in those rare encounters with water in them.  But that water will be radiated.  only Half of positive effects and you will be radiated by it.

Update2:  I forgot to mention cars.  Cars would work the same, they would just be faster so you would require less water.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 05:32:29 am by Michaelh139 »
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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2011, 05:20:40 am »

Hmm... I Think This Idea Isnt Very Good In Its Current State, So, If You Didnt Bring Water, You Would Be Able To Try And Find It In The Area Like In FO1. But If There Is No Water In The Area, You Will Suffer From The Defects Listed.


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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2011, 05:26:58 am »

Hmm... I Think This Idea Isnt Very Good In Its Current State, So, If You Didnt Bring Water, You Would Be Able To Try And Find It In The Area Like In FO1. But If There Is No Water In The Area, You Will Suffer From The Defects Listed.
 Thats why you prepare before you leave...  if you act like a dumbshit and run off into the wasteland without supplies you deserve to be punished xD.  It's not like water bags are hard to find and even easier to make, and water is in unlimited supply.  Also this only affects Worldmap travelling.

BTW I forgot to add this in original post, but you should be able to refill your water bags in those rare encounters with water in them.  But that water will be radiated.  only Half of positive effects and you will be radiated by it.
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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2011, 07:20:00 am »

I like the idea as long as the re-worked walking speed is a lot better.  It is also logical that one would be able to "run" more often if they carried water on them instead of going without.

Also, since one carries water, that would eliminate the need to forage for more water.  The made up time should increase ones walking speed a bit more.

Otherwise its just one more food/water idea with no visible benefits besides realism.  Realism in Fonline is avery silly/pick &choose affair.


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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2011, 07:48:40 am »

I like the idea but in case of death ? Like in BH for example ? You spawn weak and you have a long road  to do... Except if you can drink water in respawn point without any thing.

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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2011, 08:18:37 am »

I like the idea but in case of death ? Like in BH for example ? You spawn weak and you have a long road  to do... Except if you can drink water in respawn point without any thing.

Yeah drinking directly from the wells would be good if this suggestion was implemented, not everyone has the resources directly on hand in some towns to get water bags so yeah.  Since it takes a brahmin hide to make the water bag and not all towns have brahmin near them....

I like the idea as long as the re-worked walking speed is a lot better.  It is also logical that one would be able to "run" more often if they carried water on them instead of going without.

Also, since one carries water, that would eliminate the need to forage for more water.  The made up time should increase ones walking speed a bit more.

Otherwise its just one more food/water idea with no visible benefits besides realism.  Realism in Fonline is avery silly/pick &choose affair.
  Reading your post gave me an idea about outdoorsman skill.  It may not be related to what you were talking about specifically but:  Outdoorsman skill, with OD you can forage for water in your sqaure with a 3 min cooldown for each attempt.  Some places obviously would simply be devoid of water but places like cities might still have some working water.

But yes, it makes sense that with water you would have more energy and feel better and more focused when hydrated correctly, so it should make you travel a little faster.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 08:23:05 am by Michaelh139 »
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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2011, 09:38:49 am »

It's a good suggestion, but not a new one. ;)
As there is a well/waterpipe in almost every location I don't see why people could say "omfg too harsh!" either.


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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2011, 11:05:25 am »

You'd be surprised how hard it is to get to those water pipes in some locations, though, as well as the lacking thereof in some areas. (Reno doesn't have a working one I believe, and its in a very centralized location too)
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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2011, 11:08:43 am »

It's a matter of a few seconds to add them then. ;)


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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2011, 05:29:37 pm »

It's a good suggestion, but not a new one. ;)
As there is a well/waterpipe in almost every location I don't see why people could say "omfg too harsh!" either.
Lol really?  Link?  It must be an old ass thread. xD  Maybe merge this one with it.

Btw, I'm really surprised this thread hasn't been bashed yet.  Just because it makes water a necessecity. ;D
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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2011, 06:09:54 pm »

Well I personally prefer realism and I like the idea to make water important for travel. But instead of the minus to stat points though its ok.. I would suggest making loosing hp and adding a dehydrated cool down and while it is there any healing gives only 1/10 of normal healing. High outdoorsman should help in finding water giving a random chance to find water this water should be enough for one two person only so those who aren't prepared and skilled die as they should well except if they kill the guy who they followed for his water.
Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2011, 07:11:00 pm »

It would be harsh, only if you need water for two grids.

It seems unrealistic to need as water as the brahmins. You are a lot less heavier. (than a brahmin, with a trunk, full of stuff)
One water bag for 5 or 10 grids seems more suitable. (would work for followers, as well)
Also, the need of water could take the weigh you are carrying, to travel. (as you are empty at respawn, you may need less water)


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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2011, 07:15:33 pm »

As there is a well/waterpipe in almost every location I don't see why people could say "omfg too harsh!" either.

I've always thought there should be little maps all around the Wasteland with water pipes or wells, as it might encourage the use of Carts.

I like this idea too, but well it'd make the pr0 PvPs cry because they would have to get water to go to TC.


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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2011, 08:02:30 pm »

I like this idea too, but well it'd make the pr0 PvPs cry because they would have to get water to go to TC.

Well, it's probably not harder than to get SEC for your car. I don't think pr0 PvPers will be the most annoyed by this. Going from base to Reno and TC in buggy do not require much water I guess. On another hand, loners will maybe have trouble with that...
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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2011, 08:38:21 pm »

You're right, but I remember people complaining in threads about a food system and similar stuff.
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