thats sounds awsome but i there has to be limitations
Chi si ritira dalla lottaE' un gran figlio di mignotta!
Did i read that right? Make a high speech alt (already used by many for trading) go to random encounters pick up slaves...i mean loyal followers, sell to metgzer rinse and repeat for a cap farm?
Yep, or there could be a certain amount of time till another can be joined
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
You will be able to convince some npcs to join you. Though they are special npcs, not encounter guys. These npcs would be like your group of friends (you wouldn't sell them)
i have an idea also, you could offer free beer to random npcs then enslave them after they are drunk. When they wake up - they wont know what hit em!
Ask yourselves, If beer will knock someone off their feat, do you really want them watching your back?